Song Name Generator - Chosic (2024)

If you’re stuck looking for a beautiful name for your song, start here. This Song Name Generator tool will give you countless title ideas of diverse song name mixes by mood and genre of your choice.

This song name ideas generator is the best place where you can get creative song titles, as it is designed to ensure cool, memorable and meaningful titles for tracks every time.

Naming a song is as important as writing it and looking for a perfect name for your track is worth it. The song’s name is often the first impression it makes on your audience as an artist or music creator, it can attract the attention of others in the first time and push them to press the play button to listen. But, There are times when a catchy good title doesn’t jump at you straight from the song’s hook. Choosing the perfect track title for your masterpiece isn’t always the easiest thing to do, it can be a tough process that needs a lot of Brainstorming and search. As such, the name deserves your best effort.

Most people usually use a word/phrase from somewhere in the song lyrics as the title. But using a phrase/word that fits the song’s theme and is not in the song lyrics can make a pretty creative name. Also, not all songs have lyrics to choose from but they still need titles.

We are here to help you, with this song names generator tool you can find those creative song title ideas that you need easily and quickly.

*If you prefer numbers, or animals in the song’s title or just search for used names for songs, you can use song title search tool, it helps you to find used song names with colors, numbers, food, animals, days or any specific word you want.

Using Song Name Generator tool is very simple, generate many good song names in seconds. It will give you 20 random titles for every click for one of 10+ genres and moods of your choice which contain almost all kinds of songs. Use it for inspiration or pick a name directly from suggestions list after clicking GENERATE button.

How to use this online Random Song Name Generator?

Quickly conjure up a track name using our automated keyword picker. Song title generator is designed to be easy to use, just select the mood that represents the emotional effect of the music from mood list (drop-down list) and/or choose the genre of the song you’re looking for-, then click the Generate button.

It will give you randomly 40 song titles to choose from. Need more names click on the “show more” button to get another 40 titles and so on. You can change the genre or mood any time, just hit the “Generate again” button to reset and go up at the top of the page where you can change them.

If you don’t choose mood or genre, the title generator will create random names from all available genres and moods. This generator has two extra helpful features:

1- Song titles searchfeature

After you generate titles and choose your favorite one, you often want to know how unique is that song title! That is why we added a “Check If Unique?” feature that help you to search for that song name instantly on Spotify.

If you want to search what are the songs titles similar to your choice, you can simply press on “Check If Unique?” button under every name and you will see if the name is unique or any songs similar to it on Spotify.

2- Store Your favorite song titles

By click star icon, that exists under every title, you can save your favorite names. So you can generate as more you want without worrying to forget favorite ones. To see your favorite collection, hit “saved ideas” button.

Who can use Song title generator?

Sometimes a name can be the only thing standing between you and a new release! This song title make is very helpful for artists, bands, composers and music creators. Especially artists who compose a lot of songs or music tracks and don’t have much time to think about the names.

It will also help creators who make Royalty Free music or creative commons music

How this Song Name Generator works?

At the click of a button, this song titles generator will randomly combine carefully selected groups of words from a large database that include all forms of music and illustrates the artwork in music to create quickly thousands of new, unused track titles or album names – Whatever your music genre.

Please note that due to the randomness of this song title creator, some titles may seem silly or have faulty grammar but don’t let that stop you. There’s plenty to pick from. You are sure to find some inspiration.

Generated names will stimulate your imagination so you can also add your own word to the mix for the song title creator to work its magic on. or simply to get new list of random music titles just click the “more names” button again and again until you get the perfect name for your masterpiece.

The names in this generator are loosely based on words that are usually used in songs and music fields.

Don’t worry if any of these generated titles have already been used in songs because a title can’t be copyrighted. Feel free to use them, you can also change a word or two, or let them suggest a new idea. They help to have a little push.

We decided to pick the genres seen below as they’re the most popular genres. Even if your music is metal song or rap song or whatever, many names could fit different classifications at any genre.

The Genres are as follows:

  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Hip Hop/Rap
  • Electronic/Dance
  • R&B/Soul
  • Jazz
  • Blues
  • Country/Folk
  • Classical
  • Latin

The moods are as follows:

  • Happy
  • Romance
  • Sleep
  • Party
  • Relax
  • Sad

Can I use this tool as music album name ideas generator?

As the most common way to name an album is to use a song name from it that capture the overarching theme, you can use the generated names with this tool as album names.

If you want real songs names to get ideas from for your music you can use Random songs Generator that gives you a random list of real songs every time you hit generate button.

We hope this track name generator will give you good names for your music. Feel free to contact us if you have suggestions and ideas.

Below, you’ll find a song names list of high-quality and great song names ideas generated using this Song title name generator.

Song title ideas about love

  • Body talk
  • Blurred love
  • Don’t forget me
  • Clear move
  • No mercy
  • Some dreams
  • Right time
  • My train
  • cool worlds
  • U cry
  • Young love
  • Free hugs
  • Wild mind

Rap song title ideas

  • Rapper Chance
  • The one
  • Time to move
  • I forgot
  • Ready for that
  • Virtual account
  • My space
  • Strictly love
  • Tell me why you
  • 50/50
  • Never broke again
  • No freedom
  • Destiny smoke
  • Bad option

Song title ideas about life

  • Tasty Smile
  • Strange Moves
  • Whispers Of Echo
  • Broken Rocks
  • I Care About Money
  • Invisible Images
  • Alive Heart
  • Warm Smiles
  • Light-Hearted Jokes
  • Acoustic Flavor
  • Feelings of Heroes
  • Unhappy Home

Sad song title ideas

  • The other side
  • Don’t go
  • Instant life
  • Fire
  • Little world
  • Inside
  • Life without friends
  • Pieces of me
  • Highway
  • Fearless town
  • Picture of summer
  • Without you
  • Just a kiss

Country song title ideas

  • Pure heart
  • Walk line
  • Wild light
  • Forever dream
  • Pretty girl
  • Old way
  • Hope loss
  • Green life
  • Sweet home
  • The Cowboy
  • Pure Hell
  • Fresh air
  • 7 Years
  • All The Life
Song Name Generator - Chosic (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.