Lancaster County government calendar: May 20, 2024 (2024)

Conestoga Valley School District

Conestoga Valley School District board of directors will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, May 20 at the administration center, 2110 Horseshoe Road.

Among the agenda items:

Commentary on district activity: (A) Board commendations; (B) Retiree recognition; (C) Superintendent’s comments; (D) Board comments; (E) Correspondence — Secretary.

Public/professional/staff input: (A) TESO presentation — Equity report; (B) End of year summary of comprehensive goal plans 2023-2024; (C) Public comments; (D) Comments from CVEA; (E) Comments from other employee groups.

Consent Agenda: (A) Approval of minutes; (B) Approval of financial reports; (C) Approval of superintendent’s report; (D) Approval of first reading of district policies; (E) Approval of preliminary list of graduates for the Class of 2024 (as per attached confidential list); (F) Approval of student discipline action (as per confidential student documents); (G) Approval of food service budget; (H) Approval of amusem*nt tax rate for 2024-2025; (I) Approval of renewal of IT educational consulting agreements (McGaw and Treadway); (J) Approval of overnight TSA student trips for 2024-2025; (K) Approval of CVSD-PVSD shared services renewal agreement for transportation; (L) Approval of IU13 STEELS standards professional learning renewal (elementary 24-25); (M) Approval of disposal of athletic items; (N) Approval of disposal (sale) of Salvi Daphne 40 string pedal harp; (O) Approval of renewal of alternate education agreement with River Rock Academy 2024-2025 contracts; (P) Approval of Apple master lease agreement (GHMS and ST) 2024-2028; (Q) Approval of IU13 agreement for Personalized Learning Academy for Act 13; (R) Approval of IU13 agreement for Schoology/PowerSchool integration training; (S) Approval of accelerating language statement of work 2024-2025 — Annual renewal; (T) Approval of renewal of Aleks annual subscription 2024-2025; (U) Approval of renewal of Actively Learn — Achieve 3000 subscription 2024-2025; (V) Approval of renewal of Capstone subscription 2024-2025; (W) Approval of renewal of Cengage-MindTap annual subscription 2024-2025; (X) Approval of renewal of Edpuzzle annual subscription 2024-2025; (Y) Approval of renewal of EduPlanet21 subscription 2024-2025; (Z) Approval of renewal of Frontline Technologies annual subscription 2024-2025; (AA) Approval of renewal of Kodable annual subscription 2024-2025; (BB) Approval of renewal of MyPlanPA subscription 2024-2025; (CC) Approval of renewal of Noodle Tools subscription 2024-2025; (DD) Approval of renewal of NearPod subscription 2024-2025; (EE) Approval of renewal of Newsela subscription 2024-2025; (FF) Approval of renewal of OnHand Schools subscription 2024-2025; (GG) Approval of renewal of HSCL Power Library subscription 2024-2025; (HH) Approval of renewal of Read 180 digital access student subscription 2024-2025; (II) Approval of renewal of Swank K12 streaming and licensing subscription 2024-2025; (JJ) Approval of renewal of Wilson Reading Fundations FUN HUB subscription - 2024-2025; (KK) Approval of renewal of World Book online subscription 2024-2025; (LL) Approval of renewal of Xello annual subscription 2024-2025; (MM) Approval of OnBase agreement; (NN) Approval of VidCruiter agreement; (OO) Approval of GDC quote for district office device replacement; (PP) Approval of Devopar revised scope of work agreement.

Action/discussion Items: (A) Review and approval of bowling team booster club by-laws; (B) Review and approval of temporary easem*nt agreement with EGStoltzfus; (C) Review of roadway improvement bid with recommendation to reject; (D) Review of HS math textbook and Spanish textbook proposal.

Information agenda: (A) Finance and operations report; (B) Curriculum and instruction report; (C) Federal funds.

Board reports: (A) IU 13 reports; (B) PSBA reports; (C) Lancaster County Academy report; (D) Lancaster County Career and Technology Center report; (E) Construction team update; (F) Other reports.

East Lampeter Township Supervisors

The East Lampeter Township board of supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, May 20 at township office, 2250 Old Philadelphia Pike.

Among the agenda items:

Consent agenda: (A) Approval of the May 20, 2024 board of supervisors meeting agenda; (B) Approval of the minutes of the Monday, May 6 regular meeting; (C) Time extension for township review and action: Tree house frontage improvements plan — 2060 Old Philadelphia Pike; (D) Approval to pay invoices from all funds.

Police department recognitions — Chief Zerbe.

Appeal hearing on suspension from non-preference tow list — Absolute Towing.

Presentation on proposed fire apparatus purchase — Lafayette Fire Company ladder truck.

Old business: (A) Request to terminate ECHO agreement — 2149 Colleen’s Way.

New Business: (A) Rockvale Parcel 2 land development plan — 35 S. Willowdale Drive; (B) Request for waiver of land development planning — 2165 New Holland Pike; (C) Supervisor discussion items: (1) Housing plan implementation; (2) Township website.

Action items: (A) Request to accept zoning ordinance text amendment petition for distribution and review; (B) Authorize fire police assistance to New Holland; (C) Agreement on reimbursem*nt of costs for USWO golf tournament; (d) Appointments to Emergency Services Committee — Witmer Fire representatives.

Manager’s report: (a) Comprehensive plan requests for proposals distribution; (b) Community survey continuation; (c) Report on Hyper Reach Communication launch.

The next meeting is Monday, June 3 at 7 p.m.

Lampeter-Strasburg School District

The Lampeter-Strasburg School Board will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 20 at the district administration building board room, 1600 Book Road, Lampeter. Remote access link:

Among the agenda items:

Miscellaneous: (A) Recognition of scholarship recipient.

Personnel committee: (B) Recommendation for approval of resignations; (C) Recommendation for approval of employment — professional; (D) Recommendation for approval of employment — support; (E) Recommendation for approval of change of status; (F) Recommendation for approval of additional assignment; (G) Recommendation for approval of leave of absence; (H) Recommendation for approval of extended school year van drivers; (I) Recommendation for approval of correction of compensation for summer custodial; (J) Recommendation for approval of substitutes; (K) Recommendation for approval of volunteer.

Business and finance committee: (L) Discussion of annual donations; (M) Recommendation for approval of change order for the early childhood center project.

Miscellaneous: Discussion/review of board policies.

Lancaster City Historical Commission

The City of Lancaster Historical Commission will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, May 20 in City Council Chambers in the first-floor annex at City Hall, 120 North Duke Street.

Among the agenda items:

303 West King Street; Brentwood Builders, owners. Preliminary conceptual discussion of the proposed construction of a new three-and-one-half-story seven-unit apartment building on an open parcel.

205 South Queen Street; Water Street Mission, owner; Tippetts/Weaver Architects, Inc. applicant. Preliminary conceptual discussion of the proposed construction of a new two-story addition to the existing building’s north elevation facing East Farnum Street.

Lancaster City Housing

Lancaster City Housing Authority board of directors will meet at 4:30 p.m. Monday, May 20 at the offices, 325 Church St. Remote access: email Dianne at 717-397-2835, ext. 3044 or

Among the agenda items:

Approve minutes of the April 15 monthly meeting.

Financial report — April.

Deputy director’s report.

Director of housing choice voucher program.

Director of resident services.

Executive director’s report.

Resolutions: 2024-5-8 award contract to conduct a water infiltration and brick/mortar damage study of Church Street Towers; 2024-5-9 LCHA to enter into purchasing agreement through region 10/Equals group; 2024-5-10 LCHA authorizing use of company credit card to mentioned positions for business use.

Other business — Special presentation, to take place at beginning of meeting. Matthew Holt and Mary Fox-Johnson Control Inc.

The next meeting is Monday, June 17 at 4:30 p.m.

Lancaster County Career & Technology Center

The Lancaster County Career & Technology Center’s Joint Operating Committee will meet at 7 p.m., Thursday, May 23 in the boardroom at the Mount Joy Campus, 432 Old Market St., Mount Joy.

Among the agenda items:

Public participation: Students of the month — April.

Superintendent’s report: PAC Meeting was held on May 7.

Director’s report: Committee minutes, data sharing and home school data, MOU protective services, local, state, and federal projects, secondary update, post-secondary update and GAC meeting was held on May 14.

Personnel committee: Recommendations for approval of resignations, retirement, appointments and transfers, regular hourly pay rate for attending training, professionals (DITEP) at Cocalico High School on July 8 and 9, job description update: assistant PN director/clinical coordinator, job offer for part-time PN instructor rescinded, substitute payroll- hourly rate effective May 18 and approval of MJ principal retirement effective June 30.

Informational items: Training held on Aug. 1.

Building and property committee: Updates on facility projects for each campus.

Planning and development committee: Adult education catalog.

Informational items: Application status secondary 2024-25, enrollment status post-secondary 2024-25 and field trips.

Finance committee: Financial reports: treasurer’s reports, bill payment: bill listing, summary, production account, internal service fund report-health, unemployment, cafeteria report, permission to purchase/bid/RFPs: permission to bid; permission to purchase (facilities and supplemental equipment grants — two tabs); classmate extension of services; seeking approval: Public Safety Center agreement 2024-2026; Lions Club agreement; disposal of excess items.

Policy Committee: Policies for first read and approval; policies for second read and approval.

New business: 2024 PSBA delegate assembly will occur Nov. 2 at 9 a.m. LCCTC is entitled to appoint one individual to attend the assembly.

The next scheduled meeting of the Lancaster County Career & Technology Center Joint Operating Committee will be held on June 27 at 7p.m. at the Willow Street Campus.

Lancaster Township Planning

The Lancaster Township Planning Commission will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 21 at the municipal building, 1240 Maple Ave.

Among the agenda items:

Stormwater management plans:

LTPC 325 — Lancaster Country Day School — Stormwater management site plan — Action item.

Subdivision/land development plans:

LTPC 327 — Millersville apartments (1896 Millersville Rd) — Sketch plan — Briefing item.

The next regularly scheduled LTPC meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 18 at 7 p.m.

Mount Joy Township Supervisors

Mount Joy Township board of supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, May 20 at the municipal building, 8853 Elizabethtown Road, Elizabethtown.

Among the agenda items:

Old business: (A) Elizabethtown Mount Joy Associates, L.P. (Pennmark) — Substantive validity challenge and curative amendment: (1) Accept the time extension, received on April 22, to extend the applicable period of time in which the board of supervisors must commence a public hearing on the substantive validity challenge up to and including June 17; (2) Discussion on and, if appropriate, a motion to enter into an agreement with Elizabethtown Mount Joy Associates, L.P. and Pennmark Management Company, Inc. relative to the rezoning of property located at the corner of Cloverleaf Road and SR 230 from Limited Commercial (C-1) to General Commercial (C-2); (B) Pennmark — Petition to rezone: (1) Open public hearing; (2) Close public hearing; (3) Discussion on and, if appropriate, a motion pertaining to the request by Pennmark Management Company to amend the Mount Joy Township Zoning Ordinance of 2012, as amended, zoning map, to change the zoning classification for two tracts of land identified as Tax Parcels No. 461-00486-0-0000 and 461-82176-0-0000 consisting of approximately 22 acres and located on the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Cloverleaf Road and State Route 230 from the C-1 Limited Commercial District to the C-2 General Commercial District.

Consent Calendar: (A) Approve and ratify the minutes of the April 15 meeting; (B) Approve payment of all bills via Bill List No. 09-2024; Bill List No. 09a-2024; and Bill List 10-2024 and ratify the payment of all payrolls for the period of April 5 through May 16 inclusive; (C) Authorize the cancellation of the 2024 treasurer’s bond for Sherri L. Minnich, effective March 31; (D) Authorize purchase of the 2024 treasurer’s bond for Tracey Weaver, effective April 22, 2024; (E) Public Works Department — Personnel: Authorize the hiring of Chris Garrison, as a Public Works crew member, tentatively scheduled to start May 28, in accordance with the township manager’s memo, dated May 16; (F) Mount Joy Fire Foundation: Appoint David W. Sweigart III to represent Mount Joy Township as a board member on the newly created Mount Joy Fire Foundation board; (G) Old Trolley Line Park — master site plan; (H) Grayrock Landscaping — budget modification; (I) QuickBooks — 2024 licenses; (J) Forest Lane and Trail Road North — PPL agreement; (K) Municibid — award bid; (L) Municibid – award bid; (M) Hometown map and information guide; (N) 2024 Disposition of records; (O) Special event — PA Hope Ride Against Cancer; (P) Elhajj, Travis — 2038 Creek Road; 22-03-WAIV; (Q) Gish, Martin S & Robin D; 240007-SWMP-MAJ; (R) Gish, Martin S. & Robin D.; 40007-SWMP-MAJ; (S) Martin, Abner H., 230047-SWMP-MAJ.


The next regular meeting of the Mount Joy Township board of supervisors is scheduled to be held on Monday, June 17 at 7 p.m.

Penn Manor School District

The Penn Manor School Board will meet 7 p.m. Monday, May 20 at Penn Manor High School – Large Group Instruction Room (LGI), 100 E. Cottage Avenue, Millersville. The regular board meeting will follow the committee of the whole. Live video stream:

Among the agenda items:

Review of school board meeting agenda.

Consent agenda for administrative actions: (A) Student hearing; (B) Approval of graduates; (C) 2024-2025 School breakfast and lunch prices; (D) Accelerating language proposal for 24-25 professional development; (E) Vape sensor installation proposal with Pagoda Electrical; (F) Approval of independent contractor agreement for a bilingual speech and language evaluation.

Consent agenda for personnel: (A) Support staff employment and change in status of the individuals listed per the effective date for the 2023-2024 school year; (B) Professional staff employment and change in status of the individual listed per the effective date for the 2024-2025 school year; (C) Leave; (D) Resignation; (E) High school teachers that will be involved in the ReACH Program for summer 2024 at the hourly professional rate stipulated in the collective bargaining agreement. American Rescue Plan Act funds will be used for this initiative; (F) Middle school teachers to lead summer remediation sessions of up to 41 hours per teacher at the hourly professional rate stipulated in the collective bargaining agreement. American Rescue Plan Act funds will be used for this initiative; (G) Act 86 — Locally-issued day-to-day substitute permit for the 2023-24 school year; (H) Summer hours; (I) Principal Manor Middle School.


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Lancaster County government calendar: May 20, 2024 (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.