allplants | Is Noel Fielding Vegan? (2024)

by Fabian Jackson

3min read

Okay, so the Bake Off is back on and everyone’s got plenty of questions they’re desperate to know the answer to. Today we’re going to find out if Noel Fielding, on half of the GBBO presenting team, is vegan.

About Noel Fielding

Noel is an English performing jack of all trades. From acting and writing (think The Mighty Boosh) to being a musician, artist and presenter, taking us nicely to the Great British Bake Off.

allplants | Is Noel Fielding Vegan? (1)

This will be Noel’s 5th year presenting the Bake Off and we’re huge fans! But the question we’re here to answer is if he’s on a plant-based diet.

Is Noel Fielding vegan?

No, sorry to disappoint readers, but it doesn’t appear that Noel is vegan after all. However, you might be interested to know that he was apparently the inspiration behind the show’s vegan week; a successful attempt to win over a millennial audience.

Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.

By Fabian Jackson

allplants | Is Noel Fielding Vegan? (2)

Fabian is one of our lovely Content Marketing Assistants who loves writing almost as much as he loves coffee, old episodes of Escape to the Country (no judgement here), and cooking up a storm in his kitchen.

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allplants | Is Noel Fielding Vegan? (2024)


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