Biography: Shirley Temple (2024)

Shirley Temple


By Arlisha R Norwood, NWHM Fellow | 2017

Biography: Shirley Temple (1)

Most Americans know Shirley Temple as the adorable child actor with curly hair who graced movie screens from 1935 to 1938. After enjoying a successful career as an entertainer, Temple dedicated herself to public service, working as a politician and ambassador.

Shirley Temple was born on April 23, 1928 in Santa Monica, California. Her mother was a homemaker and her father worked at a bank. As a child, Temple showed interest in the arts. She loved dancing and singing.In 1931, her mother decided to enroll her in dance school. After a casting director noticed her in class, she was offered a contract to appear in short films. In no time, Temple attracted the attention of a major movie studio.

Temple’s acting career started off rocky. She was the star in several unsuccessful short films. In 1933, a talent agent recognized her dancing in a hotel lobby and he immediately signed her to Fox Film Corporation. For the next few years, Temple turned out box office hits. She was even honored with a miniature Oscar for her acting. With her curly hair and dimples, she captured the hearts of Americans during one the country’s worst economic recessions, the Great Depression. Her films often centered on jovial themes which provided Americans with an escape during hardship.

Although Temple was one of the most popular actresses, she remained underpaid. Since she was a child, her finances were managed by her parents. Her family fought for her to receive just compensation as a child actor. Throughout her career, Temple's brand was used in popular merchandise. Fans owned Temple clothes, sheet music, and soap. In 1958, Temple hosted a television series called Shirley Temple’s Storybook. The show was cancelled but her role spawned another line of successful merchandise which included dolls, handbags, and coloring books. At the height of her career, Temple endorsed several major companies such as General Electric and Quaker.

As Temple aged, her appeal as a child star decreased. She played in a few films as a teenager and even transitioned to radio for a short while. Eventually Temple decided to turn her attention elsewhere. By 1967, she began to look towards politics. She joined the Republican Party and ran for a congressional seat. Althoughshe did not win, her campaign marked the beginning of a long career in politics. In 1974, She was appointed as the US Ambassador to Ghana. She also worked as Ambassador to Czechoslovakia under President George H.W. Bush. In her position, Temple played a crucial role in negotiations and international diplomatic relations. For her service, she was made an honorary foreign service officer.

Temple received various awards throughout her lifetime. She was recognized by the Screen Actors Guild and the American Center for Films for Children. She was also honored by the Kennedy Center. In 2014, Temple died at the age of 85, leaving behind successful career in public service and entertainment.

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Biography: Shirley Temple (2024)


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The cause of death, according to her death certificate released on March 3, 2014, was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Temple was a lifelong cigarette smoker but avoided displaying her habit in public because she did not want to set a bad example for her fans. She is buried at Alta Mesa Memorial Park.

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After stepping away from Hollywood, Shirley embraced life at home. In addition to raising Linda Susan from her previous marriage, Shirley gave birth to a son, Charles Black Jr., in 1952 and two years later welcomed another daughter, Lori Black.

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Shirley Temple (1928–2014) was an American child actress, dancer, and singer who began her film career in 1931, and continued successfully through 1949.

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She apparently said she felt guilty and did not want to be photographed smoking – not for vanity's sake, but to avoid setting, 'a bad example' for her millions of adoring fans. But in private she was still a heavy smoker and it seems the bad habit eventually caught up with her.

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Who could resist the classic bouncy ringlets that gave Shirley Temple her signature look? While her hair was naturally straight, Temple's mother is said to have styled 56 pin curls to create the famous look.

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Temple made a lot of money for the people around her. But she didn't get to keep most of it. Her parents took control of the majority of her earnings. And their mismanagement of Temple's funds resulted in the loss of millions of dollars.

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' I have one piece of advice for those of you who want to receive the Lifetime Achievement Award: Start early! Time is money. Wasted time means wasted money means trouble.

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The Shirley Temple is a non-alcoholic co*cktail, or 'mocktail', named after the famous child actress of the same name. Originating in the United States in the 1930s, this bright and bubbly beverage quickly became a favourite amongst children and adults alike.

What was Shirley Temple's life like? ›

After enjoying a successful career as an entertainer, Temple dedicated herself to public service, working as a politician and ambassador. Shirley Temple was born on April 23, 1928 in Santa Monica, California. Her mother was a homemaker and her father worked at a bank. As a child, Temple showed interest in the arts.

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After appearing in a series of shorts called "Baby Burlesks," which satirized popular movies of the day, Shirley Temple made a big impression in the 1934 musical "Stand Up and Cheer" in which she sings "Baby Take a Bow." Warner Baxter also stars in this dated Depression-era musical comedy.

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The youngest honorary Oscar winner: Shirley Temple

In 1934, child actress Shirley Temple received the first-ever Academy Juvenile Award at the 7th Academy Awards.


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