Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (2024)

Have you ever wondered what you can cook in a thermal cooker? Here are 10 thermal cooker recipes that I’ve handpicked for you. Reduce your carbon footprint and cook in a more environmentally friendly way at the same time.

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (1)

1. Thermal Cooker Chicken Congee| Souper Diaries

For many Chinese, congee or porridge is the ultimate comfort food. Traditionally, it takes about 1 hour or more to cook congee as you need to stir every now and then until the grains break down to your desired consistency. For this Chinese congee recipe, I only had to cook it on the stove for about 25 minutes.No more constant stirring once it goes into the thermal cooker. The thermal cooker helps the porridge to achieve a smoother texture. I usually make this in the morning and by lunch time, it will be ready. So convenient and less hassle!

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (2)

2. Thermal Cooker 4 Ingredients Chinese Chicken Stock | Souper Diaries

I don’t normally make chicken stock with a thermal cooker. One day, I decided to experiment and I was really pleased that it could also make a stock with a much shorter cooking time on a stove-top. Save time and energy? Yes, please!

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (3)

3. Thermal Cooker Pulled Pork | The Baking Biatch

Love pulled pork? This thermal cooker version looks so yummy. Tender, juicy and savory meat which took just 30 minutes of stove-top cooking before it was left to thermal cook overnight. It’s perfect with buns and coleslaws or plain white rice.

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (4)

4. Thermal Cooker Corn Soup| Souper Diaries

If you often cook soups, you’ll love using a thermal cooker. It is a wonderful tool for making soup. Enjoy hot and tasty soups without worrying about racking up hefty electricity bills or overcooking your soup. Chinese soup is not just a delicious complement to a meal but it also promotes good health and sometimes acts as a tonic for various ailments. Try this fresh and light tasting thermal cooker corn soup recipe using simple ingredients.

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (5)

5. Thermal Cooker Chicken Stew|Souper Diaries

We often hear and read that a thermal cooker performs best when the inner pot is filled or almost full. Yes, this is true as there would be less air space for heat to escape. So I was pleasantly surprised that it could also cook a stew successfully even though I only half filled my Tiger Thermal Cooker 5.2L. Check out the recipe here.

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (6)

6. Thermal Cooker Chicken Curry|Souper Diaries

Soft, tender chicken and potatoes in a bed of addictive curry! Did you know that making curries (the wet ones) in a thermal cooker is such a breeze? This must be the fastest curry that I’ve ever cooked. Cooking time on the stove-top was less than 15 minutes before I popped the inner pot into the cooker. We had a lovely lunch (which continued over to dinner) with this yummy Chinese-style curry chicken.

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (7)

7. Thermal Cooker Baked Chicken|Prepare Today Ward Newsletter

I’m just amazed that baked chicken can be prepared in a thermal cooker with the help of a… cereal bag! How’s that for creativity and taking recycling to a whole new level. Julene, the author of the blog wrote, “For every meal that I prepare I think of how it could be made without electricity.” I love this! The Saratoga Jacks Thermal Cooker is one of her go-to powerless emergency cookers. Check out her blog to see how it’s done.

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (8)

8. Thermal Cooker Shellfish Soup|Luxury Haven

Whether you’re going for a picnic, potluck, camping or even if you’re living on a boat, a thermal cooker is a very useful cooking tool as it is a much more energy efficient way to cook and is highly portable.Shirley from Luxury Haven uses a Thermos Shuttle Chef to cook this delicious looking shellfish soup. I would like a bowl of that!

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (9)

9. Thermal Cooker Yogurt|Souper Diaries

Did you know it’s so easy and more economical to make your own yogurt at home? All you need is some yogurt starter and milk. A thermal cooker is a great tool to incubate yogurt and nurture good bacteria to grow and do its thing. I’ve used my thermal cooker to make yogurt on many occasions and it comes out perfect and delicious every time.

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (10)

10. Thermal Cooker Red Dates Tea|Souper Diaries

Ever since I got my thermal cooker, this is my go-to cooking appliance to make red dates tea. It’s so nice to come home to a hot tea after a long day. My family loves this red dates tea as it is fragrant and has a smokey sweetness.Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (11)

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What Is A Thermal Cooker and Why It Is A Kitchen Must-Have

The Best Thermal Cookers – A Buyer’s Guide

Thermal Cooker Recipes & What You Can Cook In A Thermal Cooker - Souper Diaries (2024)


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