Roaring Twenties food and drink - Melissa Western Artist (2024)

Our Favourite 1920s food blogs:

Hors d’oeuvres are a must. Try finger foods like devilled eggs, tea sandwiches, salted nuts, prawn co*cktail and canapés. Cakes were also very popular in the 1920s with red velvets, pound cakes and devil cakes popular. For a Queensland twist try a mini upside down pineapple cake. To save yourself some time pick up a Queensland classic biscuit like the Iced VoVo or even pop some Vegemite (invented in 1922) on mini toasts!

Here’s some other ideas.

  • Ribbon sandwiches (cucumber, smoked salmon, cream cheese)
  • Oysters
  • Deviled eggs
  • Stuffed mushrooms
  • Crudites with dips
  • Salmon Mousse on sliced rye bread
  • Roasted nuts
  • Olives

Salads were popular in the 1920’s. Try a Waldorf Salad or the Candle Salad (!) Finally, don’t forget the Caesar Salad! Yet another 1920’s invention.

Try one of these seven classic drinks from the Roaring Twenties:

Champagne Punch
1 cup water
2 tablespoons orange Curacao
2 cups sugar
Juice of 2 lemons
1 bottle champagne
2 cups tea infusion
4 tablespoons brandy
2 tablespoons rum
1 bottle soda water

Make a syrup by boiling water and sugar for 10 minutes. Mix Champagne, brandy, rum, Curacao, lemon juice and tea infusion. Sweeten to taste with syrup, and pour into punch bowl over a large piece of ice. Just before serving, add soda water.

Old Fashioned
60 ml bourbon whiskey
2 dashes Angostura bitters
1 splash water
1 tsp sugar
1 maraschino cherry
1 orange wedge

Mix sugar, water and angostura bitters in an old-fashioned glass. Drop in a cherry and an orange wedge. Muddle into a paste using a muddler or the back end of a spoon. Pour in bourbon, fill with ice cubes, and stir.

Mint Julep
4 fresh mint sprigs
70 ml bourbon whiskey
1 tsp powdered sugar
2 tsp water

Muddle mint leaves, powdered sugar and water in a collins glass. Fill the glass with shaved or crushed ice and add bourbon. Top with more ice and garnish with a mint sprig. Serve with a straw.

The Mary Pickford co*cktail was named for the silent film star and co-founder of United Artists.

Mary Pickford
45 ml light rum
30 ml pineapple juice
1/2 tsp maraschino liqueur
1/2 tsp grenadine syrup
1 maraschino cherry

Combine the rum, pineapple juice, maraschino liqueur and grenadine in a shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a co*cktail glass and garnish with a maraschino cherry.

Bacardi co*cktail
50ml Bacardi light rum
30ml lime juice
1/2 tsp sugar syrup
1 dash grenadine syrup

In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Shake well. Strain into a co*cktail glass.

Bee’s Knees
60 ml gin
25ml honey syrup
15 ml fresh lemon juice

Shake with ice, strain into a chilled co*cktail glass and serve.

Roaring Twenties food and drink - Melissa Western Artist (2024)


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