Air Accidents Investigation Branch ... - Aviation Safety - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Air Accidents Investigation Branc h

Department of Transport

Report on the accident toCessna 550 Citation II, G-JETB

at Southampton (Eastleigh) Airpor ton 26 May 1993

This investigation was carried out in accordance wit hThe Civil Aviation (Investigation of Air Accidents) Regulations 198 9

London : HMSO

Air Accidents Investigation Branch ... - Aviation Safety - [PDF Document] (2)

Contents Pag e

'x )Glossary of Abbreviations

Synopsis 1

1 Factual Information 2

1 .1 History of the flight 2

1 .2 Injuries to persons 4

1 .3 Damage to aircraft 4

1 .4 Other damage 4

1 .5 Personnel information 5

1 .5 .1

Commander 5

1 .5 .2

First Officer 5

1 .6 Aircraft information 5

1 .6 .1

Leading particulars 5

1 .6 .2

Aircraft weight and centre of gravity 6

1 .6 .3

Limiting wind conditions 6

1 .6 .4

Description of braking system 7

1 .6 .5

Scheduled landing performance 7

1 .6 .6

Distance required to go-around 8

1 .7 Meteorological information 8

1 .7 .1

Synoptic situation 8

1 .7 .2

Actual observation 9

1 .7 .3

Aftercast 9

1 .7 .4


. 9

1 .8 Aids to navigation 9

1 .9 Communications

. 1 0

1 .10 Aerodrome and approved facilities . 1 0

1 .10 .1

Runway physical characteristics 10

1 .10 .2

Runway lighting 1 0

1 .10 .3

Runway slope 10

1 .10 .4

Runway friction measurements 10

1 .11 Flight recorders

. 12



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Contents (continued)

Pag e

1 .12 Wreckage and impact information


1 .12 .1

Accident site examination

1 3

1 .12 .2

Examination of the aircraft

1 4

1 .12.3

Subsequent detailed examination of the aircraft

1 5

1 .13 Medical and pathological information

201 .14 Fire


1 .14.1


201 .14.2

Fire service response

201 .14.3

Fire damage to aircraft

2 11 .14.4

Fire damage to the car

22•1 .15 Survival aspects .


1 .15 .1



1 .15 .2



1 .16 Tests and research


1 .16 .1

Testing of the anti-skid components .


1 .17 Additional information


1 .17 .1

Aerocharter (Midlands) Ltd company manuals


1 .17.2

Tyre wear limitations


1 .17 .3

Factors affecting hydroplaning


1 .17 .4

Estimated braking performance


1 .17 .5

UK standards for measuring and reporting wheel braking action


on wet runway s

1 .17 .6

Airport information


1 .17 .7

Arresting systems


1 .18 New investigation techniques







2 .2

The runway surfac e


Aircraft braking performance assessment .

2.4 Crew performance

2 .4.1


3 1

3 1

3 1

3 1

3 3


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(continued) Page


Crew working relationship 3 3


Flight preparation 34


Flight profile

. 34


Visual approach and landing 35


After landing 36


Evacuation 37


Summary 38

2.5 Airport Safety Aspects 38

2.6 Reaction of the Fire Services 39

2.7 The flight crew 27

2.8 Approach monitoring aid 28

3 Conclusions 4 1

3(a) Findings

. 4 1

3(b) Causes 4 1

4 Safety Recommendations 4 2

5 Appendices

Appendix A Photograph of accident site

Appendix B Mu-meter Test Results

Appendix C Figure C-1

Comparison of Theoretical and Measured Runway Friction

Figure C-2

Ground Distance Required to Stop

Appendix D Photographs of left and right tyres

Appendix E Plan of Southampton (Eastleigh) Airport



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Air Accidents Investigation Branc hAIP


Aeronautical Information Publicatio namsl

above mean sea leve lAPS


Aircraft Prepared for Servic eATC


Air Traffic Contro lBCARs


British Civil Airworthiness Requirements°C, M, T


°celsius, true, magneticCAP


Civil Aviation PublicationDME

distance measuring equipmen tDFO

Duty Fire Office rESDU


Engineering Science Data Uni tFDR


Flight Data Recorderg


normal acceleratio nhrs




indicated airspee dILS


Instrument landing systemJARs


Joint Airworthiness Requirement skm


kilometre(s )kt






Landing Distance Availablemb




millimetre(s )mu


coefficient of sliding frictio nNDB


non-directional beaconnm


nautical mile(s)OAT


outside air temperaturePAPIs


Precision Approach Path IndicatorsPSZ


Public Safety Zon ePT


Public TransportQFE


pressure setting to indicate height above aerodromeQNH


pressure setting to indicate elevation above mean sea levelRESA


Runway End Safety AreaRFFS


Rescue and Fire Fighting Servic eRPM


revolutions per minut eUK


United Kingdo mUTC


Co-ordinated Universal TimeVMC


Visual Meteorological Condition sVOR


VHF omni range

Air Accidents Investigation Branch ... - Aviation Safety - [PDF Document] (6)

Air Accidents Investigation Branch

Aircraft Accident Report No: 5/94

(EW/C93/5/1 )

European Jet Ltd

Aerocharter (Midlands) Ltd

Cessna 550 Citation II



Southampton (Eastleigh) AirportLatitude :

50° 56.98' N

Longitude :

001 ° 21 .32' W

26 May 1993 at 0534 hrsAll times in this report are UTC

Synopsi s

The accident was notified to the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) at 0550 hrs o n

26 May 1993 and an investigation began the same day . The investigation was conducted by

Mr M M Charles (Investigator in Charge), Mr R W Shimmons (Operations) ,

Mr A H Robinson (Engineering) and Ms A Evans (Flight Recorders) .

The accident occurred when the aircraft, with two crew members aboard, was on a positionin g

flight from Oxford to Southampton and overran Runway 20 after landing with a tailwind on a

wet runway . After leaving the runway, the aircraft came to rest on the nearby motorway ,

collided with two cars, and caught fire . The two flight crew sustained minor whiplash injuries ,

and the three car occupants also sustained minor injuries . The aircraft was destroyed .

The investigation identified the following causal factors :

(i) The commander landed with a reported tailwind of 15 knots (kt) which was outside

the aircraft maximum tailwind limit of 10 kt specified in the Cessna 550 Fligh t


(ii) The co-pilot did not warn the commander that he was landing with a reporte d

tailwind component which was outside the aircraft limit .

(iii) With a tailwind component of 10 kt, the landing distance available was less than the

landing distance required .

Three safety recommendations were made during the course of the investigation .

Registered Owner :

Operator :

Aircraft Type :

Nationality :

Registration :

Place of Accident:

Date and Time :


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Factual Information

1 .1

History of Flight

The crew of G-JETB reported for duty at Oxford between 0430 and 0505 hrs o n

26 May 1993. Their roster for the day was to position the aircraft t oSouthampton, pick up eight passengers and fly them to Eindhoven, tak esplit-duty rest, fly eight passengers to Southampton and finally fly G-JETB toBiggin Hill for some engineering maintenance. G-JETB had arrived at Oxfor dthe previous evening and had then been refuelled to full tanks . The chartermovement between Southampton and Eindhoven was a regular occurrence eac h

Wednesday ; the normal arrangement had been for the aircraft and crew to positionat Southampton the previous evening but, over the last few weeks the practic ewas for the operating crew to position the aircraft early on the Wednesda ymorning . The co-pilot had agreed with the airport authorities at both Oxford an dSouthampton that the aircraft would operate outside normal hours on th e

understanding that no fire cover would be provided . On the evening of

25 May 1993 he had telephoned Southampton operations to submit a flight planfor the flight to Eindhoven and also to confirm the early arrival at Southampto nthe next morning . Throughout the flight from Oxford to Southampton, th ecommander handled the aircraft from the left seat and the co-pilot operated theradio .

Following the takeoff from Oxford at 0519 hrs the crew contacted Brize Norto nATC and agreed a Flight Information Service. They maintained VMC for thetransit at 2,400 feet QNH and called Southampton ATC on their alternate radio a t0525 hrs when they were approximately 30 nautical miles (nm) fromSouthampton. The Southampton controller was surprised at their initial call an dadvised them that the airport did not open until 0600 hrs . The crew informed himthat arrangements had been made for an early arrival and the controller asked themto standby while he checked this agreement . At 0527 hrs he called G-JETB ,informed the crew that they could land before the normal opening hours an dasked them to confirm that no fire cover was required . The crew confirmed thisand were then told that Runway 02 was in use with a wind of 020°/14 kt and thatthere was a thunderstorm right over the airport. The crew then advised BrizeNorton radar that they were going to Southampton ATC and left the Brize Norto nfrequency. Following a further check with Southampton they were given th e0520 hrs weather observation : "SURFACE WIND 040°/12 KT, THUNDERSTORMS ,


WET . "

At 0530 hrs the controller asked the crew for the aircraft type and, after being tol dthat it was a Citation II, told the crew that the visibility was deteriorating ("NOW

2,000 METRES IN HEAVY THUNDERSTORMS " ) and cleared them to the 72

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Southampton VOR at 3,000 feet QNH . After checking that they were now IFRthe controller confirmed the clearance, and the QNH of 1007 mb, and informedthe crew that there was no controlled airspace and that he had no radar available t oassist them. Shortly afterwards the controller advised the crew that : "ENTIRELY


RUNWAY 20 FOR VISUAL BREAK-OFF TO LAND ON RUNWAY 02 . " Thecommander accepted this offer and, within the co*ckpit, asked the co-pilot for th esurface wind. He was informed that it was 040° but that earlier they had bee ngiven 020°/14 kt. At 0532 hrs the commander had positioned on the ILS forRunway 20 and began his descent ; the co-pilot advised Southampton that theywere established . The controller acknowledged this and again passed the QNH.Shortly afterwards he asked the crew to report at the outer marker and thi smessage was acknowledged . At 0533 hrs the crew called that they were visua lwith the runway and the controller cleared them for a visual approach, left or rightat their convenience, for Runway 02. As this transmission was taking place, thecommander informed his co-pilot that they would land on Runway 20 . Thecommander decided this because he could see that the weather at the other end o fthe runway appeared very black and he had mentally computed the tailwin dcomponent to be about 10 kt. After a confirmation request from the co-pilot to th ecommander, the co-pilot informed the Southampton controller that they woul dland on Runway 20. The controller then advised them that: "YOU'LL BE LANDING


WET RUNWAY" ; this was immediately acknowledged by the co-pilot with :"ROGER, COPIED THANK YOU".

The crew continued with their approach, initially at 15 kt above their compute dthreshold speed (VREF) of 110 kt and then at a constant V.REF+10 kt . Within theco*ckpit the commander briefed the co-pilot that if they were too fast the co-pilo twas to select flap to the take-off position and they would go-around ; they alsodiscussed the use of the speedbrake and the commander stated that he would cal lfor it when he wanted it . The speed at touchdown was within 5 kt of the targetthreshold speed and touchdown was in the vicinity of the Precision Approac hPath Indicators (PAPIs), according to witnesses in the Control Tower and on th eairport; the commander was certain that he had made a touchdown within the firs t

300 feet of the runway . The PAPIs are located 267 metres along the runway .Speedbrake was selected as the aircraft touched down and, although th ecommander applied and maintained heavy foot pressure on the brakes, n oretardation was apparent; external observers reported heavy spray from aroundthe aircraft . At some stage down the runway the commander stated that thebrakes were not stopping them and the co-pilot called for a go-around ; thecommander replied : "NO WE CAN'T" as he considered that a go-around at thatstage would be more dangerous . He maintained brake pressure and, in an attemp tto increase distance, steered the aircraft to the right edge of the runway before


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trying to steer back left . Initially the aircraft nose turned to the left and the aircraftslid diagonally off the right side of the runway on to the grass . It continuedacross the grass for a distance of approximately 233 metres while at the same timeyawing to the left. However, 90 metres beyond the end of the runway there is a nembankment which forms the side of the M27 motorway and G-JETB slid dow n

this embankment on to the motorway. The aircraft continued to rotate as i t

descended and came to rest, having turned through approximately 150°, with itstail on the central barrier (see Appendix A) . During these final manoeuvres theaircraft collided with two cars travelling on the eastbound carriageway ; the aircraftand one of the cars caught fire .

During the approach of the aircraft, the airport Rescue and Fire Fighting Servic e(RFFS) duty officer had discussed with the duty ATC controller the imminen tarrival of G-JETB. Although not all checks had been complete, the fire office roffered his two fire vehicles as a weather standby ; he did not declare his sectionoperational but agreed with ATC that they would position themselves to the wes tof the runway. When the aircraft was 1 /2 to 2 /3 down the runway, the ATC

controller considered that the aircraft would not stop in the runway available an dactivated the crash alarm. The fire section obtained clearance to enter the runwa y

after G-JETB had passed their position and followed the aircraft. Assessing thesituation on the move, the fire officer ordered the FIRE 2 vehicle to dispers ethrough the crash gate to the motorway, and took his own vehicle (FIRE 1) to th eedge of the embankment . On arrival, the fire section contained the fires . Theoccupants of the aircraft and cars escaped with minor injuries .

1 .2

Injuries to persons












Minor / None




1 .3

Damage to aircraft

Aircraft destroyed .

1 .4

Other damage

A Ford Sierra and a Renault 18 GTS, travelling eastbound on the M27 motorway ,were struck by the aircraft . The Ford came to rest on its roof and the Renaul tengine compartment caught fire . Additionally, both vehicles had sustained heavyimpacts .


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1 .5

Personnel informatio n

1 .5 .1

Commander :

Licence :

Instrument rating :

Base check:

Line check :

Medical :

Flying experience :

Duty time :

1 .5 .2

First officer :

Licence :

Instrument Rating :

Base check:

Line check :

Medical :

Flying experience :

Duty time :

1 .6

Aircraft information

1 .6.1

Leading particulars

Type :

Constructor's number:

Year of manufacture:

Certificate of Registration:

Male, aged 63 years

Airline Transport Pilot's Licence

Renewed on 1 May 1992

6 March 1993

10 March 199 3

Class 1 valid until 1 December 1993

Total all types

16,700 hours

Total on type

850 hours

Last 90 days

71 hours

Last 28 days

44 hours

32 hours rest prior to commencing duty a t0500 hrs on 26 May 1993 .

Male, aged 43 years

Commercial Pilot's Licenc e

Renewed 21 December 1992

21 December 1992

21 December 1992

Class 1 valid until 30 June 1993

Total all types

1,322 hours

Total on type

109 hours

Last 90 days

77 hours

Last 28 days

33 hours

12 hours rest prior to commencing duty a t0430 hrs on 26 May 1993 .

Cessna 550 Citation II


198 1

Registered to European Jet Ltd


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Certificate of Airworthiness : Transport Category (Passenger), las trenewed on 21 June 1992, valid unti l

20 June 1993

Certificate of Maintenance Review: Dated 19 March 1993, valid to 20 June 199 3

By the evening preceding the accident, the aircraft had achieved 4,315 .2 hour sand 3,306 landings. There were no defects recorded in the technical log . Thenext maintenance check, a Phase 10, was due at 4,308 aircraft hours or on20 June, whichever occurred first . However a concession had been . applied for

on 24 May, extending the check interval of 100 hours by 10%, thereby making i tdue at 4,318 hours. The aircraft had been scheduled for a flight to Biggin Hill ,for maintenance, on the evening of the day the accident occurred .

1 .6 .2

Aircraft weight and centre of gravity

The maximum certified take-off weight of G-JETB detailed in the Citation Fligh tManual and the Aerocharter (Midlands) Operations Manual is 13,300 lb ; themaximum certificated landing weight is 12,700 lb .

G-JETB was last weighed at IDS Citation Centre, Hurn on 25 September 1991 .At that time the aircraft had an Aircraft Prepared For Service (APS) weight o f

8,251 lb .

On departure from Oxford on 26 May 1993 the aircraft was full of fuel whic h

resulted in a fuel weight of 5,000 lb ; therefore the ramp weight at Oxford was13,251 lb . The aircraft was below the maximum certified take-off weight .

Based on fuel flow figures from the Citation Flight Manual and with an allowancefor taxi and takeoff, the fuel used up to the time of landing at Southampton wa scalculated as 723 lb . This would result in a landing weight of 12,528 lb ; thisaccords with the crew's assessed landing weight of 12,500 lb . Therefore thelanding weight of the aircraft was within its maximum certified landing limit ,subject to performance considerations .

The aircraft was correctly loaded within its centre of gravity limits .

1 .6 .3

Limiting wind conditions

The maximum tailwind component for the aircraft for landing is 10 kt ; thislimitation is included in both the Citation Flight Manual and the Aerocharte r(Midlands) Operations Manual .


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1 .6 .4

Description of braking system

The aircraft is equipped with a power brake and anti-skid system operating o n

disc packs fitted to the main landing gear wheels . The power is provided by a

hydraulic pump driven by a DC electric motor, with the pump charging a n

accumulator. The system is designed such that the motor is energised in order t o

maintain the accumulator pressure within a specified band . A caption on the

central warning panel illuminates in the event of low system pressure . The brake s

are actuated from a master cylinder connected to each rudder pedal .

The essential components of the anti-skid system are the wheel transducers, a n

electro-hydraulic servo valve and an electronic control box . The transducers are

housed within the axles and consist of small electrical generators, each sending a

signal with a strength proportional to the wheel RPM, to the control box . This in

turn sends signals to the servo valve such that if one or both wheels start to skid ,

thereby resulting in a rapidly reducing RPM signal, then the servo valve acts to

reduce pressure to the brakes, thus preventing the wheel from skidding.

1 .6 .5

Scheduled landing performance

The Landing Distance Available (LDA) from the UK AIP for Runway 20 a t

Southampton is 1,605 metres. Figures supplied by the Cessna Aircraft

Company, for the Citation II on the UK Register gave a total scheduled landin g

distance of 5,598 feet (1,706 metres) . This was for an aircraft landing at a

weight of 12,500 lb with a 10 kt tailwind, using a VREF of 108 kt IAS, and a

touchdown speed of 104 kt IAS, on a runway at sea level with zero slope and an

OAT of 12°C. This predicted landing distance comprised an airborne distance of

1,867 feet (569 metres) and a ground roll distance of 3,731 fee t

(1,137 metres) . Similarly for a 15 kt tailwind, with other input conditions th e

same, the total landing distance was estimated by Cessna to be 6,667 fee t

(2,032 metres) with an airborne distance of 2,024 feet (617 metres) and a

ground roll distance of 4,643 feet (1,415 metres) .

These figures are the dry runway landing distance multiplied by 1 .92 to comply

with British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCARs) . These use a technique

to measure landing performance on a dry runway that assumes a normal threshol d

speed, and the application of a 1 .92 factor to allow for the operational conditions

and a wet runway. No attempt is made to measure performance on a wet runway .

The unfactored ground roll distances assume an effective coefficient of frictio n

(mu) of 0 .5 reducing linearly from 106 kt to a mu of 0 .36 at 120 kt. The Flight

Manual quotes the landing distance as 5,554 feet (1,692 metres), but does not

give a landing distance figure for the 15 kt tailwind case as this is outside Flight


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Manual limitations . [Note, this figure is 44 feet (14 metres) less than the figur e

quoted by Cessna in the previous paragraph] .

The Flight Manual also quotes a low braking friction landing distance, thi s

assumes a mu of 0 .05. In this case for a 10 kt tailwind the total landing distance ,

under the same conditions as above was predicted to be 15,760 fee t

(4,803 metres), including a factor of 1 .3. This figure was not divided into

airborne and ground distances ; however from the normal landing figure for

airborne distance and removing the factor, a ground distance for . low braking

friction was estimated as around 3,400 metres .

The results of runway friction measurements made at Southampton are presente d

at paragraph 1 .10.4 .

From figures supplied by Cessna, the maximum kinetic energy which can b e

absorbed by the brakes at a landing weight of 12,500 lb is 6 .995 x 106 ft lb,

which corresponds to a maximum brake application groundspeed of 112 kt.

1 .6.6

Distance required to go-around

The distance required to accelerate from VR (103 kt IAS) on the runway to V2

(111 kt IAS) at 35 feet above the runway, with a 15 kt tailwind was calculated

by Cessna to be 1,600 feet (488 metres) . If the aircraft had decelerated to below

VR the distance required would be greater to allow for acceleration to VR .

The first call by the co-pilot to go-around was heard on the co*ckpit Voice

Recorder (CVR) four seconds before the aircraft left the side of the runway whic h

would have been approximately 290 metres before the end of the runway . The

distance remaining when the co-pilot called for a go-around was therefore les s

than that required to achieve the go-around manoeuvre with the aircraft at a spee d

of VR or less .

1 .7

Meteorological information

1 .7 .1

Synoptic situatio n

There was an area of low pressure slow moving to the south west of the Britis h

Isles with an area of thunderstorms moving slowly north and north west acros s

Hampshire . Visibility was 6 km at best, falling to 2,000 metres in the heavie r

rain. Cloud was scattered stratus base between 800 and 1,000 feet, broke n

cumulus base 2,000 to 3,000 feet, occasional cumulonimbus base 1,500 feet with

overcast altocumulus 9,000 feet above . The surface wind was 030°/10 to 15 kt .

Surface temperature was +11°C and the mean sea level pressure was 1007 mb .




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1 .7 .2

Actual observation

Observations made by the duty air traffic controller at Southampton (Eastleigh )Airport on 26 May 1993 indicated the following :

a. 0520 hrs : Surface wind 040°/12 kt, visibility 9,000 metres, thunderstorms ,2 oktas of stratus at 800 feet, 3 oktas of cumulonimbus at 1,800 feet ,temperature +12°C and sea level pressure setting (aerodrome QNH) was1007 mb.

b. 0550 hrs: Surface wind 020 0/18 kt, visibility 2,000 metres, thunderstorms ,2 oktas of stratus at 800 feet, 3 oktas of cumulonimbus at 1,800 feet ,temperature 11°C and QNH 1007 mb.

Note: In 1986 the duty air traffic controller at Southampton had successfull ycompleted an approved training course for air traffic control staff in the makin gand reporting of weather observations. The course was carried out at th eMeteorological Office at Bracknell .

1 .7 .3


An aftercast provided from the Meteorological Office at Bracknell confirmed th ereports of thunderstorms at 0520 hrs and 0540 hrs and concluded that it wa shighly likely that standing water on the runway would have been in evidence . Itwas also considered most likely that severe turbulence and down draughts wouldbe present. At Otterbourne, 6 km north of Eastleigh, 1 /3 inch of rainfall wasrecorded between 0400 hrs and 0600 hrs .

1 .7 .4


The anemometer is located on top of the glideslope aerial . This 40 foot high aerialis situated off the western side of the runway abeam the PAPIs for Runway 20 .The display is directly in front of the local air traffic controller; it comprises adigital display showing the magnetic wind direction and the strength in knots ,encircled by an analogue display of wind direction . Additionally, there are twowind socks located to the east of the runway, one near each end .

1 .8

Aids to navigatio n

Runway 20 at Southampton has an instrument landing system (ILS) producing a3° glideslope, with outer and middle marker radio beacons . A non-directionalbeacon (NDB) is situated close to the threshold . Additionally the crew had rangeinformation available from the Southampton VOR/DME .

The ILS was flight checked on 10 March 1993 . The monthly maintenance wascarried out on 24 May 1993 ; the integrity of the ILS was checked o n


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25 May 1993 and the remote indicators showed a seviceable system on th emorning of 26 May 1993 .

1 .9


VHF and UHF communications were satisfactory . Tape recordings wereavailable of transmissions on the Southampton ground-to-air frequencies ,

ground-to-ground frequencies and console telephones .

1 .10

Aerodrome and approved facilitie s

1 .10.1

Runway physical characteristic s

Runway 20 is 1,723 metres in length and 37 metres wide . There is a displacedthreshold of 45 metres and the declared LDA is 1,605 metres . The runway i sprovided with both the internationally required strip end of length 60 metres, andthe recommended minimum length Runway End Safety Area (RESA) o f90 metres as set out in 'Civil Aviation Publication (CAP) 168 Licensing o fAerodromes' . The surface of the runway is brushed concrete and surface wate rdrainage is provided along the eastern side .

1 .10.2

Runway lighting

The approach lights comprise 360 metres of high intensity centreline lights withone cross-bar . The threshold was designated by green high intensity threshol dlights with green wing bars. The runway lighting consisted of high intensityomni-directional white edge lights and red runway end lights . Runway centrelin elights were not installed . PAPIs, calibrated for a 3° visual glideslope, wereinstalled for approaches to Runway 20 ; these are located 267 metres from thethreshold and checked weekly for accuracy. All the approach and runway light swere illuminated at the time of the accident .

1 .10.3

Runway slope

Runway 20 slopes down from the landing threshold at 43 feet amsl t o30 feet amsl at the threshold of Runway 02 .

1 .10.4

Runway friction measurements

Following the accident the AAIB requested that a runway friction calibration becarried out by the Aircraft Ground Operations Group of the Cranfield Institute o fTechnology . A previous calibration had been conducted in 1990 as part of a CA Atrial to investigate the periodicity required for runway friction measurements . Thefirst calibration at Southampton took place in 1982 . All three calibrations used thesame mu-meter machines fitted with a self-wetting attachment capable ofdepositing a measured amount of water beneath the measuring wheels . The flow



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rate was adjusted to produce a water film thickness of approximately 0 .5 mm.The friction measuring range of the mu-meter is from 0 to 1 . The calibration ofthe machine ensures that the readings on a dry runway surface are in the region o f0.8 and consequently readings on a wet surface should be lower than this figure .

In addition to two dry calibration runs, (one at the beginning and end of the tes t

period) a number of runs were carried out at various speeds along the full lengt hof the runway on either side of the centreline. The towing vehicle was a 3 litre

Ford Capri equipped with a water tank and pump to supply the self-wettin g

system on the mu-meter.

The results of the calibration are summarised at Appendix B . The average wet

friction reading adjacent to the runway centreline was 0.57. The comparativevalues from the 1982 and 1990 calibrations were 0.55 and 0 .60 respectively. Theslight decrease since the 1990 reading was considered to be well within the rang ewhich can be caused by seasonal variation and machine tolerances . The resultsalso showed that there was no significant decrease in friction levels wit hincreasing speeds. Note that areas of low friction caused by standing water willnot be identified by these tests .

Rubber deposits in the touchdown areas were subjectively assessed as light. Thefriction readings here reduced to 0 .5, but the areas involved were small and wer e

not considered to have caused significant problems .

The ICAO Annex 14 recommendations concerning friction coefficients, a smeasured under mu-meter Method 2 conditions, are as follows :





Maintenanceplannin glevel


wate rdepth (mm)


spee d(kph )

0.65 0.45 0.5 130

The airport authorities perform periodic monitoring of the surface frictio ncharacteristics, in accordance with the requirements of CAP 168 using aGripTester GT045 machine. This is towed at speeds of around 40 mph an doperates on the 'dragging tyre' principle whereby the measuring wheel is geare dsuch that it rotates at a slightly reduced RPM compared to the freely rolling main

wheels . The friction value decreases with increase in speed and the self-wettin g

equipment used on the mu-meter calibration tests produces only the equivalent o fa damp surface . Thus the results obtained by the two methods are not directl y

1 1

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comparable . However it is estimated that a mu-meter reading of 0 .39 (the low

friction notification value) equates to a GripTester reading of 0.5 at 40 mph .

GripTester readings taken in drying conditions after the accident produced a n

average value of 0 .65. Between the time of the accident and the time thi s

measurement was taken, 54 minutes later, there had been no further rain ,

allowing the runway to drain and dry. Therefore it can be assumed that the mu at

the time of the accident was less than 0 .65. Subsequent measurement of wet

runway conditions produced typical mu values of 0 .4 .

The Engineering Sciences Data Unit (ESDU) has for many years issued DataSheets and Memoranda providing evaluated data and authoritative information fo r

use in engineering design. The aeronautical aspects of this work are sponsored

by the Royal Aeronautical Society . ESDU Item Number 71026 covers 'Frictional

and retarding forces on aircraft tyres' .

Appendix C, Figure 1 summarises the mu-meter and GripTester measurement stogether with an expected wet runway maximum mu, as obtained from ESD UItem Number 71026 . This is valid for a ribbed aircraft tyre on a brushed concret esurface, with a braking system which is not torque limited . Also shown is anestimated effective wheel braking coefficient for an adaptive anti-skid syste mwhich was derived using factors given in the same ESDU item, for a normall y

wet runway .

The Cranfield tests gave a measure of the maximum achievable mu for th e

runway ; these values were higher than those predicted from the ESDU item, bu t

were within the tolerance band quoted . There was wider variation in the tw o

values measured by the GripTester, post-accident and on a wet runway .

1 .11

Flight recorders

A Flight Data Recorder (FDR) was not required for this flight and none wa s

fitted. Investigation of the performance aspects of this accident was considerabl yhampered by the lack of flight recorder evidence, in particular aircraft spee d

during the landing.

The CVR was a Fairchild A100A . A good replay was obtained for the whole o f

the flight from Oxford. The track allocations were as follows :

Channel 1


Channel 2

Area Microphone

Channel 3


Channel 4




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The approach speed was stated as 110 kt on the CVR, and there were four calls

from the co-pilot during final approach of "PLUS TEN", indicating an airspeed o f

120 kt . Although it was not possible to identify exactly where touchdow n

occurred from the CVR, there was a call from the commander of "SPEEDBRAKE",

39.5 seconds before the tape ended . Sixteen seconds before the end of the

recording the commander stated: "BRAKES AREN'T STOPPING US", an d

2.5 seconds later the co-pilot called for a go-around to which the commander

responded : "NO WE CAN'T" . This later call was made four seconds before th e

aircraft left the side of the runway . There was a second call to go-around from

the co-pilot one second before the aircraft left the side of the runway. The

recording ended 9.5 seconds after the aircraft left the side of the runway as th e

aircraft traversed the bank down to the motorway .

The CVR is stopped by the operation of an inertia switch fitted in the cabin roof .

Subsequent engineering examination showed that this switch had operated durin g

the crash .

There were some periodic 'thump thump' noises on the CVR. These occurred

every 1 .5 seconds during the landing run until just before the aircraft left the sid e

of the runway . It was not possible to identify the source of the noise ; the runway

block construction at Southampton was not at an interval which would produc e

this periodicity, and there was no centreline lighting . Operation of the braking

system was also investigated and nothing was found to explain this noise . The

cycling of the anti-skid system under light or heavy braking, in low frictio n

conditions, is between two and seven times in a 1 .5 second period .

1 .12

Wreckage and impact information

1 .12.1

Accident site examination

The initial touchdown point could not be identified within the tyre marks left b y

other aircraft in the touchdown zone of Runway 20 . The first discernible marks

attributed to G-JETB were nose and right mainwheel tyre marks on the right sid e

of the runway shortly after the intersection of the southern taxiway ,

approximately 1,380 metres from the threshold . The marks took the form of pale

coloured tracks in the concrete where the surface appeared to have been cleane d

by the passage of the tyres . The lateral displacement between the marks indicate d

that the aircraft was yawed approximately 17° to the right at this point . From here

the aircraft started to run straight, with the left mainwheel tyre mark becomin g

visible . The aircraft departed the right-hand edge of the runway approximatel y

155 metres beyond the southern taxiway intersection . This departure point wa s

1,531 metres from the threshold and 1,264 metres from the estimate d

touchdown point.


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The wheel marks on the grass indicated that the aircraft ran straight fo rapproximately 50 metres before yawing to the left, with the nosewheel mar keventually merging with the left mainwheel mark . The geometry of the landing

gear is such that the yaw angle would have been about 22° at this stage. A few

metres further on, additional marks appeared outboard of the left mainwheel track ;

these were thought to have been made by the underside of the forward fuselag e

and the nose gear leg after failure of the nosewheel attachment . Shortlyafterwards, a small excavation in the right mainwheel track suggested the collaps eof the right main gear . The tracks indicated that the aircraft reached' a maximumlateral distance of 30 metres from the edge of the runway before turning back t othe left. Approximately 40 metres beyond the end of the runway paving, th eaircraft, following a track of 191°M, slipped down a steep embankment, som e3 metres high, and came to rest across the eastbound carriageway of the M2 7motorway. The aircraft had continued to yaw to the left during the final part o fthe groundslide and came to a halt on a heading of 050°M .

The passage of the aircraft across the road had left a number of abrasions on theconcrete surface . The light nature of these marks suggested that the impact wit h

the road had not been particularly violent .

The aircraft collided with two cars, a Ford Sierra and a Renault 18 GTS, as i t

crossed the carriageway . These were examined by accident investigators from th eHampshire Constabulary, who found smeared aluminium deposits on th eundersides . These, taken in conjunction with scratches later found on th eaircraft's right wing upper surface, suggested that the vehicles had been picked u pbodily by the wing of the aircraft. In addition, there was evidence of lightercontact between the right engine nacelle and the rear nearside wings of the cars .The Sierra had been rotated through 180° and rolled onto its left side during it simpact with the aircraft . It had then slid along the central reservation in it soriginal direction of travel, with its roof in contact with the barrier, before movin g

back out onto the right-hand lane and coming to rest on its roof .

The Renault, which had probably been travelling behind the Sierra, had sustaine da severe frontal impact . This appeared to have been the consequence of strikin gthe road in a nose-down attitude following its collision with the wing of theaircraft. The car's front suspension had been damaged and some component sfrom this area were found close to the aircraft .

1 .12.2

Examination of the aircraft

The aircraft came to rest on its belly, with the right main gear and the nosewhee ldetached, and the left main gear collapsed in the outboard direction, but otherwis esubstantially intact. The tailcone and underside of the rear fuselage had bee ndamaged as a result of contacting the barrier on the central reservation of the



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motorway. The left wing was propped up by the collapsed main landing gear ,

such that the left tip was raised in excess of one metre above the ground . The

outboard sections of both wings had distorted upwards as a result of groun d

contact . This damage to the wings had extended to rupturing the wing tan k

cavities, thereby allowing fuel to pool around the underside of the aircraft . Nofuel remained in the right wing, which was extensively burnt . Fuel was observedto be leaking from the inboard end of the left wing for several hours after the

accident. During the recovery operation in excess of 45 gallons of fuel were

handpumped from the left wing tank .

1 .12 .3

Subsequent detailed examination of the aircraft

1 .12.3 .1

co*ckpit readings and selections

The relevant readings and selections were as follows :

Landing gear


Flap indicator

Pitch trim

Left throttle

Right throttle

Anti-ski d

Landing lights

Recognition lights

Anti collision beacon

Master switch


Mid position (ie Take-off/Approach)

Mid position

Mid (Take-off/Go around) position

Fuel cut-off

Idle power






Most of the circuit breakers on the left-hand panel had tripped, although it wa slikely that this was mainly the result of the external fire affecting the rear of th epanel before the battery was disconnected . The only circuit breakers that had not

tripped were : STDBY GYRO, RH FIRE DETECT and LH BUS NO 1, the last

being a 75 amp breaker.

A total of 17 circuit breakers had tripped on the right-hand panel, which hadsustained little visible fire damage other than being smoke blackened .

1 .12 .3.2

Flying control s

The primary flying controls were not relevant to the circ*mstances of this acciden t

and hence were subjected only to a superficial examination .


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The speedbrakes appeared to be in the fully deployed position on the left wing ,whilst those on the right were damaged in a way that could not have occurred ha dthey been retracted . The right wing upper spoiler, together with some of th eoperating linkage, was found in the Ford Sierra, although it was not clear whethe rthis occurred during the accident or had been placed there by someone in th eimmediate aftermath . The speedbrake selector on this aircraft is a toggle switchon the pedestal, spring biased to the neutral position and guarded to minimise th e

risk of inadvertent operation . The spring biasing meant that there was no way of

confirming the selection by means of the switch position .

The flaps appeared to be other than in the retracted position and, as noted i nparagraph 1 .12.3.1, the flap pre-select lever, was found in the mid position .There are three detented positions ; up, mid (Take-off/Approach) and land (fullydown). Movement of the flap lever out of a detent is effected by first pushin gdownwards and then moving the lever to the desired position . This completeseither the up-flap or down-flap circuit by actuating the 'UP' or 'DOWN' positionswitches located within the pedestal . This in turn signals the two DC flapoperating motors (one operating as a back-up in the event of the other failing) i nthe rear fuselage under the cabin floor . The motors operate the flap actuation

cables via a reduction gearbox, drive shafts, and sprocket and chain assemblies .The flap position indicator system is driven from the drive shafts, and this move sa pointer in a slot adjacent to the flap lever . It is the rotation of the pointer thatdeactuates the position switch when the flaps have travelled to the pre-selecte dposition.

The fact that the indicator pointer was in agreement with the selected position wasconsidered to be a reasonable indication that the aircraft struck the road with th eflaps at the 'as found' setting, ie Take-off/Approach . The fuselage had remainedstructurally intact, thereby maintaining the rigging and the cable tension in theindicator system . Had the selector been inadvertently knocked away from th efully down position, either during the groundslide or the evacuation, then it i sunlikely that the flaps would have been able to move very far due to th emechanical damage to the mountings and linkages . This would have resulted in amismatch between the selected and indicated positions, and could have stalled th eflap motors thereby tripping the circuit breaker . In fact the flap motor and flapcontrol circuit breakers, located on the left-hand panel in the co*ckpit, had bothtripped, although, as noted in Section 1 .12.3 .1, it is probable that this was as aresult of the fire .

The scope for accidental movement of the flap selector appeared to be limited du eto the pushing down action required to move it out of a detented position .

However, it was noted that the fully down detent was not as positive as for th etake-off position .


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Both crew members were adamant that the flaps were fully down for landing ; thiswas supported by a trial flight which indicated that the speed could not have bee n

reduced to that stated on the CVR without the additional drag provided by ful lflap .

1 .12.3 .3


The tyres were examined with a view to establishing the effect of their conditio non the braking performance of the aircraft .

The aircraft records showed that all three tyres had been replaced on7 September 1992 at 4,016 aircraft hours and 2,991 landings, due to the existin gtyres being 'worn to limits' . On 16 April 1993, the right-hand main tyre wasreplaced with the hours and landings being respectively 4,233 and 3,206 . Therelevant worksheets noted that the tyre sidewall had been damaged, as had th ebrake heatshield, which was replaced at the same time. How this damageoccurred was not recorded, although the implication is that it was the result of ahard landing, causing tyre deflection severe enough to bring the sidewall i ncontact with the heatshield .

Photographs of the mainwheel tyres are presented at Appendix D . The right tyrehad escaped the worst effects of the fire due to the right leg becoming detached .The examination, which was conducted in the presence of a representative of thetyre manufacturer, showed that this tyre had been in good condition, with n oevidence of it having been run in an under-inflated condition . As is typical wit hthis type of aircraft, the tyre had worn slightly more on the inboard side, such tha tthe depth of the tread grooves varied from approximately 5 mm to 8 mm acros sthe tyre width .

The left tyre had suffered considerable fire damage, although it was apparent tha tit had been in a more advanced state of wear than the right . It was noted on oneof the few unburnt sections that the radial grooves on the sidewall of this tyr ewere shorter than those on the right, due to the tread wearing down to beyond th eends of the grooves. This observation resulted in an estimate of the tread groov edepth remaining being no more than 1 to 2 mm at the time of the accident .

Finally, none of the tyres showed any evidence of reverted rubber that is ofte nassociated with hydroplaning ; however this does not necessarily mean thathydroplaning did not occur.

1 .12.3.4

Electrical system

Whilst the electrical system was not pertinent to the causes of the accident, th epost-accident fire may have been electrically initiated and/or sustained . Videorecordings taken by the fire service and the nearby Ford Motor Company securitycameras indicated that the anti-collision beacon on top of the rudder remaine d


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operating in excess of 20 minutes after the accident. An engineer from the airportturned off the battery master switch (operating it from outside the aircraft via th edirect-vision (DV) window), yet the anti-collision light was only extinguishe dwhen the battery, located in the rear fuselage, was physically disconnected .

DC electrical power from the engine-mounted generators is fed into a junction bo xlocated aft of the pressure bulkhead in the tailcone of the aircraft . A number ofcircuit breakers are located on the sides of the box, and 80 amp current limiters(heavy duty fuses) protect the three cables that run along each side of the fuselagefrom the main busbars to the extension busbars feeding the distribution panels o neach side of the co*ckpit. The battery feeds the same buses via a contactorconnected to the hot battery busbar, and which is operated by the battery maste rswitch. When the latter is selected 'ON', an electrical path to earth is made whic henergises the contactor.

The interior of the rear fuselage in which the junction box is located had remainedlargely unaffected by the fire . None of the current limiters had failed, althoughmany of the circuit breakers had tripped. However the anti-collision beaco ncircuit breaker had not tripped . It therefore appeared that the master switch ha dbecome ineffective, the most probable explanation being that the fire affected th ecable looms on the left side of the co*ckpit, such that the battery contacto rremained earthed and hence energised, thereby maintaining battery power on thebusbars . This was confirmed when a resistance check was made between one o fthe contactor terminals and the aircraft structure ; this was measured as 300 ohms ,where an open circuit condition would normally exist .

The landing lights, which are attached to the main landing gear legs, are eac hsupplied via a 15 amp circuit breaker, which were found not to have tripped .The circuit becomes 'live' when the landing gear is locked down, with the bulb silluminating when the landing light switch is selected 'ON', thereby opening apath to earth.

The aircraft was equipped with two inertia switches, one associated with th eCVR, the other energising the emergency lighting system. These are identical 5 gswitches located in the co*ckpit roof adjacent to the CVR area microphone . In theevent of a deceleration in excess of 5g in the longitudinal direction, the CVR isstopped and the emergency lights are switched on . Electrical and visualexamination, confirmed that the switches had operated . In fact the switches weremounted at an angle of 15° to the horizontal, such that they could also be activate dby a vertical acceleration . The aircraft's impact with the motorway barrierimparted a forward acceleration relative to the aircraft axis and thus would not beexpected to activate the inertia switches . It is therefore likely that this occurredeither when the nose gear collapsed or when the aircraft struck the motorway aftersliding down the embankment .


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1 .12.3 .5


The crew were forced to evacuate via the emergency exit on the right-hand side ofthe aircraft due to the difficulty they encountered in attempting to operate th ehandle on the main door. However, during the wreckage recovery operation ,which necessitated lifting the fuselage onto a trailer, the door was reportedl yopened without undue difficulty .

Subsequent examination revealed that the latch mechanism within the door wa sintact, although it was somewhat stiff in operation due to the effects of the fire .The final one third of the movement on the internal handle retracts the lockpinsinto the door, thereby disengaging them from the sockets in the door frame an dallowing the door to be opened . This operation of the lockpins was checked wit hthe door open; the door could not subsequently be closed and latched . Duringattempts to do so, it was noted that the lockpins were not aligning with th esockets due to distortion in the door frame and/or door . In particular, gaps wereobserved between the lower rear edge of the door and the frame . It is thusprobable that the crew's difficulty with the door stemmed from fuselage distortio nthat might reasonably have been expected to occur during the accident . Thiswould have imposed shear loads on the lockpins that may have required asignificant force to overcome. The apparent ease with which the door wassubsequently opened could have resulted from a 'stress relieving' proces soccurring as a consequence of the fire.

1 .12.3 .6

Engine controls

No problems were reported with the engines ; hence it was not necessary toexamine them in detail . The left engine cowling had suffered some heat damag eto the underside, but the engine itself bore no evidence of being affected by th efire . The right engine, which had continued to run after the aircraft had come t orest, had sustained considerable external fire damage, as had the nacelle . Theengine reportedly stopped when the fire services directed foam into the intake .

In the co*ckpit, the left throttle was found in the fuel cut-off detent at the aft limitof the gate . The right throttle was approximately in the idle position immediatel yahead of the detent. The throttle levers have spring loaded triggers which have t obe raised in order to allow lever movement below the idle position and into th efuel cut-off detent. Throttle movement is transmitted to the engines via 'teleflex 'type cables . These run in the keel of the aircraft and had probably been affectedby the fire, as the throttle levers could only be moved with great difficulty . Thethrottle quadrants on the fuel control units, which are located on the left side o feach engine, indicated the same throttle settings as the co*ckpit levers .


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1 .13

Medical and pathological informatio n

Not applicable .

1 .14


1 .14.1


Both pilots report that there were signs of small fires under the fuselage an d

wings when they vacated the aircraft . The co-pilot also refers to a ring of flam e

outside the aircraft while he was trying unsuccessfully to open the normal exit .

After the pilots vacated the aircraft, the commander realised that he had not close d

down the engines and went back inside the co*ckpit to shut them down .

Subsequent examination of the engine controls indicate that the left engine had

been closed down but that the right engine was still at the idle setting . Both the

air traffic controller and the RFFS personnel stated that the aircraft burst int o

flames shortly after it landed on the motorway . A witness driving a large vehicl e

on the motorway stated that the pilots got out of the aircraft before it burst int o

flames and that the fire started about 15 to 20 seconds after it came to rest . Other

witnesses confirm that the aircraft suddenly became engulfed in flames, and tha t

before the large fire, an aircraft engine was on fire . An occupant of one of the

damaged cars also reported a strong smell of fuel . One of the cars involved in th e

accident also caught fire .

1 .14 .2

Fire service response

On the day of the accident the RFFS were carrying out routine checks i n

preparation for the normal airport opening at 0600 hrs . At 0531 hrs the duty ai r

traffic control officer contacted the airport Duty Fire Officer (DFO) and informe dhim that an aircraft was expected to land shortly, before the official airport

opening. The Oxford and Southampton airport authorities had both given writte n

permission for G-JETB to operate outside normal operating hours ; this was

dependent on the crew's acceptance of the fact that there would be no fire cover

available and is allowable for a private flight . At the time the DFO was contacted ,

both fire vehicles ( FIRE 1 and FIRE 2 ) were fully manned with three crew o n

each and only required check runs prior to coming on line . As they began thes e

runs on the northern taxiways, the DFO, on FIRE 1, was monitoring the airpor t

tower frequency and heard the ATC controller advise the crew of G-JETB tha t

they would be landing with a 15 kt tailwind on a very wet runway . The DFO

then ordered both fire vehicles to 'Weather Standby' ; this is a precautionary actio n

during adverse weather conditions and involves positioning the fire vehicles on

the taxiway at right angles to the runway and approximately 2/3 along Runway 2 0

(see Appendix E) .

r q


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The DFO watched the aircraft land normally but saw it continue at high speed pas this 'Weather Standby' position . Following clearance from ATC both firevehicles entered the runway to follow the aircraft . As the aircraft slid off the sideof the runway and disappeared from his sight the DFO ordered the driver o fFIRE 1 to follow the aircraft tracks, and ordered FIRE 2 to proceed off th eairport to the motorway . At the end of the runway, FIRE 1 was stopped toenable 4-wheel drive to be engaged, and the driver then followed the aircraf ttracks to the edge of the embankment; the DFO stated that he saw a fireball some5 to 10 seconds after the aircraft disappeared from sight and that it was a furthe r25 seconds before FIRE 1 reached the top of the embankment . On arrival, theDFO saw the aircraft on fire, one car upside down, and one other car with fir ecoming from its engine compartment . Using a side hose, the DFO concentrate don containing the fire around the co*ckpit area, and the monitor from FIRE 1 wa sused on the rest of the aircraft fire ; the monitor extinguished all but a smal lamount of fire under each wing.

By now both pilots were clear of the aircraft, and the RFFS had confirmed tha tthere were no other occupants in G-JETB . The DFO checked that both cars wereempty and then extended his side hose to extinguish the car fire . Some 3 to 4minutes after the aircraft left the runway, FIRE 2 arrived on the motorway at th escene and extinguished the residual fires, including what they described as amagnesium fire, i .e . burning with a very bright light, underneath the left wing b ythe landing gear; this was tackled with dry powder . Both fire vehicles continuedto utilise foam and water to cool the aircraft, cars and the immediate area . It alsobecame apparent that electrical power was still live on the aircraft and it took som etime to isolate the batteries . By 0540 hrs the local police and rescue service sbegan arriving and took charge of the situation .

The county firefighting services provided backup, but used only water by way ofpreventing further outbreaks of fire . The airport appliances used approximatel y1,000 litres of foam concentrate, 13,000 litres of water and 2 kg of dry powde rand did not run short of any firefighting medium .

1 .14 .3

Fire damage to aircraft

The aircraft came to rest pointing approximately 30° to the right of the winddirection . This had the effect of sparing the outboard left wing and the left side ofthe fin and rudder from the fire .

The fuselage had suffered severe fire damage in that areas of skin had bee nburned away, although the frames and stringers had largely survived, thereb ypreserving much of the structural integrity . One of the worst affected areas of thefuselage was on the left side of the co*ckpit, at the rear of the circuit breaker panel .It is possible that this was partly due to electric power still being present in thecircuit breaker panel before the battery was disconnected, and that this helped t osustain the fire in this area .


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The interior of the aircraft was extensively smoke blackened, with most of the fir e

damage being confined to an area close to the emergency exit . This appeared to

be a consequence of the external fire entering the cabin, and there was evidence o fa similar nature on the left side of the co*ckpit where fire had penetrated around th e

circuit breaker panel and the open DV window .

Away from the doors, the cabin furnishings had not burned, although plasticitems such as trim panels and coat hangers had been badly distorted, thereb yindicating the intensity of the heat within the cabin .

1 .14.4

Fire damage to the car

The fire in the Renault was largely confined to the engine compartment .Examination revealed that the frontal impact damage had resulted in th edown-draught type carburettor being knocked off its mountings . This may haveallowed fuel to be sprayed onto the exhaust manifold located below, and henc ecould have initiated the fire . There was no charring on the road surface linkin gthe car and the aircraft, which were approximately 15 metres apart; it wastherefore concluded that the fires in the vehicle and the aircraft were initiate dseparately.

1 .15

Survival aspects

1 .15 .1


The co-pilot left the co*ckpit first and attempted to open the normal exit door . Hereported that he could only move the operating handle through approximately 3/4

of its available movement even though he tried several attempts . The commander

operated the emergency exit without difficulty and both pilots successfully

vacated the aircraft . The commander then realised that the engines were stil lgoing and went back inside the aircraft to close , them down. However ,subsequently it was found that the right engine had not been not closed dow ncompletely and continued to run . The co-pilot stated that when he was outside th eaircraft he became aware that the commander was not with him but, as h ere-entered the aircraft he met the commander and they both left the immediate areatowards the fire vehicle located at the top of the embankment .

The substantially intact condition of the aircraft together with the lack of injury t othe crew provided an indication of the relatively small magnitude of the impac tforces . However, as noted in paragraph 1 .12.3.4, there must have been asignificant vertical acceleration in order to trigger the inertia switches . The crewseats had not been mechanically damaged in the accident, although it was notedthat the right-hand floor rail of the left seat had been deflected downwards at thepoint where it had been in contact with the rear roller .

1 .15 .2


The three occupants of the cars involved in the accident vacated their vehicle swithout major difficulty ; all suffered minor injuries .


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1 .16

Tests and research

1 .16.1

Testing of the anti-skid components

The wheel transducers, anti-skid valve and electronic control box were al l

manufactured by the Hydro-Aire division of the Crane Company of Burbank ,

California. This was the only location where these components could be benc h

tested and this was duly carried out under AAIB supervision .

a) Wheel transducer s

The left-hand unit was visually in a good condition and was easily removedfrom the axle . The right unit had suffered some abrasion damage when th e

right landing gear became detached, and force had to be used in order t oremove the transducer from the axle. Despite this, the unit met the productio ntest requirements . The left-hand transducer also met the requirements ,

although the voltage signal became slightly erratic at low RPM ; this was

thought to be indicative of a worn bearing and was judged to have had no

effect on the operation of the anti-skid system .

b) Valve assembly

This had suffered some blackening in the fire, and, as a result of damage t othe nosewheel bay, had remained attached to the airframe only by one of th ehydraulic lines . The test schedule included a variable electrical input (tosimulate that normally provided by the control box) against which wasrecorded the brake release pressure . The results showed that the unit wa sonly marginally out of specification and would have provided satisfactory

anti-skid protection . Further confidence was provided by an additional test,not in the schedule, which tested that the unit was capable of brake release atrelatively low pressures . (Such a test would show that the unit was capabl e

of modulating at relatively low brake pressures, thus simulating condition sthat might be experienced on a slippery runway surface) .

c) Electronic control box

This unit had been blackened in the fire and the casing had been slightl ydamaged during the salvage . Despite this, the unit performed satisfactoril y

when subjected to the production test on the bench . Internally, the circuit cardshowed no evidence of fire or mechanical damage .

1 .17

Additional information

1 .17 .1

Aerocharter (Midlands) Ltd company manual s

The crew were required to operate the Citation in accordance with the standar d

operating procedures and guidance written in the Aerocharter Operations Manual


Air Accidents Investigation Branch ... - Aviation Safety - [PDF Document] (29)

(OM) and the Citation II Flight Manual (FM) . In the pre-amble the OM (cop y

number 6) states that :

'The regulations and procedure promulgated in this operations manual ar e

mandatory and have been compiled to obtain maximum productive capacit y

commensurate with safety and economy of operation . The maintenance of the

standards so established is the responsibility of all Company Personnel . '

The OM also included the following instructions :

'The Captain has complete authority to take overriding and final decisions

regarding any aspect of an operation which, in his opinion affects hi s

performance to accepted safety standards .

When a second pilot is carried, he is responsible to the Captain for monitorin g

landing procedures and it is his "express duty" to bring to the attention of the

Captain any irregularity he notes in the operation of the aircraft .

Before any flight the Captain will ensure that sufficient fuel and oil for th e

planned flight are on board and certified in the technical log and that a copy o f

the technical log is left at the airfield of departure .

Do not take-off or land in areas of severe weather. It is very dangerous to

attempt to take-off or land when thunderstorms lie in the immediate vicinity o f

the take-off or landing path . Cancel, delay or divert.

Maximum tailwind component is 10 kt.

When carrying 8 male passengers a minimum of 160 lb must be carried in

Bay D (rear bay) .

If there is a tailwind on landing, the quick reference performance tables ma y

not be used; in that situation a full calculation must be made from the FM . '

It was noted that 'actions in the event of a forced landing' were contained within

the 'Limitations' section of the OM and not within the 'Emergency procedures

checklist' section .

The FM included the following instructions :

The maximum tailwind component for takeoff or landing is 10 kt .

To obtain maximum braking performance from the anti-skid system, the pilo t

should apply continuous effort (no modulation) to the brake pedals .

The performance information in the manual is not valid if any limitation is no t

observed. '

The sea level landing field length limit based on a landing weight of 12,500 lb, a t

an OAT of 12°C, no runway slope, at VREF of 108 kt, and with a tailwind



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component of 10 kt (no figures given for a higher tailwind) was calculated fro m

the FM as 5,554 feet (1,692 metres) .

1 .17 .2

Tyre wear limitation s

Guidance on tyre wear is given in the CAA's Airworthiness Notice No 5, issued

in April 1972. This notes that BCARs demand that for certification of new type s

of aircraft, the depth of tyre tread below which wet braking friction characteristic s

are impaired should be specified at the time of certification . It is also required that

it should be possible to determine, in operational conditions, when the tread dept h

is worn below this limit. The Notice contains a recommendation to the effect tha t

a tyre be withdrawn from service when it is worn to the extent that its wet runwa y

performance would be seriously impaired . This is defined as : -

(i) it is worn such that any groove has a depth of less than 2 mm of trea d

for more than one quarter of the tread circumference ,


(ii) at any place on the circumference the tread pattern is worn to a depth o fless than 2 mm across the whole width of the tread in contact with the

runway .

NO'TE: This is not a rigid definition and equivalence may be provided if, for example, tyre

wear is such that whilst one groove is less than 2 mm all the others are 3 mm or more .

1 .17 .3

Factors affecting hydroplaning

Tests on the anti-skid equipment confirmed that all components were capable o f

operating normally. Thus, in the event of hydroplaning resulting in locke d

wheels at low brake pressures, the brakes would release completely until th ewheels regained RPM . Hydroplaning is a dynamic process in which the tyre i spartly or completely supported by a water film . Only the portion of tread area tha tis in direct contact with the runway surface can transmit horizontal forces fo r

braking purposes . If the water film extends across the entire tyre footprint area ,

then the horizontal force, and hence the wheel spin-up moment, reduces to zero .

In extreme cases, the pressure in the bow wave ahead of the tyre can cause th e

spin-down of an unbraked wheel . In such cases, there is a loss of directional

control, i.e. steering, as well as a total absence of braking action .

It is generally accepted that there are two types of hydroplaning ; dynamic and

viscous. In the former, pressure generated in overcoming fluid inerti aimmediately ahead of the tyre/runway contact zone can support the tyre vertical

load. The latter results from a thin fluid film preventing dry contact between the

tyre and the surface within the contact zone .

In the event that a wheel becomes stationary, either by failure of the brakes t orelease, or from spin-down, then it is probable that energy dissipated in th e


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contact area is capable of flashing the water film into steam, eventually leading t o'scalding', or areas of reverted rubber on the tyre .

Research into the phenomenon of hydroplaning has been conducted over the las t

30 years or so and has investigated the factors influencing the hydroplaning spee d

Vp. One report on the subject, NASA Technical Note TN D-2056 (Phenomena

of Pneumatic Tire Hydroplaning, by Walter B Horne and Robert C Dreher) ,

derives an expression for the hydroplaning speed, simplified to the following :

Vp = 9~P kt, where P is the tyre inflation pressure in pounds per squareinch (psi) .

Note that this applies only to smooth tyres, or for treaded tyres where the depth o fwater exceeds a critical value which corresponds to the volume of water that can

be accommodated in the tread grooves .

Thus for a nominal inflation pressure for a Citation mainwheel tyre of 108 psi ,Vp = 94 kt approximately .

Information supplied by the tyre manufacturer (Goodyear) summarises other

research which has attempted to quantify the effects of tyre groove depth, and thenumber and width of grooves relative to the total tyre width . The results indicatethat an unworn tyre can reach full hydroplaning on an ungrooved runway when

the water depth exceeds 5 mm. Tyre wear can lead to a marked reduction inbraking action when the tread grooves reach approximately 2 .5 mm .

The type of runway surface also has a major effect, i .e. grooved or smooth ,asphalt or concrete . Perhaps less obvious is the effect of runway shape . Studiesconducted by the UK Ministry of Defence have indicated that water build-u pduring heavy rainfall can be less on a domed runway (i .e. where the centre i shigher than the edges) compared to one with an edge-to-edge cross-fall .Southampton runway is in the latter category, with drains installed along th e

eastern edge of the paving.

1 .17 .4

Estimated braking performance

Estimation of the braking performance was hampered by the lack of hard evidenc eof aircraft speed during the landing ground roll ; from CVR evidence the threshold

speed was probably between 110 kt and 120 kt IAS, giving a touchdown speedof between 105 kt and 115 kt IAS . This corresponds to a groundspeed o f

between 120 kt and 130 kt, assuming a tailwind of 15 kt as reported by theControl Tower .

The touchdown point has been estimated from witness reports as being in the are aof the PAPIs, i .e . 267 metres from the threshold . From the position of ground

marks as the aircraft left the side of the runway it was possible to make anestimate of 1,264 metres ground roll from the touchdown point. However this



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only covers the period from touchdown to where the aircraft left the side of th e

runway at an estimated speed of 50 to 60 kt. The aircraft continued a further233 metres after leaving the runway to the top of the motorway embankment.

A performance model was derived from the dry runway performance figure s

supplied by Cessna and Appendix C, Figure C-2 shows stopping distanc e

assuming a given touchdown speed . Joint Airworthiness Requirements (JARs) ,

which superceded BCARs for later aeroplanes, although not used for certification

of this aircraft, give factors to calculate a wet runway coefficient from the dr yrunway values, as defined in JAR 25AMJ 25X1591, Table 1 . The wet mu value sshown in Appendix C, Figure C-1 were derived from the dry mu valuessupplied by Cessna by applying the JAR factors . These figures were then used t ocalculate wet runway stopping distances from the measured dry landing figure s

supplied by Cessna . The wet runway stopping performance is shown i nAppendix C, Figure C-2 . The speeds quoted are IAS and, to convert t o

groundspeed, a 15 kt tailwind was assumed . For a touchdown speed of betwee n

105 kt and 115 kt IAS, the distance required to reduce to 50 to 60 kt IAS isbetween 600 metres and 1,000 metres on a dry runway, and between

1,100 metres and 1, 800 metres for a wet runway . The Flight Manual distanceswhich include a factor of 1 .92 on the dry runway figures are also plotted o n

Figure C-2 .

The figures presented here all assume LAND flap throughout, however, ther ewas also the possibility of selection of Take-off/Approach flap during the late rstages of the ground roll . Figures supplied by Cessna indicate that the landin gground roll distances for the Take-off/Approach flap configuration would b ebetween 3% and 7% less, due to the greater wheel reaction force .

1 .17 .5

UK standards for measuring and reporting wheel braking action on wet runways

The UK Aeronautical Information Publication (UK AIP) states that the inherentfriction characteristics of a runway surface deteriorate only slowly over a perio dof time, but that the friction of a runway surface and thus the braking action ca nvary significantly over a short period in wet conditions, depending on the actualdepth of water on the runway . Also, long term (six monthly) seasonal variation sin friction values may exist . The consequences of combinations of these factorsis that no meaningful operational benefit can be derived from continuall ymeasuring the friction value of a runway in wet conditions . In the context ofthese paragraphs a 'wet runway' covers a range of conditions from 'damp' to'flooded', as described below . It does not include ice or runways contaminate dwith snow, slush, or water associated with slush .


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The condition of a wet runway is determined by the airport operator and notified

to pilots by ATC, using the following terms and descriptions :

Damp :

The surface shows a change of colour due to moisture .

Wet :

The surface is soaked but no significant patches o f

standing water are visible .

Water patches:

Significant patches of standing water are visible .

Flooded :

Extensive standing water is visible .

The UK AIP states that when a runway, other than one notified as liable to b eslippery when wet, is reported as damp or wet, pilots may assume that an

acceptable level of runway wheel braking friction is available . When a runway i s

reported as having 'WATER PATCHES' or being 'FLOODED', wheel brakin gmay be affected by hydroplaning and appropriate operational adjustments shoul dbe considered .

1 .17.6

Airport information

1 .17.6.1


Civil Air Publication (CAP) 168 details the licensing regulations for airfield sinvolved in all types of flying operations, particularly Public Transport (PT )flights . The licence for Southampton includes authority for PT flights .Additionally, under the terms of the Town and Country Planning (Aerodrome s

and Technical Sites) Direction 1992 for England and Wales and the Town andCountry Planning (Aerodromes) (Scotland) Direction 1982, the Civil AviationAuthority (CAA) safeguards certain important aerodromes against futur edevelopments which might prejudice their actual or potential use for aviatio npurposes. In such cases the CAA issues an official safeguarding map which i sdeposited with the local planning authority or authorities around the aerodrom eand with certain other bodies . The CAA has deposited such a map fo rSouthampton, however, the safeguarding system generally relates to heights ofstructures which might adversely affect clearance heights .

One other requirement for local authorities under the latest Directions is for themto consult the CAA before granting planning permission for the development o fland within areas designated as Public Safety Zones (PSZ) at civil aerodromes .Such zones are established by the Department of Transport at specified majo rairports in order to prevent any build-up of population in areas where there is agreater risk of an aircraft accident . Since 1982 a PSZ has generally beenestablished at airports which have reached a minimum of 1,500 and have apotential for 2,500 PT movements per month ; a standard PSZ is 1,000 metre slong, orientated from the end of the runway . In 1977 Southampton (Eastleigh )Airport had a total of 3,750 movements per month, of which just over 900 were




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PT flights . Although the airport has been kept under review since 1979, there i s

no PSZ yet established at Southampton . The latest figures for 1992 show a tota l

of 53,499 movements (4,458 per month) of which 19,039 (1,586 per month) ar e

Public Transport .

1 .17 .6 .2


Southampton (Eastleigh) Airport was acquired by BAA plc in 1991 . The final

portion of the M27 motorway, which is adjacent to the airport, had been planned

and built between 1969 and 1983; the motorway is 88 metres from the end of th e

runway. Following public inquiries held in 1969 and 1971 at which the possibl e

effect of the motorway on the operation of the airport was debated at length, th e

line of the motorway was fixed in 1971 . During these deliberations the safety

aspects were considered in depth, the declared runway length was reduced, an d

various other options were considered to minimise any risk to the public . Theseincluded: diverting the motorway ; building a portion of the motorway below th e

surface; installing a ground arrester system ; and even closing the airport .

However the final decision was based on the perceived minor risk of an acciden ton the motorway against the considered alternative of closing the airport ; this risk

was calculated as one accident in 70 years occurring on the motorway, although i t

was acknowledged that an accident could possibly occur within the first 20 to

30 years of operation. Prior to the accident to G-JETB, a Lockheed Jetstar also

overran Runway 20 on 27 November 1992; on that occasion the aircraft came torest 75 metres beyond the runway, but within the RESA and short of th e

motorway. (See AAIB Bulletin 3/93 )

In 1976 there was a further inquiry at which the line of the motorway just west o f

the airport was reconsidered; this was not for reasons associated with the airport .

In 1977 the question of the motorway proximity to the Airport was raised by a

member of the public, however, after further consideration of the availabl eoptions, the decision was taken, in 1978, to adhere to the original route. Thequestion of a PSZ for the airport was also suggested and by 1979 the Departmen tof Trade had included Southampton as one of the airports constantly under revie w

for a PSZ.

The section of motorway adjacent to the airport was completed by the end o f

1983. Although the option of a ground arrester system between the runway andthe motorway was not progressed, this still remains as a possible solution t ominimise the risk of damage resulting from an overrun .

1 .17 .7

Arresting systems

Trials were carried out in the late 1960's and early 1970's to establish if militar y

aircraft could be successfully and safely arrested by a soft ground arrester bed i n

the overrun of a runway. Initially these trials were based on fighter type military


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aircraft, but in 1973 full size trials using a Comet aircraft were carried out at th eRoyal Aerospace Establishment (RAE) Bedford . The results were encouraging,although some problems still needed resolving when the trials were halted . Sincethen, the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) in the USA have also been

investigating soft ground arrester systems ; during 1993 they conducted full-scal e

tests using a Boeing 727 in a phenolic-foam arrester bed . At present, in the UK

there are four civilian airfields with a soft ground arrester bed. During the courseof the investigation these airfields provided the following information on thei rexperiences with the arrester beds :

1. Gloucester Airport The bed was installed in 1965 due to the groundslop ebeyond the end of the runway. The substance used is Sintered Fuel As hPellets (Lytag) and covers an area of 47 metres by 37 metres . It has neverbeen used in anger and the only maintenance required is weed killing . Theairport has a problem with jet blast from the reciprocal runway andrecommends a gap of approximately 60 metres between the paved surface an dthe arrester bed.

2. Manchester Airport, The bed was installed in 1982 following a runwayextension; this runway extension resulted in a 25 metre drop at the end of th eRESA. The substance used is Lytag and covers an area of 90 metres by 9 2metres displaced 60 metres from the runway end . The bed has never beenrequired for emergency use and the only maintenance needed is regularraking. The airport reports no major disadvantages with the arrester bed .

3. Southend Airport The bed was installed before 1980 due to the proximity of arailway line to the end of the runway . The substance used is Lytag an dcovers a horizontal area of approximately 37 metres by 10 metres ; the bedslopes up away from the runway at 30° to a height of approximately 4 metres .It has never been required for emergency use and the only maintenanceneeded is a total agitation every two years . The airport reports nodisadvantages but considers that the fine mesh netting used is essential to kee pthe Lytag in place .

4. jersey Airport The bed was installed in 1975 because of a steep incline at theend of the airfield . The substance used is beach shingle ; the bed i sapproximately 33 metres long, tapering in width from 93 metres to 46 metre sand is located 46 metres from the runway end . There is a regular inspectionof the area to note any settling or weed growth which could bind the surface .If this is noted, hand and/or machine raking is used to loosen the texture. Thearrester bed was used in 1977 when a Viscount aircraft overran Runway 2 7and was stopped without damage in the shingle .

1 .18

New investigation techniques


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Analysi s

2 .1


The commander and co-pilot had both previously landed at Southampto n

(Eastleigh) Airport and were properly qualified and adequately experienced for th eflight. The aircraft was free from defects, was below the maximum certifie dlanding weight, and landed with a reported tailwind component of 15 kt on a

very wet runway . The information relating to the runway landing distanc eavailable, the maximum permitted weight for landing in wet conditions, and th e

wind limitations were available to the crew . They had also been passed recen t

weather observations, including the warning of thunderstorms and the surface

wind. This analysis considers the condition of the runway, the performance an d

braking effectiveness of the aircraft, the crew procedures including human factor s

aspects, airfield safety measures, and the reaction of the rescue services .

2 .2

The runway surface

The runway surface was reported by the air traffic controller to the crew prior t olanding as "VERY WET" . This was based on the controller's view of the runwa y

and his awareness of the rain intensity. The fire crew who followed G-JETBalong the runway also stated that the runway was wet with heavy rainfall .Although the runway braking action was checked at 0628 hrs on 26 May 199 3and found to be good in all areas, this measurement was done 54 minutes after th eaccident and no rain had fallen in the intervening period . Therefore, the braking

action at the time of the accident would have been less than that at the time th emeasurement was taken. The amount of precipitation is subjective but th eevidence of witnesses indicates the existence of substantial water on the runway .

2 .3

Aircraft braking performance assessment

From CVR evidence the threshold speed was probably between 110 kt and120 kt IAS, giving a touchdown speed of between 105 kt and 115 kt IAS . Thiscorresponds to a groundspeed of between 120 kt and 130 kt, assuming atailwind of 15 kt .

Figures supplied by Cessna state that the maximum kinetic energy which can b eabsorbed by the brakes at a landing weight of 12,500 lb corresponds to a

maximum brake application groundspeed of 112 kt; therefore had the brakes beenapplied above 112 kt, the aircraft could not have stopped on a dry runway from

purely brake energy considerations .


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It was not possible to determine the actual braking performance ; however usin gthe corrected wet runway mu, the braking performance was estimated . Thedistance required for the aircraft to stop for a given touchdown speed using thi s

corrected wet runway mu was calculated. A comparison of this distance, an d

both the unfactored dry distance to stop calculated from mu supplied by Cessna ,

and the factored Flight Manual ground roll distance is shown in Appendix C ,Figure C-2 . It should be noted however that these distances all assume atailwind of 15 kt (which is beyond the Flight Manual limit) and only estimat eground roll distance, whereas the figures for landing distance quoted in the Fligh tManual include an airborne distance.

Appendix C, Figure C-2, shows landing ground roll as a function of touchdow nIAS in the conditions pertaining at the time . From this it can be seen that, for a

touchdown speed of between 105 kt and 115 kt IAS, the distance required to

reduce to 50 to 60 kt IAS is between 600 metres and 1,000 metres on a dr yrunway, and between 1,100 metres and 1,800 metres for a wet runway .

The distance from touchdown, at between 105 kt and 115 kt IAS, to thedeparture of the aircraft from the side of the runway at around 50 to 60 kt IAS

was estimated to be 1,264 metres . This value is within the wet runway muestimate of between 1,100 and 1,800 metres, dependant on touchdown speed . Itwould therefore appear that the aircraft achieved the estimated brakingperformance, and there was no evidence of hydroplaning, within the accuracy o fthe available evidence .

The estimated distance required to stop from touchdown as shown a tAppendix C, Figure C-2, is between 1,320 and 2,060 metres, depending o ntouchdown speed, and therefore it can be seen that the aircraft probably could nothave stopped in the landing distance available .

The worn condition of the left tyre is more difficult to quantify in terms of it s

effect on the stopping distance of the aircraft . Allowing for the effects of the fire ,the amount of tread groove depth remaining was assessed as being no more tha n1 to 2 mm, and was probably worn in excess of the limits described inAirworthiness Notice No 5 . Research into hydroplaning has indicated that thereis a marked reduction in braking action when the tread depth is below 2 .5 mm. Inaddition, the hydroplaning speed would have been around 94 kt fromconsideration of the typical tyre pressures . Thus, as the tread grooves filled with

water in the deeper puddles on the runway, there would have been a tendency fo rhydroplaning, resulting in a reduction in wheel RPM followed by the anti-ski dsystem releasing brake pressure . In such conditions, it is the most worn tyre tha tis the dominant influence on the braking action .



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The preceding paragraphs have indicated that the aircraft could not have stoppe d

in the available distance, purely from a performance consideration . Thus,

unworn tyres would not have prevented the accident. However it is probable that

improved braking action from less worn tyres would have resulted in the aircraf t

leaving the runway at a reduced speed .

2 .4

Crew performanc e



It is acknowledged that a high proportion of air accidents involve human factors

to some degree. In this accident there have been no identifiable failures related to

the aircraft systems or to the airport . The crew were passed sufficient information

to alert them to the need for caution and indeed the air traffic controlle r

emphasised the surface wind in very clear language . Yet the crew persisted in

landing the aircraft in conditions outside the aircraft limitations . Any assessments

put forward in this report are necessarily subjective but advice was sought from a

Principal Psychologist from the Royal Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine .He worked with the investigating team in compiling the parts of this report tha tdeal with human factors . The team were also fortunate in having the CV R

available and this gives an insight into the working relationship of the crew, an dtheir actions leading up to the accident .

2 .4.2

Crew working relationshi p

The commander was a very experienced pilot who had been operating executiv etype aircraft for the last two years following his retirement from a major charte rairline; he was primarily a freelance pilot but worked regularly for Aerocharter

(Midlands) Ltd. The co-pilot, who was relatively inexperienced, was the chie f

pilot of a small company operating from Oxford. He had arranged the contract t oferry passengers between Southampton and Eindhoven each Wednesday .However he had also made a commercial arrangement with Aerocharter Ltd to theeffect that Aerocharter Ltd would provide the aircraft and crew for some contract s

that he would arrange, and would also check him out as a co-pilot on th e

Citation II; for the flights generated by himself, he would normally fly a sco-pilot. For these particular flights it was normal for the co-pilot to make theground and support arrangements ; this would include paying the commander .Since at least January 1993, G-JETB had been used for theSouthampton/Eindhoven flight with the co-pilot operating as second pilot . Thecommander had been operating the flight since March 1993 . There was no doubtin the co*ckpit as to who was in charge of the flight but there was an unusual

situation in that the co-pilot planned this particular aircraft operation an dobviously had a major interest in the successful completion of the contract . From


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the commander's view, there would be the conflict between his comman d

position and the realisation that his co-pilot was essentially his employer . From

the co-pilot's view there would be the conflict between his secondary role in th e

aircraft, and both his normal role as chief pilot and his active organisation in the

aircraft contract. Although both pilots had flown together many times, the CVR

indicated that their working relationship was not particularly close . Nevertheless ,

the atmosphere was no worse than is experienced on many flight decks and th e

commander had the experience to cope with it .

2 .4 .3

Flight preparation

The crew were well rested prior to the flight and had not been workin g

excessively in the recent past. The aircraft had arrived at Oxford the previous da y

and had been refuelled to full tanks ; this fact was not entered into the technical lo g

as required by the Operations Manual. Additionally the crew knew the expected

passenger numbers (8 males) to be picked up at Southampton and a simpl e

calculation would have highlighted the fact that the aircraft was going to be

overweight for takeoff at Southampton . It was also noted that the Operation s

Manual requires 160 lb in the rear hold with the full passenger load that the y

were expecting and this would further increase the excess weight. Bearing in

mind the fact that the passengers were intending to return the same day, an d

would therefore have minimal luggage, it is difficult to see how this requiremen t

would be achieved without some planning for ballast; with the fuel state on board

there was no flexibility to load this at Oxford and there was no indication of an y

plan to load ballast at Southampton . No doubt the excess weight would hav e

been revealed on load sheet completion at Southampton but the situation indicate s

inadequate planning for a prospective PT flight .

2 .4.4

Flight profile

The flight from Oxford to Southampton was not difficult and the crew wer e

quickly aware of the weather conditions including the presence of thunderstorms .

They carried out their duties adequately although there was arguably littl e

evidence of camaraderie on the flight deck . The commander was not very

communicative and there were occasions when he did not appear to hear incomin g

transmissions . The co-pilot was reasonably talkative and the lack of response

from the commander did not appear to inhibit him . The crew's origina l

expectation was that they would be making an approach to Runway 02 and th e

navigation aids were orientated for this approach ; the weather had been passed to ,

and acknowledged by, the crew .

The first change occurred when the Southampton controller offered the crew th e

option of making an approach to Runway 20 enabling them to use the ILS facility ;



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this is a precision approach aid which is not available on Runway 02 . Howeverthe controller also stated the need for a break-off at some stage for a visualcircling procedure to position for a landing on Runway 02. The commanderimmediately accepted this option without any discussion with his co-pilot . At thisstage it was a perfectly reasonable offer made to ease the pilot's task and accepte das such. The commander had no trouble establishing on the ILS approach andhad mentally calculated the wind component along the runway as 'about 10 kt' .This was based on the previous winds that he had been given ; on first contact thewind was given as 020°/14 kt, and shortly afterwards the wind was passed as040°/12 kt. These two reports indicate a tailwind component along Runway 20of 14 kt and 11 kt respectively ; both are outside the aircraft limits .

2 .4 .5

Visual approach and landing

The commander achieved visual contact with the runway at a range of 4 nm. Atthat point he could see that the runway was wet and at the time he was not flyingin rain. The approach was uneventful until the commander stated his intention t oland on Runway 20 . His reasoning was that he could see the runway clearl yfrom his present position but that it appeared very black at the other end of theairport, the area he would have to fly into if he positioned to land on Runway 02 .This was a valid reason for landing in a southwesterly direction, but obviousl ysubject to the wind strength . He had also noted the wind component as 'about10 kt' ; this was the aircraft absolute limit for a tailwind landing but he was als oinfluenced by his favourable experience in landing the Citation on other runways .When the commander made this decision the co-pilot asked him for confirmation .On receiving this confirmation the co-pilot passed the decision to the air trafficcontroller. The controller immediately replied that : "YOU 'LL BE LANDING WITH A

FIFTEEN KNOT, ONE FIVE KNOT TAILWIND ON A VERY WET RUNWAY " . Theco-pilot acknowledged this with a call of : "ROGER, COPIED THANK YOU " .

There is no doubt that the crew had been informed very clearly of the wind andrunway conditions and that the co-pilot had acknowledged this fact ; the call of"ROGER" is a standard aeronautical term, as defined in the Manual of Air Traffi cServices, meaning that all of the last transmission has been received . Neithercrew member raised the question of wind limitations although both were aware o fthe 10 kt tailwind limitation, and indeed the limitation is common to man yaircraft. The only possibilities are that the crew chose to ignore the limitation, o rdid not hear or assimilate the information . Subsequent to the accident thecommander stated that he could not remember hearing the wind being passed a tthat time and the co-pilot could remember hearing the wind strength but not th edirection although he was aware that there was a tailwind .


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It was apparent from the CVR that, subsequent to the wind warning the co-pilo tbegan to act in a more deliberate manner, which may indicate his increasingawareness that the situation was becoming more critical . There were sufficien twarning signs that they would be landing close to, if not outside, limits and win dinformation was therefore of paramount importance . It is of note that thecommander stated that he had landed the aircraft in tailwind conditions before andnever had any trouble stopping . It is perfectly feasible that the commander hadcalculated his tailwind component as about 10 kt and, based on his previousexperience, made his decision to land downwind. At that time he would havebeen concentrating on his approach, to ensure he landed as close to the end of therunway as possible, and this could explain why he did not note the final win dcall .

It is worth emphasising that the Citation II can be flown single crew quite safel ybut that PT rules require a second pilot ; the second pilot does not need to bequalified as a first pilot but is subject to the company regulations and theappropriate flying checks on the aircraft . The relationship between the crewmembers has been discussed before but the co-pilot is much less experienced tha nthe commander and it could be argued that he should always accede to th ecommander's decisions . However the company manuals require both cre wmembers to comply with the regulations . Furthermore the co-pilot's position as achief pilot of another company and his interest in fulfilling the contract gave him astatus above that of a normal co-pilot . He had a responsibility to question th ecommander's decision to land, not merely to ask for confirmation . Having madeall of the radio calls and acknowledged the final wind call, he had the duty t obring the impending breach of regulations to the commander's attention or at leas tto ensure that the commander had heard the final wind call . The possibilities arethat he did not appreciate the significance of the wind call or was submitting to th ecommander's greater experience . The only objective evidence bearing on thi sissue is the CVR and, on balance, it seems probable that the co-pilot was relyin gon the commander's judgement.


After landing

Following the landing it quickly became apparent that the retardation wa sinsufficient. Both pilots were applying maximum foot pressure and there were noindicated warnings relating to the brakes or the anti-skid system . The commanderconsidered two options: firstly to maintain full braking and try to maximise theground roll, and secondly to go-around . The commander decided on the firstoption .

During the landing run the co-pilot called for a go-around on two separateoccasions but the commander decided that a go-around at either stage would have



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put the aircraft in a more hazardous situation . The CVR indicates that the first callwas made four seconds before the aircraft left the side of the runway ; at this stagethe aircraft was approximately 290 metres from the end of the runway and th eengines would have been at idle power . Given the performance data provided b y

Cessna at paragraph 1 .6.6, it is most unlikely that the aircraft would be capable o f

accelerating to VR (103 kt IAS) within the distance remaining . Thecommander's decision not to go-around on either call was prudent .

When the aircraft was recovered, the flap handle was at the Take off/Approac hdetent and the flap drive motors indicate that the flaps were at the intermediat eposition. The crew were certain that the flaps were fully down for landing an dthis was supported by the trial flight indicating that the declared approach spee dcould not have been achieved without full flap . On the final approach the crewhad discussed their actions in the event of a go-around and had briefed that th eco-pilot would select take-off flap . Shortly after the accident both pilots wereadamant that they had not touched the flap handle during the ground run or duringtheir exit. A few days later the co-pilot found a bruise on the underside of his leftarm that had obviously been caused by contact with a solid article and surmise dthat he could have hit the flap handle during his evacuation . This is consideredunlikely because of the downward movement required to move the lever out of a

detented position and the physical damage sustained by the flap operating syste mby the time it reached the motorway (see paragraph 1 .12 .3 .2) . The most likelyscenario to explain the final position of the flaps would be that the co-pilo tselected the take-off position as he made his call for a go-around ; although hestated that he did not touch the flap lever on the ground roll, it would be a norma lresponse to do so and not subsequently recall the action. However, the selectio nof Take off/Approach flap at this stage would have had a small beneficial effect o nground roll .

2 .4.7


Once the aircraft left the runway, the crew had little control over the subsequen tevents. There is no doubt that this would have been a traumatic event and th ecrew would have been in a state of shock when G-JETB finally came to rest onthe motorway. The crew evacuated the aircraft via the emergency exit, afte runsuccessfully trying to open the normal exit. However, once the commanderwas outside the aircraft he realised that the engines were still running and re -entered the co*ckpit to attempt to close them down . In the event, he only closedone down correctly and the other kept running ; it is probable that his unusua l

position of leaning into the co*ckpit to operate the engine controls caused thi sdiscrepancy in procedures . The right engine, which remained at idle, probably

contributed to the severity of the fire . However, the commander, although takin g

a laudable action, put himself in increased danger by returning to the co*ckpit . It


Air Accidents Investigation Branch ... - Aviation Safety - [PDF Document] (43)

was noted that the evacuation drills were detailed in the 'Limitations' section o f

the Operations Manual but not in the 'Emergency' section .



The flight was not a demanding one and the crew had often flown the same routebefore . There were indications that the pre-flight planning was not very thoroug hand that the slightly unusual working relationship between the two crew member swas a contributing factor . The crew were well rested and the weather was no tparticularly bad ; they should have experienced no problems with this flight .Perhaps this fact lulled a very experienced aviator into a relaxed attitude and ,

allied to his confidence in the stopping ability of his aircraft, allowed him toignore the danger signs and put his crew and the aircraft into a hazardou s

situation . The commander should not have attempted a landing on Runway 20 inthe reported wind conditions, or even with the wind he had computed, and th eco-pilot should have warned him that he was landing outside limits .

2 .5

Airport Safety Aspects

As discussed in paragraph 1 .17.6, public safety was considered in depth duringthe period when the portion of the M27 motorway, adjacent to the airport, wa sbeing planned and built . The declared runway length was reduced to maintaincompliance with CAA licensing requirements in the light of the motorwaydevelopment. Additionally, various options for provisions in addition to th elicensing requirements, including a ground arrester system, were considered inorder to minimise any risk to the public travelling on the motorway . None of

these options appear to have been progressed . At the time the risk of an acciden t

occurring on the motorway was assessed as one accident in 70 years, although i t

was acknowledged that one could occur within the first 20 to 30 years o foperation. The accident involving G-JETB happened within 10 years . An earlieroverrun accident at Southampton in November 1992 was also from Runway 2 0but the aircraft stopped within the RESA and before reaching the motorway.Although human factors were a significant part in the G-JETB accident it wouldbe impracticable to guard against all human errors . The proximity of themotorway to the runway increased the risk to the public, however, the degree ofrisk could be reduced by one of the options originally considered . As discussedin paragraph 1 .17.7, ground arrester systems have been in existence at certain

civil airports in the UK since 1965 ; on one occasion the system was used to sto pa PT aircraft overrun with no damage or injuries . There are certain difficultie sassociated with the installation of such a system ; for example it results in an

additional hazard for aircraft undershooting an approach in the opposite directio nand could cause terrain difficulties for rescue vehicles . Nevertheless, for th esituation at Southampton the installation of a ground arrester system between th e


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runway and the motorway would reduce the chance of injuries or damag eresulting from any future overrun . The installation cost of such a system wouldbe relatively minor compared to the overall airport operating costs, and the annua lmaintenance requirement would be minimal . It is therefore recommended thatBAA plc and Southampton (Eastleigh) Airport, should install a ground arreste rsystem between the threshold of Southampton Runway 02 and the M27motorway [Recommendation 94-14] . In addition, since there may be othe rrunways within the UK where a similar risk exists, it is also recommended tha tthe CAA should review all UK licensed airfields to identify potential safetyhazards beyond current RESAs and determine the need for, and practicality of ,installing ground arrester systems [Recommendation 94-15] .

Additionally, since the motorway was built, public transport movements a tSouthampton (Eastleigh) Airport have increased from 900 per month in 1977 t o1,586 per month in 1992. This number exceeds the minimum movement srequired for the establishment of a PSZ. Although the existence of a PSZ woul dnot have prevented the accident and would not affect the present state of themotorway it would restrict any future population build-up, such as the building ofa motorway rest/service area. It is therefore recommended that the Department o fTransport should establish a PSZ at Southampton (Eastleigh) Airport[Recommendation 94-16] .

2 .6

Reaction of the Fire Service s

It was apparent that ATC at Southampton were not aware of the expected arrivalof G-JETB but the confusion was quickly resolved and the crew confirmed tha tno fire cover was required .

The reaction of the RFFS showed a high level of initiative in recognising th epotential danger of the situation and a very rapid response in dealing with th eaccident. Their performance was a major factor in minimising the hazards to th eflight crew and the public . The DFO maintained a close liaison with ATC and ,even though some checks were not complete, positioned his fire vehicles in aposition from which they could react most effectively . The vehicles followed th eaircraft up the runway, and as the DFO saw it leave the runway, deployed his tw ovehicles . FIRE 1 followed the aircraft across the grass and FIRE 2 deployed vi aroads to go to the motorway. The flight crew of G-JETB did not appreciate th eextent or severity of the fire . Various eyewitnesses remarked that the aircraf tsuddenly burst into flames after the crew had got out .

Despite the prompt arrival of the fire service, the aircraft was badly damaged b ythe fire. Had the accident occurred to a larger aircraft, it is doubtful as to whethe r


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a survivable cabin environment could have been maintained long enough to allo w

a complete evacuation .

The cause of the fire was not positively established . Despite the fact that the

aircraft came to rest in a spreading pool of fuel with the engines still operating, th e

jet efflux was not directed at the fuel . The abrasion of steel components on th e

surface of the road probably gave rise to sparks before the aircraft came to a halt ,

although initially there would not have been large quantities of fuel around . It is

considered that fire was most probably initiated electrically, with the'landing ligh t

cables attached to the main landing gear legs being possible candidates . These

cables are electrically 'live' when the landing gear is extended regardless o f

whether the lights are selected on . The fire services report notes a 'magnesium

fire' under the left wing, which, in the absence of any magnesium alloy in thi s

area, may have been an arcing process, or even the landing light filamen t

becoming illuminted as a result of a random earth . The fact that the anti-collisio n

beacon remained on until the battery was physically disconnected was a n

indication that electrical circuits remained energised after the battery master switc h

was selected 'OFF' .

Although the aircraft was equipped with inertia switches that shut down the CVR

and activated the emergency cabin lights, there were no similar devices to shu t

down the engines and electric power. However, such devices are normally

activated by forward and vertical deceleration, and so even if the aircraft had bee n

so equipped, they would not have operated as a result of the aircraft slidin g

rearwards into the motorway barrier.


Air Accidents Investigation Branch ... - Aviation Safety - [PDF Document] (46)





(i) The flight crew were properly licensed, rested and medically fit to conduc t

the flight.

(ii) The aircraft had valid Certificates of Airworthiness and Maintenance an d

had been maintained in accordance with an approved schedule .

(iii) The aircraft was below the maximum authorised landing weight and wa s

correctly loaded .

(iv) The crew landed the aircraft in wind conditions which were outside the

limits detailed in both the Flight Manual and the Operation Manual .

(v) The friction characteristics of the Southampton runway were satisfactory .

(vi) At the time of the accident it was probable that areas of standing wate r

were on the runway with an associated reduction in braking effectiveness .

Examination of the aircraft's wheel braking and anti-skid systems after the

accident showed them to be operationally satisfactory .

(viii) The worn condition of the left tyre probably reduced braking effectivenes s

in the wet conditions .

(ix) Braking performance analysis indicates that, in the conditions existing a t

the time of the accident, the aircraft probably could not have stopped in the

runway available .

(v) Southampton ATC procedures were carried out effectively .

(vi) The anticipation and reaction of the Southampton RFFS was highl y

commendable and probably contributed to the minimal injuries o f

personnel .

(vii) The proximity of the motorway to the end of the runway contributed to th e

severity of the accident .


Cause s

The investigation identified the following causal factors :

(i) The commander landed with a reported tailwind of 15 kt which was

outside the aircraft maximum tailwind limit of 10 kt specified in the

Cessna 550 Flight Manual .

(ii) The co-pilot did not warn the commander that he was landing with a

reported tailwind component which was outside the aircraft limit .

(iii) With a tailwind component of 10 kt, the landing distance available wa s

less than the landing distance required .


Air Accidents Investigation Branch ... - Aviation Safety - [PDF Document] (47)


Safety Recommendations

The following safety recommendations were made during the course of this investigation :

4.1 BAA pic and Southampton (Eastleigh) Airport, should install a ground arrestersystem between the threshold of Southampton Runway 02 and the M2 7motorway. [Recommendation 94-14] .

4.2 The CAA should review all UK licensed airfields to identify potential safet yhazards beyond current RESAs and determine the need for, and practicality ofinstalling, ground arrester systems . [Recommendation 94-15] .


The Department of Transport should establish a Public Safety Zone atSouthampton (Eastleigh) Airport . [Recommendation 94-16] .

M M CharlesInspector of Air AccidentsAir Accidents Investigation Branc hDepartment of Transport

May 1994


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Mu-meter Test Results


4 June 199 3Condition :

GoodSurface description: Brushed concreteRubber deposits :

LightWeather :

Fine, sunny

Mu-meter reading


Direction Speedkm/h

Dist fromC/L


Rwy 02threshold end


Rwy 20threshold end

1 02 64 lm N Off 0 .82 0.81 0.80

2 20 130 3m N On 0 .57 0.56 *0.52

3 02 130 4m N On *0.55 0 .57 0.55

4 20 130 3m S On 0.56 0.59 *0.5 8

5 02 130 4m S On *0.56 0.57 0.59

6 20 130 10m N On 0.60 0.60 *0.53

7 02 130 2m S On 0.67 - -

8 02 32 2m S On - 0.61 -

9 20 64 4m S On - 0.62 -

+ 10 02 97 5m N max 0.54 0.54 0.5 2

11 20 64 lm N Off 0 .79 0.80 0.80

* Not full third - vehicle acceleratin g+ Carried out for purpose of comparison with US test methods

Averge 64 km/h dry reading (Runs 1 & 11) : 0.8 0

Averge UK self-wet reading (Runs 2-5, full thirds only) : 0.57

Air Accidents Investigation Branch ... - Aviation Safety - [PDF Document] (50)



0 . 9

0 . 8


0 . 3

0 .2



ESDU mu eff

cessna figures for dry r/w

corrected wet r/w


mu meter


griptester result for a wet r/w


griptester result post acciden t








Groundspeed (kts )






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distance (m)

distance (m)

distance (m )

supplied values


_ --------


— dry



Normal Touchdown Speed •



70 80


100 12011010 403020

Touchdown speed (kts IAS )

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Air Accidents Investigation Branch ... - Aviation Safety - [PDF Document] (53)

Southampton (Eastleigh) Airport


EAS391 . 5


/C departs R/W 154 m after intersectio nwith Southern Taxiway


Aircraft track plac- •Threshol dElev 30

M27 MotorwayPrinted in the United Kingdom for HMSO

Dd 298141 C5, 7/94 17647

Air Accidents Investigation Branch ... - Aviation Safety - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the 3 process of an aircraft accident investigation? ›

Investigation of accidents consists of three phases (see Figure 1.1): a) collection of data, b) analysis of data, and c) presentation of findings. The initial phase of the investigation process should focus on defining and obtaining data relevant to the accident.

What is the ICAO document that describes how accident investigations should be conducted? ›

Manual on Regional Accident and Incident Investigation Organization (Doc 9946) provides information and guidance on the establishment and management of a regional accident and incident investigation organization (RAIO) to assist ICAO Contracting States in fulfilling their obligations pertaining to accident and incident ...

What is the ICAO Annex 13 document? ›

Annex 13 outlines how accident investigation participating States are determined, as well as the process leading to the issuance of an accident investigation Preliminary Report (within 30 days of the event) and Final Report (ASAP or within 12 months of the event) following completion of the investigation.

What is the 5M model approach to accident investigation? ›

The 5M model stands for Man, Machine, Mission, Medium, and Management. This model, like the SHEL, is a concise and practical tool to analyze incidents and accidents. It can also be adapted for use in investigating and locating root causes in other industries.

What are the 7 steps of accident investigation? ›

In any case, a thorough, effective investigation should include the following seven points.
  • Respond immediately. The most immediate task is to coordinate the company's emergency response. ...
  • Gather information. ...
  • Release the scene. ...
  • Perform the analysis. ...
  • Develop a report. ...
  • Share the findings. ...
  • Make changes.

What are the 5 steps of accident investigation? ›

Investigating accidents and incidents
  • Gathering information.
  • Analysing the information.
  • Identifying risk control measures.
  • The action plan and its implementation.
Jan 4, 2022

What are the 4 types of accidents identified by ICAO? ›

Loss of control in-flight (LOC-I) Mid-air collision (MAC) Runway excursion (RE) Runway incursion (RI)

What is ICAO document Annex 14? ›

ICAO Annex 14 Aerodromes contains standards and recommended practices. States must notify differences with standards; and are invited to notify differences with recommended practices. ➢ significant differences with recommended practices.

What replaces Annex 13? ›

Annex 13 has been revised in order to reflect the contents of the new EU Regulation n. 536/2014 on clinical trials, which will replace EU Annex 13.

What is the 5 whys in accident investigation? ›

Finding root causes: the “five whys”

The “five whys” is a proven tool for getting to the root causes of a problem. These are the causes that, if corrected, would keep similar problems from happening in the future. It involves asking “why” as many times as necessary—and five is often the magic number.

What are the different types of accident investigation models? ›

The models used in accident investigation can typically be grouped into three types: sequential, epidemiological, and systemic models.

What is 5M in safety? ›

What is the approach of the 5M method? The 5M method, which is also known as the Ishikawa Diagram, is a management tool that aims to analyse the factors/causes of a known problem. The 5M stands for: Machine (equipment) ; Medium (environment); Method (process) ; Material (raw materials) ; Workforce.

What are the three 3 steps in conducting accident incident investigation? ›

Here are three basic steps for conducting an effective accident investigation:
  • Step 1: Root Cause Analysis. ...
  • Step 2: Action Plan for Corrective Measures. ...
  • Step 3: Third-Party Mediator During OSHA Investigation.
Sep 22, 2021

What are the three phases of incident investigation? ›

The incident investigation team would perform the following general steps: Scene management and scene assessment (secure the scene, make sure it is safe for investigators to do their job). Witness management (provide support, limit interaction with other witnesses, interview). Investigate the incident, collect data.

What are the three primary tasks of an accident investigation? ›

We will cover the three primary tasks of an accident investigation - gathering information, analyzing event facts, and implementing solutions, as well as the steps within each of those tasks such as, collecting information, determining surface and root causes, making recommendations, and writing the accident report.

What are the three phases of a major accident response? ›

Detection engineer Julie Brown breaks down the three phases of incident response: visibility, containment, and response.


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