Shirley temple (2024)

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  • ice
  • 150ml ginger ale, plus extra to serve (optional)
  • 25ml lime juice
  • 15ml grenadine
  • 1 maraschino cherry, to garnish


  • STEP 1

    Fill a tall glass with ice, then pour in the ginger ale and lime juice.

  • STEP 2

    Slowly pour in the grenadine, then garnish with the maraschino cherry. Top up with more ginger ale, if you like.

Shirley temple (2024)


What was the cause of death for Shirley Temple? ›

Temple died at age 85 on February 10, 2014, at her home in Woodside, California. The cause of death, according to her death certificate released on March 3, 2014, was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

What did Shirley Temple do as an adult? ›

As an adult, she was a distinguished diplomat who served under four U.S. presidents. She remains an enduring icon whose golden ringlets and magnetic personality still charm audiences around the world. Temple began her film career at age three in 1932.

When did Shirley Temple come out? ›

With her spirited singing and dancing and her dimples and blond ringlets, Temple and her optimistic films provided a welcome escape from difficult times. Temple became Hollywood's top box-office attraction in 1935, and she held that honour through 1938.

How old was Shirley Temple when she had her first child? ›

— Shirley was a super-cute, tap-dancing child actor from the 1930s. She married John Agar when she was only 17 years old and went on to have her first child, Linda, with him when she was 19.

What were Shirley Temple's bad habits? ›

She apparently said she felt guilty and did not want to be photographed smoking – not for vanity's sake, but to avoid setting, 'a bad example' for her millions of adoring fans. But in private she was still a heavy smoker and it seems the bad habit eventually caught up with her.

Why did people like Shirley Temple so much? ›

Temple's popularity was partly seen as a response to the Great Depression. With her spirited singing and dancing, Temple and her optimistic films provided a welcome escape from difficult times.

Was Shirley Temple's hair naturally curly? ›

Who could resist the classic bouncy ringlets that gave Shirley Temple her signature look? While her hair was naturally straight, Temple's mother is said to have styled 56 pin curls to create the famous look.

Why did they call the Queen Shirley Temple? ›

Finally, a not-so-affectionate nickname was bestowed upon the Queen by her Uncle David (also known as the abdicated King Edward VIII). In letters made public in 1988, he referred to his niece as Shirley Temple on account of her 'dumpy' frame and curly hair, which looked similar to that of the child star.

Why did Shirley Temple stop acting? ›

Temple, perhaps sensing the audience's apathy, decided to formally retire from Hollywood at the age of 22. Though she was young, the film star had already clocked almost two decades in the industry. In 1949, Temple made her last feature film, A Kiss for Corliss, at the age of 21.

What was Shirley Temple's life like? ›

After enjoying a successful career as an entertainer, Temple dedicated herself to public service, working as a politician and ambassador. Shirley Temple was born on April 23, 1928 in Santa Monica, California. Her mother was a homemaker and her father worked at a bank. As a child, Temple showed interest in the arts.

What happened to Shirley Temple's money? ›

Temple made a lot of money for the people around her. But she didn't get to keep most of it. Her parents took control of the majority of her earnings. And their mismanagement of Temple's funds resulted in the loss of millions of dollars.

How old was Shirley Temple Black when she died? ›

On February 10, 2014, Shirley Temple Black, who as a child in the 1930s became one of Hollywood's most successful stars, dies at her Woodside, California, home at age 85.

Why is the Shirley Temple drink called that? ›

The Shirley Temple is a non-alcoholic co*cktail, or 'mocktail', named after the famous child actress of the same name. Originating in the United States in the 1930s, this bright and bubbly beverage quickly became a favourite amongst children and adults alike.

Who was the first husband of Shirley Temple? ›

John Agar


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