10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (2024)

This week the new Harry Potter book, "The Cursed Child," came out, and now everyone is in full on Harry Potter mode. I work at a bookstore, so for the past week we were getting ready for the release of the book, stocking up on Harry Potter supplies for all of the events we were going to have the night the book came out. One thing that we had a lot of for the midnight release were Harry Potter snacks like chocolate frogs and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, and it took all of the self-control I have not to come home with bagfuls of these delicious candies. However, it also made me wonder what other treats from the world of Harry Potter you could make at home. So, I looked up Harry Potter recipes and found so many that were from the books that you can make! Here are 10 recipes from the wizarding world of Harry Potter to enjoy while you read "The Cursed Child":

1. Homemade Butterbeer

I used this recipe to make homemade butterbeer and it was extremely simple and easy! You only have to add a few ingredients to the cream soda and you are pretty much done. The marshmallow cream took a little more time to make and required a mixer, but it was not hard at all to do. The soda tasted amazing and I absolutely loved the marshmallow cream on the top! (I would even make it to put on other foods/drinks). I would definitely make this recipe again and recommend it to anyone looking for a Harry Potter-inspired drink or just a tasty soda recipe.

10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (1)


  • 1 (2 liter) bottle cream soda, chilled
  • 2 Tbsp butter flavor
  • 3 tsp rum extract, divided
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 (7 oz.) jar marshmallow cream


  • For the soda:
  • Pour butter flavor and 2 tsp rum extract into bottle of cream soda, return lid to soda then holding soda horizontally twist and rotate bottle gently to evenly distribute flavorings. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
  • For the marshmallow cream topping:
  • In the bowl of an electric stand mixer fitter with the whisk attachment, whip cream on high speed until it begins to thicken slightly and begins to form slight peaks. Add marshmallow cream and remaining 1 tsp rum extract and continue to whip until well blended and smooth. To serve pour soda into mugs and spoon marshmallow cream topping over top.

2. Honeyduke's Chocolate Frogs

10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (2)

Click here for the recipe.

3. Easy Pumpkin Pasties

10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (3)

Click here for the recipe.

4. Cauldron Cakes

10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (4)

Click here for the recipe.

5. Polyjuice Potion Punch

10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (5)

Click here for the recipe.

6. Weasley's Dragon Roasted Nuts

10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (6)

Click here for the recipe.

7. Treacle Tart

10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (7)

Click here for the recipe.

8. Honeyduke's Pink Coconut Ice

10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (8)

Click here for the recipe.

9. Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans

10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (9)

Click here for the recipe.

10. Honeyduke's Licorice Wands

10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (10)

Click here for the recipe.

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10 Recipes From The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter (2024)


What are all the Harry Potter dishes? ›

Among the items Rowling describes as part of meals and feasts at Hogwarts: pumpkin juice, meat pies, tripe, stew, fried sausages, roast beef and chicken, shepherd's pie, Cornish pasties, lamb chops, soup, steak and kidney pudding, black pudding, jelly slugs, fizzing whizbees, marshmallows, baked pumpkin, jacket ...

What is the most iconic Harry Potter food? ›

Harry Potter food and drink: Butterbeer

It's best described as a caramel flavoured cream soda with a lovely sweet, creamy topping. Butterbeer appears in just about every book and film to do with Harry Potter.

What kind of food did Harry Potter eat? ›

He had never seen so many things he liked to eat on one table: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, chips, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup and, for some strange reason, mint humbugs.

What is Ron Weasley's favorite food? ›

Ron Weasley's comfort food was his mum's bacon sandwiches. In 1992, when Harry and Ron showed up late in the Flying Ford Anglia, Professor McGonagall produced a plate of chicken and ham sandwiches for them to eat in Snape's office so that they didn't disrupt the Start-of-Term Feast.

What is Harry Potter's Favourite meal? ›

What is Harry Potter's favorite food? - Quora. In addition to treacle tart, as one answer mentioned, Harry enjoys French onion soup. In the seventh book the narration notes that after they are kinder to Kreacher, his cooking improves, and “today's French onion was as good as Harry had ever tasted.”

What did Molly Weasley cook? ›

It appears that author Dinah Bucholz has scoured the seven books for any mere mention of food, and then paired that nugget with a recipe. Mr. Weasley mentions to Kingsley Shacklebolt that Molly's making meatballs for dinner? Accio meatballs!

What is Harry's favorite food? ›

Although he has already spoken on more than one occasion about his favourite food, roast chicken, in the book he recounts one of his first dates with his future wife. It is when they discover that they share a favourite dish and set about preparing dinner together.

What is Hedwig's favorite food? ›

Hedwig was a keen hunter too and when possible, was allowed to fly outside free and catch food for herself, such as frogs. She would also eat Eeylops Premium Owl Treats.

What is Harry Potter's favorite drink? ›

Butterbeer. Harry drank deeply. It was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted and seemed to heat every bit of him from the inside. Of course, the OG of wizarding world drinks is Butterbeer – a comforting, warming pick-me-up that Harry and his friends enjoyed on numerous occasions.

What is Harry Potter's favorite snack? ›

Fans of J. K. Rowling's beloved Harry Potter books will recognize Harry's favorite dessert - the Treacle Tart! A traditional English dessert, a Treacle Tart is made with a thin and flaky pastry shell filled with golden syrup, fresh breadcrumbs, and lemon, then baked to perfection.

What food does Hagrid make? ›

Rock cakes are a type of fruitcakes. They were supposed to have a hard surface, but not be quite as rocky as Rubeus Hagrid's version seemed to. Eating one of Hagrid's rock cakes was exactly like eating a rock, as they were so hard that they could break teeth instead of being a lovely treat.

Who is Ron Weasley's crush? ›

From what we see in the books, Ron apparently had crushes on Fleur Delacour (though that was partly due to the allure she had from her part-Veela heritage) and Madam Rosmerta. His feelings for Hermione was more than a simple crush.

Who is the rat of Ron Weasley? ›

Scabbers was Ron Weasley's pet rat. Passed down throughout the family, by the time he came to Ron, Scabbers was living up to his name with patchy fur and a distinct preference for sleeping.

What is Fred Weasley's fear? ›

At the age of five, Fred transformed Ron's teddy bear into a giant spider, sparking his arachnophobia, after Ron broke his toy broomstick.

What food is served at Harry Potter World? ›

Dine on traditional British fare including cottage pie, fish and chips, bangers and mash, and, of course, you can enjoy a frothy Butterbeer™. Stop in during the morning hours for breakfast items and pastries. Later, enjoy scoop and soft-serve ice-cream in a variety of interesting and unique flavours.

What treats and foods are in Harry Potter? ›

Wizarding world
Fudge FliesA kind of wizarding chocolate.
Ice MiceCaused the eater's teeth to "chatter and squeak".
Jelly SlugA gummy sweet that was shaped like a slugs.
Liquorice WandA liquorice shaped like a wand.
30 more rows

What are the three Harry Potter items? ›

The Deathly Hallows are three magical objects that are the focus of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Cloak of Invisibility. When owned by one person, they are said to give mastery over death.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.