Liver Detox 101: Food, Drinks, Teas & More (with Meal Plan) (2024)

A liver detox is aimed ateliminatingtoxins in the body throughurine, stoolor sweat. Many times, a cleanse is doneafter prolonged use of a certain medication or after many days of over-eating. Detoxes can alsohelp to prevent or treat health problems likedysbacteriosis, type 2 diabetes, auoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, fatigue and allergies.

To detox your liver, it is important to maintain a diet that is rich in fruits andvegetables. Some teas can also help with the process, like green tea and boldo tea. You should also remove processed food from your diet, as well as refined sugar, and ensure adequate fluid intake.

Conditions like hepatitis, cancer or fatty liver require ongoing monitoring by a doctor or gastroenterologist so that appropriate interventions can be initiated.

Liver Detox 101: Food, Drinks, Teas & More (with Meal Plan) (1)

The main ways to detox a liver are:

1.Eat detox food

Food that detoxes the liver help to eliminate free radicals and metals like mercury in the body, which can be toxic.

Some foods that you can add to your daily diet are:


Propolis is a good that is produced by bees. There are different types available, but red-tinged propolis especially has a high quantity of flavonoids. Flavonoids are compounds that contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help with digestion and contribute to liver detoxing. It should be consumed in its pure form -30 drops can be added to your tea or water once per day.


Ginger is a type of root used in liver detox diets due to its high quantities of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances. These help with digestion and help with cleansing the body. Ginger can also protect the liver from damage caused by long-term medication use. Ginger can be used in tea or in smoothies, salads or sauces.


Vegetables like broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots, garlic, peppers, cauliflower and leafy greens like spinach are high in vitamin c, betacarotenes, fiber and water. These nutrients contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions. During a liver detox diet, you should aim for 8 to 10 portions of vegetables per day to help eliminate toxins from the body.

Vegetables used in this diet should be seasonally available, and can be used in salads, soups or stir-frys. Beets are a beneficial food choice, as they contain betaine, a nutrient that helps to cleanse the liver. It should be consumed withprotein, like eggs or tofu, or with natural fats, like olive oil, to avoid high rises in blood sugar levels.


Protein is essential for a liver detox diet as ithelps to sweep away toxins from the body. Protein can also help to control hunger, which can prevent indulgent over-eating of unhealthy food.

Vegetarians can opt for plant-based protein, like tofu, tempeh and miso. Animal-based protein should come from lean meats like chicken, and eggs. Fish should have low amounts of mercury, which is a metal that can be very toxic for the liver. Examples include hake, mullet, wild salmon, tilapia, trout, and sea bass.

Check out our list of high-protein foods that you can add toyour diet.


Beans, lentils and chickpeas are legumes that are a great source of protein, which also help to sweep-away toxins in the intestines. Soybeans are rich in isoflavones, which are antioxidant compounds that help to excrete toxins through the stool. In a liver detox diet, legumes should be eaten at least once a day,in salads or soups for example.


Apples, lemons, cashews, oranges, tangerines, pineapple, pomegranate, grapes, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and cherries are examples of fruits that should be consumed when detoxing the liver. These fruits are rich in vitamin C, malic acid and fiber, which are nutrients that contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help to remove toxins from the body.

Fruit should be fresh and eaten with the peel on a daily basis. However, they should be consumed with a protein source, like fish, miso or natural fat (like coconut oil) to prevent a high rise in blood sugar levels.

Natural oils and fats

Olives, avocado, coconut, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and flaxseed oil are some examples of healthy fats, These contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions that are important for a liver detox diet.

Natural oils and fats should be eaten on a daily basis in moderation, and can be used as a way to season salads. Avocado and coconuts, for example, can be used in desserts, salads or as snacks.

Seeds and nuts

Seeds like pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, or sesame seeds, as well as nuts, likewalnuts, peanuts, cashews, and Brazil nuts, contain a combination of nutrients that can help promote liver health by reducing liver workload. Theyprotectlivercells from oxidative damage, and can support proper metabolic function.

2. Drink detox juices

Detox drinks, like cabbage or beat juice, are a great way to increase your fruit and vegetable intake. These are rich in water, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that helps with liver detoxing. These juices help with to treat bloating or swellingwater retention, and they contain little fat and calories, making them a great option for weight loss or maintenance.

Detox drinks should be used as a complement to liver detox diets. Ideally, you should consume one per day and aim to rotate the fruits and vegetables used to diversify your intake of nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B complexes, zinc and magnesium. Check out these delicious detox drink recipes.

3. Drink detox teas

Liver Detox 101: Food, Drinks, Teas & More (with Meal Plan) (2)

Detox teas are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants that improve blood circulation, which makes them a greatcomplement to a liver detox diet. You are advised to drink 1 to 3 cups of tea per da after meals to help with digestion.

Some teas that can help to cleanse the liver are:

  • Boldo tea: Boldo is a medicinal plant that contains flavonoids and polyphenols, which are anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are important for a liver detox diet. These can help to stimulate normal liver function. Boldo teashould not be consumed by people with liver disease (like hepatitis or cancer) or during pregnancy.
  • Green tea:Green tea contains catechines, which are compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, which are important for detoxing the liver. Studies show that green tea can help to reduce accumulated body fat, which is common in fatty liver. It should not be consumed by children, or pregnant or breastfeeding women, and is contraindicated in people with kidney problems, insomnia, gastric ulcers, anemia or gastritis.
  • Artichoke tea: Artichoke leaves are rich in antioxidants that help to eliminate fat and stimulate the growth of healthy liver cells. This can lead to optimal digestion and prevention of liver conditions, like fatty liver. Artichoke tea is not indicated forchildren, or pregnant or breastfeeding women,and is contraindicated in people with gallbladder obstructionsor serious liver issues.
  • Mint tea: Mint teas can be beneficial during a liver detox diet, as it stimulates the production of bile. Bile is one of many compounds that help with digestion, and it promotes good lover function. Minttea is not indicated forchildren, or pregnant or breastfeeding women,and is contraindicated in people with gallbladder stonesor serious liver issues.

4. Drink water everyday

Water helps to eliminate toxins from the body. You should drink about 150 ml(or 5 oz) of water for every4.5 kg (or10 lb) od body weight every day. This means that a person who weighs55 kg (about 120lb) should drink around1.8 L (or 60 oz) of water per day.

Water should be filtered and should not be stored in a plastic bottle, as this material can contain toxic compounds like bisphenol A, whichis released when plastic breaks down. These toxins can impede with normal hormonal function, which will affect liver detoxing.

5. Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly can help to balance your hormones, which stimulates a natural antioxidant response in the body. It helps to improve metabolism, which can contribute to liver detoxing.

You are advised to perform aerobic exercise twice a week for 75 to 150 minutes at a high intensity (e.g. playing basketball or running). You can also opt for 150to 100 minutes of aerobic exercise twice a weekat a medium intensity (like a brisk walk or light biking). Ensure you also engage strength training by incorporating chest exercises or leg exercises into your weekly routine.

6. Sleep 7 to 9 hours per day

Having adequate sleep with 7 to 9 hours at night can help prevent illnesses and regulate your metabolism, which will help to eliminate toxins in the body. Sleeping is an instinctual habit that helps with liver detoxing. Check out our tips on how to fall asleep faster to help you get a good night’s rest.

7. Avoid inflammatory food

In addition to maintaining a balanced diet with fruit, vegetables and protein as well as propolis, teas, ginger and detox drinks, you should also avoid food that causes bodily inflammation, like:

  • Alcoholic drinks, as they can overload the liver
  • Processed meat, like prosciutto, turkey cold cuts, bacon, sausage, salami and mortadella
  • Fried and fatty foods,like chips, margarine and chicken skin
  • Dressing and ready-made sauces,like premade spice cubes, shoyu sauce, salad dressing.
  • Food with toxic metals,like shrimp, mackerel, bass, and tuna, as these naturally contain high amounts of mercury
  • Milk and dairy products,like cheese andyogurt, which can contain hormones and antibiotics. These can also cause allergies and bacterial imbalances.
  • Gluten, from breads and wheatpastawhich can cause allergies and intolerances, and lead to bacterial imbalances.
  • Sweets and refined sugar,as these foods can cause inflammation and impede liver detoxing.
  • Processed foods, which normally contain chemical additives which can harm the liver.

In addition, it is important to use medications that are not prescribed bythe doctor. Many medications are metabolized by the liver, which can make detoxing more difficult. You should also quick smoking, as toxins found in cigarettes can interrupt normal liver function. Learn more about the symptoms associated with liver disease.

While detoxing, your calorie intake should not be limited, as your body requires energy to remove toxins. However, in cases of obesity, a doctor and registered dietitian may incorporate a low-calorie, weight loss plan into the detox diet. Learn more about an anti-inflammatory diet and check out our sample meal plan if you are stuck on how to organize your food intake.

Liver detox meal plan

The following table outlinesan example of what you can eat for 3 days while detoxing your liver.






2 scrambled eggs with vegetables, made on coconut oil + 1 medium slice of melon

Smoothie: 1 cup of almond milk blended +½ cup of mango +½ cup of strawberries +1 tablespoon of chia seeds +¼ teaspoon of cinnamon +½ teaspoon of fresh, grated ginger (or ginger powder)

1 cup of green juice + 2-egg omelet

Morning snack

1 serving of almonds + 1 cup of green juice made with greens, lemon juice and pineapple

2 boiled eggs + 5 cashews

1 pear + 1 serving of toasted pumpkin seeds

Lunch or Dinner

Vegetable juice with chickpeas + salad with arugula, lettuce, andradish,seasoned with orange juice and olive oil

Grilled chicken breast + steamed broccoli + mushrooms, arugula and peppers stir-fried in coconut oil

Bean soup with vegetables + salad with cress, lettuce and grated beats dressed with lemon juice, flaxseeds and olive oil


3 Brazilian nuts + 1 cup of pineapple juice with mint and ginger

Slicedavocado seasoned with salt and cumin + 1 cup of natural lemonade

Smoothie: ½ cup of water +½ cup of green tea +½ apple +½ cup of sliced cabbages +½ pear + parsley leaves + ice

This menu is just an example of what you can include in your diet while detoxing your liver. Seeing a registered dietitian is vital to createa mealplan that is personalized to your needs,health goals and preferences.

When maintaining aliver detox diet, calorie intake from food shouldnot belimited, as the body needs energy to eliminate toxins.
However, in some cases, such as overweight or obesity, your doctor and registered dietitianmay recommend a reduced-calorie diet as well.

Liver Detox 101: Food, Drinks, Teas & More (with Meal Plan) (2024)


What is the best drink to flush your liver? ›

11 Drinks to Help Your Liver Detox
  • Lemon Water.
  • Ginger and Lemon Drink.
  • Grapefruit Juice.
  • Tumeric Tea.
  • Green Tea.
  • Chamomile Tea.
  • Oat Tea.
  • Jujube Fruit Juice.

How to do a liver detox diet? ›

Healthy Diet: Consume a diet rich in liver-cleansing foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to support liver function and flush out toxins from the body.

What not to eat when detoxing the liver? ›

beer, wine, liquor, and other alcohol. foods with high levels of added sugar, such as candy, sodas, and fruit juices. fried or highly processed foods, such as bread, rice, and pasta made from white flour. red meat, especially beef and pork, and other sources of added sodium.

Can you eat eggs on a liver cleanse? ›

Eggs. These are some of the healthiest foods found in nature. Eggs are rich in all the eight essential amino acids and choline, which is also a vital nutrient. The amino acids and choline help the liver in the detoxification process and improve the metabolism rate.

How do I detox my liver asap? ›

How to Detox Your Liver?
  1. Consume More Water.
  2. Sweating Is The Way To Go.
  3. Say Goodbye To Toxic Foods.
  4. Raw Vegetable Juice To The Rescue.
  5. You Need Potassium-Rich Foods.
  6. Liver Support Supplements.

What are the 5 liver super foods? ›

Top foods and drinks for liver health
  • Coffee. A 2021 study analyzed data from 494,585 people in the United Kingdom to learn how different types of coffee might affect the risk of chronic liver disease, including decaffeinated, instant, and ground coffee. ...
  • Oatmeal. ...
  • Green tea. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Grapes. ...
  • Grapefruit. ...
  • Prickly pear.

Can apple cider vinegar clean out your liver? ›

When it comes to home remedies, apple cider vinegar is a preferred choice since it has amazing detoxification properties. Apple Cider Vinegar works by helping the liver flush out the toxins that can interfere with the body's normal functioning.

What are the three worst things for your liver? ›

Foods that are high in sugar, fat, and salt put extra stress on the liver. Fast food, packaged foods, and processed foods tend to contain a lot of these elements.

Are eggs bad for your liver? ›

Egg yolks are high in cholesterol. If you eat a lot, it can cause incomplete digestion of fats, adversely affect the liver, and reduce liver function. People with cirrhosis should not eat egg yolks. However, there are now many studies that contradict this view.

Are bananas good for the liver? ›

Bananas: Bharadwaj also suggests bananas for fatty liver disease patients. They are a storehouse f vitamin B6, C and A and also high in resistant starch, which is good for liver health. 5. Cranberries: Just like blueberries, you need to also add cranberries to the diet.

Is yogurt good for the liver? ›

Regular consumption of yogurt is beneficial for your liver for the following reasons: It helps reduce weight, body mass index, and serum levels of fasting insulin. These are some of the main risk factors of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). It reduces cholesterol and sugar levels in your body.

Is tuna good for the liver? ›

Salmon, sardines, tuna, and trout are all high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower the levels of fat in the liver and reduce inflammation. It is also a healthy alternative to meat as it provides protein while giving you the opportunity to avoid consuming the fats and skins from meat or poultry.

Is avocado good for the liver? ›

Avocado is the superfood of this modern world. It contains a good amount of different vitamins, minerals which improves the overall health of the liver. It contains a unique antioxidant known as glutathione which helps to filter harmful toxins from your body.

Does liver detox make you pee more? ›

Detoxing symptoms

Some of the following symptoms may be experienced during a detox: Fatigue, as the body diverts energy to 'spring cleaning' the body. Hemorrhoids, as motions increase to unaccustomed levels. Frequent urination, as the kidneys and bladder begin to work more effectively.

What is the best drink to repair your liver? ›

Read on for a list of them.
  • Coffee. Coffee lovers will be glad to know that coffee is perhaps one of the best drinks you can have to promote liver health, even if you already have liver problems. ...
  • Tea. ...
  • Beetroot juice. ...
  • Blueberries and cranberries. ...
  • Artichokes. ...
  • Nuts and seeds. ...
  • Grapefruit. ...
  • Brussels sprouts and broccoli sprouts.

How can I flush my liver out overnight? ›

Peppermint leaves are packed with essential oils such as menthol and menthone, which help in performing detox functions and also support digestion. Boil water in a bowl, and then add 2 tbsps of mint leaves. Steep for a while, and drink it half an hour before going to bed at night.

How can I repair my liver quickly? ›

Key points
  1. make sure you are a healthy weight.
  2. eat a balanced diet.
  3. cut down on highly processed foods and drinks (sweets, soft drinks, pizza and chips) and foods that have a lot of sugar.
  4. move more.
  5. look after high blood pressure and cholesterol.
  6. reduce further harm to your liver by not drinking alcohol.

What can I drink to repair my liver? ›

Below, we explore 11 drinks that are often reported to support liver health — and tell you what the research says about each one.
  • Detox tea. Liver detox tea usually contains many different herbs and ingredients. ...
  • Green tea. ...
  • Turmeric tea. ...
  • Ginger tea. ...
  • Grapefruit juice. ...
  • Apple cider vinegar. ...
  • Lemon water. ...
  • Cranberry juice.
Mar 1, 2024

What shrinks the liver fast? ›

Liver shrinkage diet (LRD) is a diet based on low energy (calories), in particular low in carbohydrate and fat. By following a liver shrinkage diet, your body will be forced to use up the stored carbohydrate (glycogen) from the liver.


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