Friday Spotlight: Dave Harman of Niles has been a member of the Granger Lions Club for three years. The 1943 Riley High School graduate retired from McClean Trucking in South Bend in 1986, where he worked as a sales representative. Eight years ago he was diagnosed with cancer and told he had only two weeks to live. Today, he feels better than ever, he said. HOMETOWN FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2000 SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE Ml Dr BRIEFS NILES Mark Hradel, Roberta Winn, Christopher Opher and Sharon Hradel, all of Niles, take a break from washing cars to raise money to fight multiple sclerosis.
They all plan to participate In the MS Walk Saturday In South Bend. Preparations for MS walk involve plenty of legwork Class of 1990 to meet about reunion Tuesday Calling all members of the Niles High School class of 1990. There will be a 10-year reunion meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday at the Golden Nugget Saloon, 202' Main. 1 The reunion date has been 9etfcr Nov.
25 at the College Football Hall of Fame in South Bend. Please-bring ideas and any addresses of former classmates with you. BURR OAK Annual Herb Day set for May 13 a The Friends of the Burr Oak Lb brary are having their annual Herb Day May 13. It will be at the Burr Oak Community Schools, 326 Eagle St The doors will open at 9 am. Registration will be $30 and in eludes lunch.
1 Send reservations to Burr Oak Friends of the Library P.Ol Box 201, Burr Oak, MI 49030. The featured speakers will be Bill and Sylvia Varney from Freder icksburg Herb Farm in Fredericks- 'r burg, Texas. Bill will talk on the art A of designing and growing herbs. Sylvia will speak on cooking with 6 hats followtag the herb hmdieon. 6 New this year will be a courtyard I Mof vendors, plus a large selection of herbal plants and baked goods, a silent auction and a quilt raffle.
CASSOPOLIS Felt DAR chapter to meet Monday The Captain Samuel Felt Chap-terof the Daughters of theAmerM. can Revolution will meet at2 Monday- At the, Cass District JUmj brary in Cassopolis. The program will be the annual memorial service. The hostesses for the day will be Phyllis Witko, Virginia Bomtrager and Mary a Ann Upp All DAR members in the area are invited to attend. BENTON HARBOR Drive to benefit street ministries A food and clothing delation drive to benefit Benton Harbor Street Ministries, a community outreach pro gram and the Seventh-day Adventist Community Service Center in Berrien Springs will be Sunday through May 14 Donations will be accepted at various campus locations, Andrews Academy Ruth Murdoch Elementary School, Apple Valley i.
Market and Schraders Supermar- ket, all located in Berrien Springs, The drive is being coordinated by a group of Andrews University students for a group dynamics and leadership class. The drive is running in conjunc- tion with Andrews University Stu- dent Association Spring Fling, a school spirit week. Nonperishable food items and dean clothing are the primary focus of the project, but monetary dona-tions are accepted as well For more information about the project, call (616) 471-3315 or visit the Web site at wwwandrews.edut3rdonateJ1tm By SHERRY VAN ARSDALL Tribune Staff Writer SMC area graduates Southwestern Michigan Colleges area graduates for the 1999-2000 academic year as recognized during spring commencement on Sunday included; Associate degrees and certificates BENTON HARBOR April Beckwith, Donna Evans and Harold T. Morgan BERRIEN CENTER Amanda K. Gorski, Michael J.
Gouk-er and Kristin M. Klug BERRIEN SPRINGS Laura J. Aker, Jason S. Biek, Trisha A Bixby, Kathleen Dospoy, Rodd A Nelson, Foluso O. Ojew-ole, Vineesha Rathnam, Hazel Sdiven, Ryan Stone, Frandsc I.
Szilagyi, Nora D. Trail and Kristen M. Zech BUCHANAN Leeann M. Adair, Amy N. Baker, pevra S.
Britt, Sherri Brocker, Lori A. Canfield, Debbie L. Curtis, Susan M. Devereaux, Kimberly M. Dickinson, Janice R.
Ferris, Maria Hensley, Cheryl Moore Holloway, Helen KimbreD, David P. Ludwig, Nathan Moriock, Cindy M. Payne, Patricia A. Pomeroy, Jonathan M. Stough, Lesley Swartz, Raquel A.
Welch, Michael A. Wittfieff and Rose M. Wright CASSOPOLIS Melody A. Bouwens, Lisa Bowser, Kendall D. Chrismon, Karen L.
Cleveland, Andrew M. Cripe, Sandra J. Downey, Jeremy S. Franks, Barbara HartseK, Patricia Hatch, Emily R. Henry, Cynthia J.
King-Ali, Margaret S. Lohroff, Robert Mortimore, Larry Murray, Jason A. Pompey, Peggy Pompey, Sara N. Radtke, Erin R. Reynolds, Diane L.
Schultz, Jeanne E. Seager-Davis, Amanda K. Shrider, Mary E. Sibley and Norman G. Usher Jr.
COLOMA Wendy Bettich DECATUR SocBACady, Rose A Long and Laurie A Overton DOWAGIAC John E. Abrams, Karen S. Bartee, Melanie P. Belcher, Kathryn A Bishop, Usa A Broda, Brian K. DeLong, Craig Duszynski, Dawn M.
Ellis, Christine A Errgman, Sandra G. Greenman, Regina M. Hess, Alicia A Holbury, Brandy Renee Homer, Lacy M. Ignacio, Shaun M. LaPorte, Carolyn A Lyons, Thomas Henry MacDonald, Anthony A MacFadyen, Charles A Middaugh, PriscSa H.
Ndoka, Nfck H. Parker, Andrea A Prak, William Salmons, Danielle R. Saylor, Jennifer Skaila, Jennifer Solomon, Leah P. Sovine, Sherry Spencer-Gilmore, Andrea B. Sprague, Matthew A.
Sprague, Brenda J. Stockwed, Lee P. Stockwell, Jil A Tyrakowskl, Mary A Washington, Kim M. WWdns and Loren Allen Warning EAU CLAIRE Susan G. Enders, Kira E.
Geier, Carl H. LaBom, Frances Rose and Hayley M. Williams EDWARDSBURG-RandyABtya Edward C.Catberry, Marita A Entfsh, Node D. Freeze, Katrina Gregg, Shawn W. Harris, Ryan A Katona, Sisusn A Nefsr, Jamian R.
Oleeon, Helen Nksde Otver, Kay Osborn, Karan S. Price, Todd A Reitz, Robert M. Schtabausft David P. Stoner, Daniel a fleer and Jenrriter J. Wruble GALIEN Tracy Baughman HARTFORD Jonathan R.
Amundson, Charity S. Cummins, Raquel J. French, Ervin Hamilton, Soott T. Norden, Joee A Razo, William H. Shuler and Randal J.
Tarantino JONES Anthony J. Paladinoand JehnldrC Rleth '1 LAWTON Jay A Jepkema and John D. Kole MARCELLUS tacy K. Berry, Steve Codk; 'David R. Goodenough, Lori B.
OConnor, Ron C. Swartz and Julie Tone NEW TROY Richard J. Southwood NILES Jamie Alexander, Paul E. Alien, Sherrie Archer, Trent M. Babco*ck, WiKam F.
Bailey, Lonnie R. Balge, Archie G. Barkman, Jeremy Bayies, Donald D. Billings, Kasey Bixler, Cassandra Boney, Stephanie Braden, Georgia Brown, Ket-ly D. Clear, Martha J.
Doming, Tracy Easten-Lewis, Paul 0. Elrod, Eningan Loveta EpieOanzy, Sharon R. Evetman, Pam S. Firth, Todd M. Fletcher, Daniels R.
Fries, Laura J. Frye, Chifurv do B. GanizanL Jeffrey D. Gefeig, Sharon Geiger, Timothy G. Graham, Jessica D.
Hanley, Debra S. Hansen, Dana E. Hebrv er, Nnedi I. Henry, Vicky Lynn Hess, Millard Haven Hid Fred A Hogue, JoAnn Horvath, Sherry A Hudson, Shiho Ikeyama, Charmaine Y. Johnson, Kim J.
Johnson, Chad A Jones, Jeremy D. Kelly, Ridd A Loenser, Gerald D.Martto Jon E.R. Martin, Cynthia Anderson McCal, Barbara Moore, Crystal M. New-comer, Maria Adels Mewel, Cheryl Nowicki, Shannon Marie Oates, Chad Pelander, Brian T. Pete, Carol Ann Pompey, Daria Gene Powel, Steve Racht Scott A Rlggenbach, James W.
Rivera (posthumously), Saran D. Roberts, Timothy A Scott, Carrie A Selcz, Liana D. Skaggs, Geni Sly, Kel A Smiederv dorf, Denis V. Smirnov, Maria J. Sobieralski, Julie N.
Stauffer, David R. Straffing, Denise M. Taylor, Victoria M. Teeple, Joel Daniel Thomas, Teri Thompson, Valerie Waldron, Keleigh M. WUkins, Charles James Wiliams, Lisa Marie Winslow, Jennifer Wreggelswotlh and Pamela Jo Wrisfrt PAW PAW Monica S.
VanBrusael SAWYER Chandra R. Philips and Richard J. Southwood ST. JOSEPH Debbie C. Rogers and Soott A Salyer THREE OAKS Michelle Schmidt THREE RIVERS Joshua T.
Carver and Lara Taylor UNION Barbara J. OB and Cheryl A Reed VANDAUA EdwardS. Asmus, Corey Christopher and Jodi Hunsberger WATERVUET Jennifer M. Purvis, Michael T. Tackett and Diana Wyatt i WHITE PIGEON Amy Lynn Haslett, Brent Lee Miller, Ho K.
Robinson, Chris K. Seoor, Adam J. Towne and Jennifer Zeimet Indiana ELKHART Sherrie Baskins, Leslie J. Crane, Le'JohnM. Ells, Amanda S.Jepson, James Kyle, AietsheG.
Larson, Richard Potter, Johna A Radford, James M.Thimlar and Rayah Webb GOSHEN Ryan J. Gaffer GRANGER Kimberly A Ghotson, Gerald P. Hunt, Andrea S. Loughln, Julie A Morris, Diane Moss, Kyle D. Myers, Steven Nokes, Michael S.
Pawed and Justin M. Stopczynski LAPORTE Jayson P. Hud MICHIGAN CITY Dora M. Allison, Jacqueline Alison, Gloria D. Hurt, Mildred Jackson, Lula B.
Lewis and Gina A Mitched 1 MIDOLEBURY Lindsey R. Shaffer MISHAWAKA Michael K. Andert, Jennifer Atwood, Shannon M. Balmer, Stephanie C. Btek, Jdene J.
Hums, Nancy W. Kabul, Enock K. Kigen, Gtlu Mashtoe, Amber Newcomer, Brandon Gregory-Fuaon Penzenik and Jason G. Powed NORTH LIBERTY Gregory A Montgomery OSCEOLA Armando Gordo SOUTH BEND Cedric N. Burton, Sarah E.
DeVon, Jennifer D. Gregar, Melissa K. Haddix, James K. Mbugua, Janice Moore, Loretta Oross, Terri D. Pierce, James M.
Sherwood, Allan T.C. Smith and Jennifer A. Stonebumer WALKERTON Robert A Blisset and Chris S. Heiter Other states HOPKINSVILLE Ky. Heather Dawn Townsend SPRINGFIELD, Mo.
Judith M. Hocking Ferris State University Bachelor's degrees and certificates Jason Scoies, Davy Christadoss, Gary McCormick, Bradley Mott, Koenraad Adams, Michelle Frye, Vicki Sitar, Leann Van-Brockln, Andrea Bahus, Marion Barr, Jude Farver, Henry Kirori, Karris Melvin, Danstone Okello, Lorraine Outlaw and Lovie Sims. Peters of Cassopolis, decided to participate in the walk. "It is doing something worthwhile, Mrs. Peters said.
Anything to help jsppjeone efeejs a worthy cause. Even though shes never been in a walk, Im looking forward to it and hoping to walk the whole thing. The couple even helped wash cars Sunday afternoon with the other All-Stars in the Niles Hardees parking lot to raise extra money It was a fUn time working together, and the weather was just perfect for it, Peters said. As a result, an extra $275 from the car wash will be added to the groups total pledges. And since everyone has pledges amounting to $75 or more, they will all earn an official MS Walk T-shirt.
Christopher Ciphers arms and face were sunburned while washing cars. My arms and legs were sore at the end, and we even extended the time because so many people kept coming, the Niles resident said. As a first-time participant, Opher is excited to help raise money for research and a cure for MS. Hes asked many family members and some friends for donations, and no one turned him down, he said. Opher has been taking his dog for extra walks, riding his bike and walking to get in some practice for the five-mile walk Saturday I think its nice well get to know more about each other as were walking and talking together in a group, Opher said.
To make a donation, call (800) FIGBTMS or (800) 344-4867. You can also contact Betty Re-tchanadter at (219) 232-3992, Ext RA19 Stars and will wear white shirts with their logo painted on the front Ajwnda Lutin of Niles has a family member with multiple sclerosis, so jgjpws firsthand, tfa jtf disease. MS is a disorder of the central nervous system the brain and spinal cord involving decreased nerve function associated with the formation of scars on the covering of nerve cells. Multiple sclerosis affects approximately one out of 1,600 people. Women are affected about 60 percent of the time.
The disorder most commonly begins between the ages of 20 and 40. It is one of the major causes of disability in adults under age 65, according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society I want them to be able to find a cure for MS, Lutin said. Its for a good cause, to help raise money for research. She was in a walkathon with her mother nine years ago, enjoyed it and decided to do it again. I like to help people as much as possible, and to do it with a group of friends is even better.
Roberta Winn of Niles also wants to help others. I want to make a difference, to help out and have fun as well, she said. She has more than $100 in pledges for the sixth MS Walk, which begins at 10 a.m. EDT Saturday at the College Football Hall of Fame in downtown South Bend. The 6.2-mile route winds around Indiana University South Bend, YMCA of Michiana and along the St Joseph River past the East Race Waterway ending at the Hall of Fame.
Hradels parents, Ron and Jackie i.i i it NILES Gearing up for the Multiple Sclerosis Walk Saturday, members of the All-Stars are busy limbering up their legs gathering pledges. Tm excited and looking forward to walking," Sharon Hradel, group leader, said. It should be hon. Just hope it doesnt rain. Her reason for doing the walkathon? "I know of four members in my family with different muscular diseases other than MS, and that is why Im doing it She saw a brochure at work two months ago and thought it would be something nice to do.
I went home and told my husband about it and Mark said Ill do it with the Niles resident said. He said the couple dont spend much time together because of their work schedules. So this is something I can do with my wife instead of just sitting at home watching TV Mark said. Doing an MS Walk is a new thing for him. Ive never done anything like this before, the Niles resident said.
And Mark has found people to be very generous in giving donations. I wasnt sure how they would respond when asked to donate money Between the couple, they have raised more than $600. Some of Sharons co-workers, family members and friends expressed interest in participating, also. So they became known as the All- HONOR ROLLS Thomas Johnson, Neil Kauffman, Rex Emily Kesler, Tyler Koemgshof, Matthew Lamber-, ton, Robert Leda, Justin Leibach, Jesse Samuel Ludwig, Ryan Makowski, Gregory Mari, bach, Jeanna Martino, Eugene Maryushchenko, Alana McClellan, Michael McConnell, Katelyn Mcs Dowell, Jack McHenry, Nicholas Merrick, Megan' Mondich, Crystal Moster, Jonathan Muff, Neagu, Christopher Nugent, Ryan Okver, Matthew Pavilanis, Nathan Peak, Amanda Pegura, Tmottr Pelmear, Adam Peterson, Tara Poe, Jessica RahfJ ski, Amanda Rangel, EUen Rosselit, Abigail Rup-, chock, Ashley iJirock, Jaosn Selle, Jennifer Shervs eman, Shana Stoops, Bryan Stowed, Martha Strav David Tevtm, Jay Thomas, John Tutorow, Dustin. Walter, Joseph Whitman, Christina Dustin Wilfert, Melina Williams Honorable Mention.
Gregory Carlin, Andrewft Clark, Sean Cour, Cassandra Donath, Lauren Gregory, Justin Hall, Nathaniel Hefner, Brett Michael Joiner, Stephanie La Place, Elijah Aaron Manes, Morgan Nelson, Matthew Shay Shoemaker, Jessica Simpson, Chnstopheh Swaim, Michael Vandusen, Tommy VanPalten, Ryan Warner, Holly Young Haines, Matthew Horvath, Jesse Johnson, Brittany Keltz, Christine Klann, Kelli Kretchman, Amanda McCracken, Wilham Miller, Jaclyn O'Connor, Sara Platz, Nicholas Roth, Melissa Samys, John Scapino, Robert Sevtson, Kati Stutsman, Ashley Turner, Tyler VanBuren, Andrea Velez, Afcson We Honorable Mention: Ryan Bourtier, Daniel Dit-son, Steven Duke, Cody Frank, Samantha Fritsche, Steven Hill, Jordan Howell, Jessica Kelley, Kyle Ketchum, Ricky Linde, Jhmre Miller, Ryan Mondich, Dannie Morrow, Alexis Neff, Wilkam Perrin, Nicole Pierson, Shtane Scott, Douglas Shuttle-worth, Sasha Spaulding, Patrick Strong Eighth Grade All A'a Hoiks Claire, Travis Coughenour, Casey Poe, Nicholas Shell AB's: Amanda Bailey, Dustin Bates, John Black, Mane! Black, Megan Bode, John Breslin, Philip Bretschnetder, Holly Bromcki, Jeame Clement, Wilkam Correa, Bnttany Cronin, Brian Davis, Matthew Deis, Robert DeVema, Jason Dodge, Candice Erickson, Joseph Fahey, Sarah Gunn, Kathenne Habrcht, Laura Harness, Bethany Hartley, Aaron Hassmger, Timothy Herremans, Adam Horn, Shannon Howe, Keqton Johnson, er, Branden Muazynski, Sarah Nelson, Elizabeth Oliver, Mitch Parsons, Tabatha Presson, Alexander Price, Soott Ramm, Chad Reid, Jeffery Rogers, Justin Ross, Kara Rosselit, Jessica Stevenosn, Ashley Stone, Shade Sloops, Matthew StringMw, Nicole SzynsW, Nicole Thompson, Shefcy Turner, Christopher Unger, Kevin Walker, Samantha Wtgert, Kerri Wood, Amanda WoodX Honorable Mention: James Archambault, Sarah Davis, Ashley Ert, Wilbur Everest, Claire Gray, Susanna Martino, Samantha Overmyer, Shannon Parmley, Rachel Patterson, Bradley Patzer, Nicole Porter, Bradley Powell, Jesse Rangel, Isaiah Seibel, Brandon Stapleton, Jennifer Sutherland, Malissa Yoder Seventh Grade Al Aa: Cassandra Cremel, Katherine Fahey, Corinne Fleming, Erik Gritting, Sean Malone, Andrew Marbach, Courtney Moyer, Margaret Moyer, Shelley Roberts, Tena Schidhouse, Amanda Tafu-nai AB's Mandl Archambau, Deldah Aurand, Laura Bad, Andrew Canareod, Tyier Carson, Courtney Daly, Thomas Del, Jessie DeVema, Jenna Bowman, Matthew Dudley, James Greertfeld, Ryan EDWARDSBURG Edwardsburg M.S. Third Marking Period Sixth Grad Al James Baths, Andrew Bresdn, John DeVema, Kenneth Fletcher, Steven Gwen, Laura Green, Lisa Heinisch, Jessica Howe, Curtis Kniffin, Joshua Marschke, Joshua McNeeley, Eric Meadows, Lindsey Mette, Aubrie Miller, Stacey Miller, Michael Penninger, Ted Pietrzak, Jared Price, AtexaSmilh, Lindsey Stoeckinger, Kristen VanBede ABs: Alicia Albright, Benjamin Andersohn, Chelsea Aven, Eric Badey, Chelsie Baucus, Leah Boepple, Jeffrey Bode, Emdy Bussen, Erica Cornett, Allision Cutter, Robert Deuel, Drew Donohue, Amy Doolittle, Heather Eaton, Arin Ellis, Amanda Eutsey, Rebecca Finney, Tiffany Fletcher, Nikki Focht, Annette Goodwin, Justin Gregory, Katelyn Gregory, Emily Gunn, Anthony Hayes, Michelle Hentz, Erica Hurt, Tiffany Huynh, Eric Johnson, Derek Kobb, Allison Langton, Justin La Place, Kimberly Makowski, Jenifer Kaytey Meren-ades, Trista Miller, Jeffrey Mortimer, Daliagftozad-.