History of Clothes & Textiles | Civilization & Industrial Age | Study.com (2024)

Perhaps the most important process in the history of humanity was the rise of agriculture. Over the course of thousands of years (and at different times in different places), the early humans learned to domesticate plants and animals. Farming meant that humans no longer had to hunt and gather for their food.

Because farming is more efficient than hunting and gathering, some humans no longer needed to produce food and could instead focus on other things, such as becoming leaders, priests, scribes, or warriors. Agriculture also meant that humans needed to stay in one place to tend their crops; as a result, humans developed sedentary societies, creating the first villages. As populations grew due to food surpluses, these villages became the first cities, which amalgamated into the earliest civilizations.

Clothing was also revolutionized by agriculture. Now humans could produce textiles at a much higher rate. Plants like cotton and flax were processed into textiles, which were then sewn together to form items of clothing. People in different areas used different material to make their clothing; people in the Andes, for example, made clothes from llama wool.

In Asia, people harvested silk from insect cocoons to make luxuriously soft clothing. Silk, much like it is today, was an expensive luxury in the ancient world. The silk trade animated connections stretching between Eurasia, connecting Europe to distant China.

Additionally, many began to express themselves through clothing. Dyeing allowed for people to wear clothes of different colors, while clothing dyed rare colors or made of silk signified wealth and prosperity. In fact, many societies passed laws which limited what certain classes could wear.

The Industrial Age

Beginning in the 1700s, humanity went through another important process: the Industrial Revolution. Developing new technologies and machines fueled by steam, then coal, then oil, people were able to mass produce products. Besides crisscrossing their countries with new railroads or constructing vast factories, industrialized societies also produced consumer goods at immense scales.

One key consumer good, of course, was clothing. Clothing could now be produced quickly and at large scales, then shipped to distant markets through railroads or across the seas by steamships. Many women worked in these textile factories—a continuation of their earlier role as the chief producer of textiles.

Today, clothing and textiles continue to be as important as before. New technological processes have also led to widespread use of new synthetic textiles, which are fibers that originate not from nature but from chemical processes. These include:

  • Nylon, which is generally made from petroleum
  • Polyester, which refers to several different synthetic products
  • Rayon, which is made from synthesized cellulose
  • Spandex, which is known for its elasticity
  • Saran, an elastic plastic

Many of these, such as nylon or saran, are ultimately produced by petroleum pumped from underground. Petroleum is perhaps the most important resource in the modern-day, as it fuels vehicles and is the key ingredient of both rubber and plastic. Alongside other fossil fuels, such as coal, the consumption of petroleum has released greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, trapping heat and leading to global warming.

Some have argued that we continue to live in an industrialized age today; clothing is produced at a mass scale and can be sent great distances to far markets. However, others have argued that a large part of the planet is in a post-industrial era. Many in the United States and Europe work in the services sector of the economy in jobs such as marketing, financial services, or computer engineering. While these societies produce clothes, more items of clothing are produced in other countries then shipped great distances. The largest manufacturer of textiles and clothing today by far is China, though countries like India, Pakistan, and Brazil produce many as well.

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Clothing and textiles are a key aspect of human history and civilization. Textiles are manmade materials based upon fibers. Clothing dates back tens of thousands of years. Humans initially wore animal furs exclusively. These initial clothes were utilitarian in purpose, keeping humans safe from the environment (whether cold weather, mosquitos, or hostile animals). However, humans soon developed textiles from plant life in their environment. The earliest fiber discovered is approximately 34,000 years old. As humans switched to an agricultural society, textiles could be produced at a larger scale using materials such as cotton and flax. Some also produced clothes from silk, a luxury in the ancient world which was traded across great distances. Others used different sources from their environment; the ancient Andean people, for example, used wool from llamas.

Another key revolution in human civilization was the Industrial Revolution. Starting in the 1700s, humans began to manufacture new materials at rapid scales. Today, clothing is frequently made of synthetic textiles, such as rayon, which are made of chemically produced fibers. Like thousands of years ago, people today wear clothing for expression (for example, a spiffy hat) or for utilitarian purposes (such as the plain denim overalls of a farmer).

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Clothing and Textiles

Depiction of an ancient bone needle from Great Britain
History of Clothes & Textiles | Civilization & Industrial Age | Study.com (1)

Did you know that the earliest people to wear clothing were not early modern hom*o-sapiens? It is speculated that clothing may have first been adopted by another branch of the human family tree, the Neanderthals. Clothing and textiles have been produced for a very long time, with some sources arguing that modern hom*o-sapiens have been clothing themselves in some form or fashion for circa 180,000 years. How do we know this when few ancient textiles have survived to the modern age?

The discovery of the remains of clothing lice associated with ancient humans, ancient stone and pottery figures that depict clothing, and tools such as needles and loom weights, and other artifacts have all provided insight into what we once wore. Once in a great while we get lucky, and a well-preserved piece of textile or hint of fiber can be found. So far, the oldest dates to around 34,000 years ago.

At some point, clothing became a necessity, but through the centuries clothing, and the textiles that they are made from, have not remained solely utilitarian. Clothing and what it is made from has also come to represent individual style and expression as well as social status, gender/sex, religious, and other roles within society. Let us explore a little bit of the history of clothing and textiles.

In the Beginning

Cotton is a common plant used in textiles
History of Clothes & Textiles | Civilization & Industrial Age | Study.com (2)

Textiles are fabrics or cloths, some of which may be woven, that are used in the production of clothing and other textile-based goods, for example, blankets and rugs.

In the beginning, clothing would have been very basic; it would have come from the skins and fur of animals. At some point, instead of wrapping oneself in one single large skin, humans began to stitch pieces of skin together instead.

The earliest clothing not made from animal skins would have been made from plants, such as flax which can be converted into a textile called linen and cotton plants for cotton cloth. The domestication of animals added clothing made from wool textiles into the mix. Feathers, shells, leaves, and dyes were used to ornament clothing and create patterns, designs, and figures.

The earliest evidence of fibers made from flax are 34,000 years-old and from the Republic of Georgia while the oldest evidence of cloth can be traced back to around 6300 BCE in what is today the modern nation of Turkey.

Rise of Civilizations and Clothing Textiles

The rise of civilizations resulted in more sophisticated textiles that included patterns and dyes. Clothing was not just worn to protect you from the elements but to tell everyone who you are, be it princess or pauper, priest or warrior, or the common laborer, clothing became a symbol of your identity and place in society.

For example, in China circa 2700 BCE, silk was being woven from the cocoons of silkworms. The cloth was fine and soft and those who wore silk were usually people of wealth and nobility. It would not have been something that was widely available to the general public. Silk was so prized that it would later become a very valuable luxury commodity traded along the Silk Road that joined cultures from the East and West.

An early textile that is still popular today is silk
History of Clothes & Textiles | Civilization & Industrial Age | Study.com (3)

Woolen textiles from camelids, such as the llama and alpaca, were produced by the Andean Chancay culture, and displayed not only artistry in their weaving but their adeptness in using dyes and creating shapes.

Wool tunic with condor motifs woven by an ancient Andean culture called the Chancay
History of Clothes & Textiles | Civilization & Industrial Age | Study.com (4)

In the 1700s CE, during the birth of the Industrial Age, the process of textile making was accelerated by improved looms and spinners and larger quantities of cloth could be produced for the designing of clothing. Eventually, machines began to take the place of people in this process.

Modern Clothing and Textiles

Modern clothing and textiles continue to use the same types of fabrics and weaves that are common in our human ancestry but have also developed and manufactured new, human-made textiles not found in nature. Rayon, nylon, Tencel, and polyester are all modern inventions. The mass mechanized production of textiles and clothing is also more common than the more labor-intensive handmade creations of the past. Because of the mass production of clothing, quality is often sacrificed for quantity and clothing does not have the same durability and workmanship it once did.

Rayon is a modern textile that was first manufactured in 1884
History of Clothes & Textiles | Civilization & Industrial Age | Study.com (5)

Lesson Summary

Clothing and textiles have been produced for at least 100,000 years. Evidence such as clothing lice and artifacts give us a peek into what we wore in the past. Occasionally, textiles, which are cloth that is usually woven, survive. For example, a 34,000-year-old flax fiber was found in the Republic of Georgia.

Clothing, which was initially made from skins and fur, transitioned to textiles made from plants such as flax (linen) and cotton plants. With the domestication of animals such as sheep and camelids like llamas, wool was added to the mix of textiles available for clothing. Silk was developed by the Chinese using the cocoons of silkworms to create a luxurious textile that was so prized it became a popular commodity linking the West and the East on the Silk Road.

In modern times have, while many of the older textiles are still in use, there are also human-made textiles, which are textiles invented by humans that do not occur naturally in nature, like rayon.

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History of Clothes & Textiles | Civilization & Industrial Age | Study.com (2024)


History of Clothes & Textiles | Civilization & Industrial Age | Study.com? ›

The earliest fiber discovered is approximately 34,000 years old. As humans switched to an agricultural society, textiles could be produced at a larger scale using materials such as cotton and flax. Some also produced clothes from silk, a luxury in the ancient world which was traded across great distances.

What is the history of clothing and textiles? ›

A Clothing History

Extraction of fabrics and waving textiles were first started in the Middle East during the late Stone Age. Wearing fabric clothes began from 100,000 to 500,000 years ago. Knitting was first introduced as a fabric creation technique, dating 6500 BC, which is even popular in today's fabrics.

What is the oldest clothing in the world? ›

The Tarkhan Dress, named for the Tarkhan cemetery south of Cairo in Egypt where it was excavated in 1913, is an over 5000 year old linen garment that was confirmed as the world's oldest piece of woven clothing.

How was clothing textiles made prior to the Industrial Revolution? ›

Before the Industrial Revolution, textiles were produced under the putting-out system, in which merchant clothiers had their work done in the homes of artisans or farming families. Production was limited by reliance on the spinning wheel and the hand loom; increases in output required more hand workers at each stage.

What is the study of clothing and textiles? ›

The study of the history of clothing and textiles traces the development, use, and availability of clothing and textiles over human history. Clothing and textiles reflect the materials and technologies available in different civilizations at different times.

What did humans wear before clothes? ›

Nakedness and clothing use are characteristics of humans related by evolutionary and social prehistory. The major loss of body hair distinguishes humans from other primates. Current evidence indicates that anatomically modern humans were naked in prehistory for at least 90,000 years before the invention of clothing.

Who invented clothes first? ›

Prehistoric Period. The first known humans to make clothing, Neanderthal man, survived from about 200,000 B.C.E. to about 30,000 B.C.E. During this time the earth's temperature rose and fell dramatically, creating a series of ice ages throughout the northern areas of Europe and Asia where the Neanderthal man lived.

What textile became the most popular during the Industrial Revolution? ›

Cotton played a key role in the United States' Industrial Revolution. By the mid-19th century, the United States supplied 61 percent of the world's raw cotton, all of it grown in southern states. Textile mills in New England used raw cotton from the South to spin, dye, and eventually weave and print cotton fabric.

What were most textiles made from before the Industrial Revolution? ›

Before the Industrial Revolution, the main textiles were made from wool and a plant fibre called flax. These proved difficult for factory machines to work with. Cotton was easier to work with machines and needed less preparation than wool or flax.

How were clothes made before electricity? ›

First, the seeds had to be taken out, by hand. Next, the cotton had to be spun and stretched into thread, by hand. Finally, the thread was woven into cloth, by hand. Every step along the way required the full concentration of one person.

Which country invented clothing? ›

In September 2021, scientists reported evidence of clothes being made 120,000 years ago based on findings in deposits in Morocco. According to Anthropologists and Archaeologists, the earliest clothing likely consisted of fur, leather, leaves, or grass that was draped, wrapped, or tied around the body.

What is the difference between a textile and a fabric? ›

In general, fabrics are materials that have been through additional processes. A textile refers to the base materials that are made from woven fibers, but as soon as other processes like stitching are applied in order to utilize those materials for making clothing, they are considered fabrics.

What were clothes made of before cotton? ›

The earliest clothing not made from animal skins would have been made from plants, such as flax which can be converted into a textile called linen and cotton plants for cotton cloth. The domestication of animals added clothing made from wool textiles into the mix.

What is clothing and textile briefly explain? ›

Textiles are fabrics or cloths, some of which may be woven, that are used in the production of clothing and other textile-based goods, for example, blankets and rugs. In the beginning, clothing would have been very basic; it would have come from the skins and fur of animals.

What is the importance of clothing and textiles? ›

Clothing can insulate against cold or hot conditions, and it can provide a hygienic barrier, keeping infectious and toxic materials away from the body. It can protect feet from injury and discomfort or facilitate navigation in varied environments. Clothing also provides protection from ultraviolet radiation.

What is the history of textile design? ›

History. The history of textile design dates back thousands of years. Due to the decomposition of textile fibers, early examples of textile design are rare. However, some of the oldest known and preserved examples of textiles were discovered in the form of nets and basketry, dating from Neolithic cultures in 5000 BCE.

How did the textile industry start? ›

After Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, a device that sped up the process of sorting the cotton seed from cotton fiber, in 1793, the cotton textile industry grew rapidly in America. Within several years, Francis Cabot Lowell, an American merchant, helped to establish the first textile factory in the United States.


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