How to Grow Winter Squash Plants: The Complete Guide (2024)

How to Grow Winter Squash Plants: The Complete Guide (1)

Photo Credit

DLeonis/Getty Images

Botanical Name

Cucurbita maxima, C. pepo, C. moschata, C. argyrosperma

Plant Type


Sun Exposure

Full Sun

Soil pH

Slightly Acidic to Neutral

Bloom Time


Flower Color



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Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Winter Squash

Growing winter squash requires some patience, but this garden vegetable is well worth the wait—and most varietieshave a long shelf life after harvest.From butternut squash to acorn squash, learn how to plant, grow, harvest, and cure winter squash in your homegarden!

About WinterSquash

Because winter squashrequires a long growing season (generally from 75 to 100 frost-free days), the seeds are generally planted by late May in northern locations to early July in extremely southern states. See your local frost dates and length of growing season.

Winter squash are harvested in late summer or autumn, just before or after their fruitsreach full maturity. Squash has a relatively longshelf life. Some varieties will keep through winter, hence the name winter squash. Varieties include acorn, butternut, delicata, Hubbard, pumpkin, andspaghetti.

Squashes and pumpkins are among the most thrilling vegetables you can grow. One minute, the seedlings are tentatively pushing through, and then, just a few weeks later, they’re great sprawling monsters with masses of leafy growth and plenty of fruits. I love the fact they’re so easy to grow, too—as long as you can keep up with their insatiable appetite, thatis!

Despite the great diversity of squash, most commonly grown, cultivated varieties belong to one of threespecies:

  1. Cucurbitapepo
  2. C.moschata
  3. C.maxima

Over several generations, these plants have been cultivated to produce fruit in all kinds of shapes, colors, andflavors.

The ThreeSisters

Squash is one of the three plants grown in the traditional Native American stylecalled the Three Sisters, along with beans and corn. When grown together, the squash serves as a ground cover to prevent weeds from growing, beans provide natural fertilizer for all three plants, and corn provides a support system for the beans. Learn more about the Three Sisters.

Read Next

  • 5 Favorite Winter Squash Varieties for Cooking

  • Gourds: Types of Gourds, Growing Gourds, Curing Gourds

  • How to Grow Pumpkins: The Complete Guide


Squash love a warm, sunny, and sheltered spot—ideal conditions for good pollination and proper fruit development. The plants are hungry feeders and need rich, fertilesoil.

Plant squash in a location with full sun and lots of space for sprawling vines. Most full-size winter squash varieties need 50 to 100 square feet to spread.Soil must be well-fed and moist (not soggy), and well-draining.Mix aged manure and/or compost (about 50% native soil to organic matter) deep into the soil a couple of weeks beforeplanting.

Methods of PlantingSquash

  • Direct-sow (i.e., plant seeds directly in the ground) when all danger of frost has passed and the soil is at least 60°F, preferably 70°F. Squash is very sensitive to thecold.
  • If you have a short growing season, start seeds in peat pots 2 to 4 weeks before yourlastspring frost date. Squash seedlings do not always transplant well, so handle the rootsgently.

Most garden stores and nurseries also sell ready-to-plant seedlings—handy if you only want to grow a fewplants.

Set your plants out after all danger of frost has passed. Start to acclimatize them to outside conditions two weeks beforehand. Leave them out during the day for increasingly longer periods and then, from the second week, overnight in a sheltered position. Plant trailing varieties up to five feet (1.5m) apart and bush types about three feet (90cm) apart. Thoroughly water plants into position to settle the soil around therootball.

How to PlantSquash

  • If you plan to grow only a few plants, use 2 to 3 tablespoons of a balanced (10-10-10) fertilizer for each hill. Scatter the fertilizer evenly over a 2-foot by 2-foot area. Work it into the top 3 to 4 inches of soil. Or, for a larger garden area, add 2 to 3 pounds of balanced fertilizer for each 100 squarefeet.
  • Sow seeds inlevel ground 1 inch deep with seeds 2to 3 feet apart. Or, sow 3 to 4 seeds close together in small mounds (or hills; the soil is warmer off the ground) in rows 3 to 6 feetapart.
  • Consider planting a few squash seeds in midsummer to avoid problems from squash vine borers and other early-season pests anddiseases.
  • The seeds should germinate in about a week with the right soil temperature (70ºF / 21°C ormore).
  • If necessary, use row covers or frame protection in cold climates for the first few weeks ofspring.
  • Use row covers to prevent insect problems early in the season. Remember to remove covers before flowering to allow pollination byinsects.

See this helpful video on how to sowseeds.


  • Mulch to discourage weeds, retain moisture, and protect shallow roots. Mulch around plants with organic matter to help lock in valuable soil moisture and contribute additionalnutrients.
  • Water thoroughly, frequently, and consistently, with at least 1 inch per week. Water at soil level and try to keep leaves and fruit dry. Dampness will make root rot and other diseases morelikely.
  • Keep plants well watered to encourage rapid growth. You can make watering easier by sinking six-inch (15cm) pots alongside plants. The pots will hold onto the water and deliver it through the drainage holes directly where it’s needed, at theroots.
  • When weeding around squash plants, do not over-cultivate, or the squash’s shallow roots may bedamaged.


  • When seedlings inrows are 2 to 3 inches tall, thin to one plant every 18 to 36 inches by snipping off unwanted plants without disturbing the roots of the remainingones.
  • When seedlings inhills are 2 to 3 inches tall, thin to 2 to 3 plants per hill by snipping off unwanted plants without disturbing the roots of the remainingones


  • When the first blooms appear, scratch about2 tablespoons of all-purposefertilizer around each hill.Or, if growing squash in rows, side-dress. This give plants a boost as they try to produce fruit or blooms. Do not let the fertilizer touch the plants. Water the plants afterfertilizing.
  • Once vegetables or flowers start growing and producing buds, you can scratch a small amount of all-purpose organic fertilizer into the soil around the base of the plant and waterin.

Flowering andFruiting

  • Poor pollination can result in squash flowers that do not bear fruit, or that bear small fruit. Pollinator activity is reduced by any chemicals,poor weather at bloom time, and lack of habitat. To attract more bees, try placing a bee house in your garden or plant pollinator flowersnearby.
  • If your first flowers aren’t forming fruits, that’s normal!Squash plants have separate male and female flowers. Males appear first on long thin stalks. Female flowers follow with an immature fruit at the bottom. To fruit, pollen from male flowers must be transferred to the female flower by bees. Or, the gardener can help manually with a cotton swab or paintbrush.See our article on how tohand pollinate your squash blossomsforbetteryields.


Although in many cases winter squash vines do not need pruning, there are instances where it might be necessary or desired. Pruning can reduce the number of squashes that grow, but helps the vine to put its energy into healthy growth and largerfruit.

  1. At any time, prune out dead, damaged, or diseased leaves or shoots. This applies to bush types,too.
  2. Whether your squash has a bush or vining habit, check for overcrowding and thin out a few lateral (non-main) stems or some lower (especially those touching the ground) or overlapping leaves to allow for better air circulation, which can help to prevent disease such as powdery mildew, reduce hiding areas for insect pests, and help pollinators to find the flowers. (A baby squash that has not been successfully pollinated will grow just a few inches and then rot.) Overcrowding can also cause weakened growth. Be sure, though, to leave enough leaves for the plant to make food for itself; do not prune more than 1/3 of theplant.
  3. Some vining varieties may take over the garden, growing as long as 10 to 20 feet. If you are short on space, a little pruning can help keep these vines under control. Or, you might consider growing them vertically or selecting a bush type, which does not have a sprawlinghabit.

Various gardeners have favorite methods for pruning their plants, while others prefer to essentially leave things alone, but here are some general guidelines:

  • A vining winter squash plant has one or more main stems, each with secondary vines growing off it; in addition, tertiary vines may grow off the secondaryvines.
  • For vining squash types, many gardeners remove several nonfruiting secondary and all tertiary vines during the growing season. If you use this method, cut them back to their base, where they are attached to the main stem (leave about ½ to 1 inch of lateral stem, being careful not to injure the main stem). Again, do not remove more than 1/3 of the growth of the plant at any onetime.
  • For fruiting secondary vines, wait until they are at least 10 or so feet long (depending on variety) and have about 3 to 5 fruit developing on them, then you can cut them back to 1 to 3 leaf nodes beyond the last fruit (toward the tip end). This will help the plant to focus on developing the remaining fruit on that vine rather than on growing the vinelonger.
  • Do not prune the main vines until toward the end of the season, at which point you might clip the growing tips off (as you did earlier to the secondary vines) to promote the ripening of existing fruit instead of more flowering. (Any flowers that form late in the season would produce fruit that might not mature in time before the end of the growingseason.)

In general, the best time to prune is in the morning, when it is cooler, which allows the plant to recover before the end of the day. Alternatively, prune in the cool of earlyevening.

When pruning, be sure to disinfect your pruning tools before each cut, to help prevent spreading disease. It helps to make sure that they are sharp, too. Learn how to sharpen your gardening tools.

Discard the pruned plant debris away from the plants. If diseased stems or leaves are removed, do not compost them, as some diseases may survive in the finishedcompost.


  • ‘Waltham Butternut’:A large, tan fruit; this butternut squash is sweet and thin-skinned; harvest when it’s on the smaller side; flavor improves withstorage
  • ‘Honeybaby’or ‘Honeynut’ butternut squash plants are compact and ideal for small spaces, raised beds, or containers. Expect about 8 small squash per plant. They’ll weigh a quarter to a half pound and perfect for steaming orbaking.
  • ‘Butterscotch’ butternut squash produces 1 to 2-pound fruits on short vines. The sweet flesh is rich and smooth. Each plant yields 3 to 4 fruits and the plant is resistant to powderymildew.
  • Blue Hubbard squash is an heirloom known for its huge size, blue-gray color, and very hard skin. The flesh inside is orange, flavorful and smooth. It is great for pies and soups and stores well. Give this variety plenty of room togrow.
  • ‘Buttercup’: A round fruit with long vine, Buttercup has deep, brightorange flesh, a dark green inedible rind, and flat top.This heirloom has asweet, nuttyflavor.
  • ‘Delicata’:This bush type squash almost looks like a summer squash. It’s very moist and even good raw. Plus, its thin skin is edible, too. Delicata is also tolerant of powderymildew.
  • ‘Tuffy’:An acorn type of squash, expect five or six fruit per plant. Acorn squash is bowl-shaped and has a nutty flavor andmore fiborous texture than somesquash.
  • ‘Sugaretti’ spaghetti squash has eye-catching striped fruits. Each medium-sized squash grows up to 10 inches long and has a sweet nutty flavor. The plants are compact and are resistant to powdery mildew. Bake the squash and use the flesh as a pastasubstitute.
  • ‘Sunshine’:An award-winningkabocha squash with orange-red skin and bright orange flesh. The compact vine yields about 3 to 4-pound fruit that have a round, flattened shape. The flesh has a sweet nutty flavor and creamy texture. The fruits can be stored formonths.
How to Grow Winter Squash Plants: The Complete Guide (3)
How to Grow Winter Squash Plants: The Complete Guide (4)

See more pictures of different types of squash.


Winter squash and pumpkins are generally ready to be harvestedin early- to mid-autumn, usually late September throughOctober.

  • Unlike summer squash, which is harvested when tender and a bit immature, harvest winter squash when it is fully mature. The vine leaves die back and turn brown, the stems dry out and get tough,and the rind is deep in color and hard.If you can pierce the skin with your fingernail, it is notmature.
  • Harvest on a dry day after the vines have diedback.
  • Leave an inch or two of stem on winter squashes when harvestingthem.
  • Cut the squash off the vine carefully with a sharp knife or pruners; do not tear, as you could break the fruit stem or thevines.
  • Never carry the squash by their stem; if the stem breaks off, this exposes the skin toinfection.

Once you harvest, don’t forget to clean up the old squash vines to avoid disease! Addvines to the compost pile if you have one. They’ll break down, andyou can work the compost into the soil before the next plantingseason.

How to Cure WinterSquash

Winter squash must be cured before storage. This process helps to dry off excess moisture and to harden the skin, sealing out fungi and bacteria, which allows the squash to be keptlonger.

Cut either side of the stem to leave a T-shaped stub. Avoid the temptation to use the stem as a handle, as it could detach from the fruit and serve as an entry point to rot. Move fruits to a warm, dry, and sunny spot tocure.

If theweather is dry, just leave your squash on the vine and let them cure outside in the sunshine. If it’s wet or turning colder, bring the squashinside and put them somewhere warm and dry, such as a slatted greenhouse bench or a sunnywindow.

Curing hardens the skin and is ready for storage. If it’s already turned cold and damp outside, cure fruits in a greenhouse or on a sunny windowsill. Winter squash and pumpkins will be stored for up to six months at roomtemperature.

How to Store WinterSquash

Before storing winter squash, dip it into or wash with a low-concentration bleach rinse (1/2 cup bleach to 5 cups water) to sanitize the skin and eliminate bacteria. Air-dry thefruit.

Store in a cool (40° to 50°F), dry, dark place with good circulation. Many varieties of squash will last most of the winter. Note: Acorn will not keep for more than a few weeks. Occasionally rotate and look for signs of rot. Remove any squash that shows signs ofdecay.

Try to save some seeds if you growheirloom varieties (not hybrids) to plant next year. Wash and dry the seeds. Store in an airtight jar in a cool, darkplace.

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Wit and Wisdom

  • The word “squash” derives from askutasquash, the Narragansett Native American word meaning “eaten raw oruncooked.”
  • Winter squash have been grown in North America for more than 5,000years.
  • Presidents Washington and Jefferson grew squash in their gardens. Give it atry!
  • So-called squash bees—Peponapis and Xenoglassa—are excellent Cucurbita pollinators and especially so for butternut squash (and summer squash). Look for them among the flowers in the first few hours aftersunrise.


Squash bugs are generally considered the most troublesome pest. They need to be managed early. There are several organic approaches tocontrol:

  • Handpick andscrape off those egg clusters early and as best youcan
  • Spray neem on egg clusters and juvenile squashbugs
  • Growyoung plants under row covers (uncover when floweringbegins)
  • Delaysquash planting until early summer as the natural predatorsof squash bugs become more numerous and active as summerprogresses.

See our Squash Bug pest page for more information.

Squash Pests and Diseases
AphidsInsectMisshapen/yellow leaves; distorted flowers/fruit; sticky “honeydew” (excrement); sooty, black moldGrow companion plants; knock off with water spray; apply insecticidal soap; put banana or orange peels around plants; wipe leaves with a 1 to 2 percent solution of dish soap (no additives) and water every 2 to 3 days for 2 weeks; add native plants to invite beneficial insects
Blossom-end rotDisorderDark, water-soaked spots on blossom end of fruit (opposite stem) may enlarge and become sunken and leatheryRemove affected fruit; plant at proper soil temperature; water deeply and evenly; use mulch; maintain proper soil pH (around 6.5) and nutrient levels; avoid excessive nitrogen; provide good drainage; prevent root damage
Cucumber beetlesInsectHoles in leaves/flowers; rasped fruit; plants stunted/die; can spread bacterial wilt (Bacterial wilt signs: wilting; plants die; ends of cut stems, when pressed together for 10 seconds and pulled apart, release stringy, white sap)Handpick; mulch heavily; use row covers; destroy plants infected with bacterial wilt
Cucumber mosaic virusVirusVaries with plant, but may include stunting, mottled green/yellow/white pattern or ringed spots on leaves/fruit; distorted leaf growth; warts on fruitDestroy infected plants; choose resistant varieties and certified virus-free seed; use row covers; disinfect tools; weed; control aphids; use mulch
Downy mildewFungusYellow, angular spots on upper leaf surfaces that turn brown; white/purple/gray cottony growth on leaf undersides only; distorted leaves; defoliationRemove plant debris; choose resistant varieties; ensure good air circulation; avoid overhead watering
Powdery mildewFungusTypically, white spots on upper leaf surfaces expand to flour-like coating over entire leaves; foliage may yellow/die; distortion/stunting of leaves/flowersDestroy infected leaves or plants; choose resistant varieties; plant in full sun, if possible; ensure good air circulation; spray plants with 1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in 1 quart water; destroy crop residue
Squash bugsInsectMany small, yellow/brown/black spots on leaves; wilt; scarred fruitHandpick; crush yellow/bronze egg clusters on leaf undersides; lay boards on soil and check for pests underneath each morning; remove plant debris; use row covers; rotate crops
Squash vine borersInsectVines wilt suddenly; plants die; mushy area and/or green to orange-yellow, sawdust-like excrement on/near base of plant stemIf detected early, slit infested stem lengthwise halfway to remove borer(s), then bury the cut in moist soil to encourage rooting; wrap seedling stems in aluminum foil collar; catch moths with yellow sticky traps; use row covers if no pests previously, but uncover before flowering; destroy crop residue; rotate crops
StinkbugsInsectYellow/white blotches on leaves; scarred, dimpled, or distorted fruit; shriveled seeds; eggs, often keg-shape, in clusters on leaf undersidesDestroy crop residue; handpick (bugs emit odor, wear gloves); destroy eggs; spray nymphs with insecticidal soap; use row covers; weed; till soil in fall


Spaghetti Squash Vegetable Medley

Winter Squash Casserole

Baked Acorn Squash

Blue Ribbon Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie

Butternut Squash With Penne and Sausage

Cooking Notes

  • Winter squash is often baked in casseroles or on its own. Cook all types of squash only until tender to keep the nutritionalcontent.
  • Mmmm, Pumpkin Pie!See our collection of Best Pumpkin Recipes!
  • Winter squash is a good source of vitamin A and has fair amounts of vitamin C. The darker the flesh, the more beta-carotene the squash has to offer. Learn more about winter squash’s health benefits!
  • One cup of cubed winter squash contains about 80 calories, virtually no fat, and very littlesodium.


About The Author

Catherine Boeckmann

Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website, and is also a certified master gardener in the state of Indiana. Read More from Catherine Boeckmann

How to Grow Winter Squash Plants: The Complete Guide (6)



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Add a Comment

Why isn't information about how/what/when to prune included?
Your coverage of that is negligent at best

  • Reply

Thank you for the critique. Information about the best practices for pruning winter squash has been added to thearticle.

  • Reply

Hi - thanks for the informative but concise video - ideal! I just thought I'd tell you about the squash plant I lost track of when it climbed up into a cherry tree. Found it again later in the year when the cherry blossom had died off. It had grown up and over the tree and down the other side. It had actually 'escaped' into my neighbours garden, so I had to climb the fence to pick the ripe squashes hanging off the far ends of the stem. Must have been over 10 metres long in total!

  • Reply

My grandson brought us a small plant and said that it was a a fig gourd. Apparently his Portuguese grandmother said that these grow in Portugal and he wanted to see if he could grow one. We planted it and it had over ten small gourds; however, many fell off and only 6 are left and they look like watermelons. They are hanging from a dead tree where the plant climbed. I don't know if these can used for soups, my grandson said his other grandma uses them for baking, i.e. turnovers, pies, etc. Any information on these gourds? Thanks very much.

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Great web site you have here.. It's difficult to find good quality writing like
yours nowadays. I truly appreciate people like you! Take care!!

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  • Reply

Actually I find winter squash ridiculously easy to grow. I didn't intentionally plant any, they just grew in a mound where I had incorporated compost. One plant produced a huge 20# banana squash and another several large (12#) spaghetti squashes. Just threw the vines over old lawn chairs as they were sprawling everywhere.

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How to Grow Winter Squash Plants: The Complete Guide (2024)


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