Orphanage of Souls: Awakening to our Ascension series, #2 (2024)


To you, the reader , I Am that part of you who IS and KNOWS. With deep respect, I salute all your spirit sparks for the courage to have incarnated during the closing of this coming cosmic cycle. The plant, animal, bacterial and mineral life forms who have all chosen to explore a physical reality with the help of the four great elemental beings within your universe have all requested to ascend.

The Matrix - (not the movie)



Cast of Characters.

The Jaarsma Clan represents a Soul group. The people of the Jaarsma Clan learn about the various density vibrational frequencies through the 22 Tablets about Program Earth(published on the internet) to prepare themselves for a new 5th-density level Earth reality realm.

Richard de Jong’ Orphanage of Souls journal

Theo de Jong:-Late Brother

POWAH:-Spiritual Guide

Sascia Barendse:-Richard’s girlfriend

Sammy de Jong:-Richard’sDaughter

Ellie de Boer:-Richard’s ex-wife

Ben & Leo Jaarsma:-Uncles

Mien du Toit:-Aunt

Sonja du Toit:-Niece

At & Jock du Toit:-Cousins

Debbie Barendse:-friend/ sister of Sascia

Vinny Jaarsma:-University friend

Trevor Zwiegelaar:-Colleague

The Pannekoek-Coffee bar

Connie de Wit:-Coffee bar assistant

Jeroen Barendse:-Twin brother of Sascia

Nel Hartman:-Kitchen staff

The Power of Words Bookshop

Yolanda de Wit:-Manager/Connie’s mother/Participant

Fred Jaarsma:-owner/Connie’s uncle

Quincy Hartman:-Fred’s partner

André Jaarsma:-The detective

Ascension Workshop

Annelies Zwiegelaar:-Facilitator - Vanishing worlds journal

Liesbeth Jaarsma:-also known as Tulanda/Participant- Parallel Realities journal

Ingrid Barendse:-mother of Sascia/Participant Reality Shifters journal

Hans Jaarsma:-Annelies’ adopted son /Participant

Gerrit Jaarsma:-Participant

Niels Jaarsma:-Participant

Zola de Boer:-Participant

Ed Barendse:-Ingrid’s brother-in-law/Participant

Toon Haardens:-Ingrid’s husband/Participant

Half-way House

Peter Spark:-Manager

Helen van Houten:-Peter’s wife

Harry Brinks:-Owner of Pleasure Park

Tieneke de Beer:-Art therapy teacher/ daughter of

Harry Brinks:-Wealthy friend of Annelies


Otto Jaarsa/Jill Spark:-(Buttercup Valley)

Chapter 1

The Prophet’s Game

Holland (Utrecht)

Richard de Jong leaned forward so as not to miss a thing the lecturer said. His casual, longish, wavy dark brown hair held back by a rubber band gave him a cool look for a man in his late thirties. He hid the fact that he was a lecturer in ancient languages by his dress code. His notebook resembled a child’s scrapbook. Scribbles of symbols that made sense only to him became alive in his mind.

Ladies and gentlemen, the lecturer concluded. An electrifying wave transfixed the audience as he continued. We are collectively embarking on a great voyage in our time where we make decisions that can reshape life as we know it completely. Mr Trevor Zwiegelaar, an archaeologist in his late sixties and a well-known charismatic speaker on alternative subjects, held his audience in a mental grip with his eyes, paused, and continued.

Through deciphering the many ancient tablets that have come to light, we know that ‘the wars of the Gods’ reveal paradoxes which forced researchers to acknowledge that reason alone cannot give all the answers. As students, teachers, archaeologists, and scientists, you must reconsider all previous discoveries, including beliefs and dogmas, to regain true freedom.

Richard’s heart pulsated from awe. The radical lecture confirmed his speculations. The speaker responded with compassion and dignity to some rather blunt questions throughout his presentation. Many referred to the strife, war and violence that had become a global issue, especially the fake virus the whole world was treated by and bullied with. After all the disclosures on evils and the withholding of technologies that followed, he expressed absolute disbelief in the behaviour of the human population worldwide.

How fortunate we are to experience these times, the speaker concluded. He made a perfectly timed dramatic pause by lowering his head as if deep in thought. The audience, made up of various age groups, waited in suspense. At last, he gazed straight into the spellbound assembly hall, he said.

Let me disclose a simple riddle that humbled me.

He turned and drew a giant oval sphere on the whiteboard, and inside the centre, he drew a circle. A buzz of bewilderment filled the auditorium. Trevor Zwiegelaar waited for people to quieten down, drew breath, and his powerful voice expressed his devotion to the subject matter when he said:

Ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to engrave this symbol on the template of your memories because science alone does not possess all the answers. Everyone waited in suspense. Richard was amazed at how Trevor made his outrageous theories so plausible.

There will be a tremendous acceleration in our awareness due to merging the physical and the spiritual sciences. This union will collectively transform our world for the human race's advancement.

Mr Zwiegelaar returned to the whiteboard and filled in the smaller solid circle. A symbol appeared that began to look like an eye.

The greatest secret about our human species lies in a symbol that we must study on our papers. We must understand that only through the Power of One can we as humans overcome the distortion within our genetic blueprint. Each cell within us contains the intelligence of the whole and only one presence from the invisible realms in our DNA's intelligence. The 'I AM' divinity always manifests itself impartially towards the light. From the ONE and to the ONE, we shall return. The rest is pure contemplation. The speaker strode purposefully off the podium and out of the room while the crowd sat in stunned silence.

Meeting a friend from University days

Vinny Jaarsma, a close friend from university, peered silently at Richard over his wire-frame spectacles.

Well, Richard, what he said must have been right up your alley? Richard smiled when they shuffled out of the lecture hall. He was known to his friend as the linguist who had a mission to experience first-hand what had transpired in ancient Egypt. Still, deep in thought, his tall, lean, strong body moved in the queue as if time stood still; Vinny’s remark confirmed that his friend was still sceptical, although Vinny had made bewildering comments during the lecture. His psychology background and following Freud's ideas were still obstacles.

I hope Mr Zwiegelaar will have the time to look at my interpretations. The public that left the auditorium were all still in a mental daze. Vinny was a psychologist with a flair for extracting information from the unconscious of his clients with a cunning charm, especially with women. They had known each other since high school and stayed in contact.

Vinny, why did you react when Trevor said, Our ‘perceived’ realities are transitory dream pictures that we project in time and space?" It surprised him because Vinny had always been more interested in what he called straight psychology.

My father believes that we all live in a hologram of our creation. His hypothesis captivated me and made me rethink some misleading philosophies I had allowed myself to believe. My dad is a forward thinker and has developed some interesting theories lately. The buzz of voices almost drowned their conversation."

I must admit, I’ve never taken seriously the idea that we humans were originally visitors from another solar system, but now, after hearing Mr Zwiegelaar’s astounding evidence, I’m not so sure where I stand anymore.

Richard waved at some people outside the hall when he thought he spotted Wim, Zola’s partner from a decoding workshop he attended. The weird guy, somehow Wim, gave him the shivers, but he had no idea why.

Where are you off to now? Vinny asked

Back in Apeldoorn, the coffee shop is bustling. Thankfully, my capable assistant is now running it part-time so I can prepare my four-part lecture on the mystery of the Sphinx, starting on Wednesday. And you?

You’re kidding. Did the faculty rent a lecture hall to you? Gee, I’m impressed. Vinny looked at his watch. I’m meeting Sascia in Amsterdam in two hours; I must hurry. She’d attended a talk on the photon belt timelines and the solar flares that had everyone speculating. She’s good company. This time, I sure hope I make out with her tonight! Vinny grinned, slapping him on the back. His friend’s typically jovial casualness didn’t fool him. When they arrived at the car park of Utrecht’s Parapsychological Institute of the State University in Utrecht, Vinny’s cell phone rang.

Dr Jaarsma speaking, as Vinny opened his vintage sports car door; he was glowing when he responded, Hi gorgeous, how was the talk? Vinny’s new girlfriend must be unique. Their conversations with women had guided him through his divorce. Marriage? Never again. To commit to one woman had only given him grief. Vinny smiled when he passed his cell phone to Richard.

Tell Sascia what Trevor Zwiegelaar was like, will you? It was a pity that Vinny’s cell phone was an old model. It showed no visual portrait of the caller.

Vinny... what are you up to? Did you go to Trevor’s lecture? He waited for more juicy questions, but none were forthcoming.

Hi, Sascia, Vinny has been bragging about you. What do you want to know about Trevor’s lecture? Her voice triggered him into action, and to prolong the conversation, he sprinted to his yellow Honda.

Was the lecture really about time travel? Her voice carried a charming but somewhat intellectual tone. He threw his notepad on the back seat of his untidy car and closed the car door just before his friend could return his cell phone. He grinned at his slick move.

Is that what he told you? Well, that is not far off the mark; call it inner space travel. Vinny told me you attended a talk on the photon belt and timelines. He said that’s your interest. I’ve not met any other women that are. He ignored his friend knocking on the car window as he settled in comfort.

Goodness, many friends are interested in learning about alternative topics. Where is Vinny? He laughed at his friend’s frantic behaviour outside. Slowly, he opened the window. He’s trying to get his cell phone back but must beg first.

You are Richard the Egyptologist, aren’t you?

That’s me. What was the latest outcome of the Solar flares? He was genuinely interested.

I’ve read that it is likely to result in a possible breakdown in our telecommunications and that more earthquakes, floods and fires could erupt around the world, not to mention the fake pandemic rumours! Sascia replied. Then Vinny got hold of his cell phone.

She sounded like an interesting girl that could probably hold stimulating conversations. Good luck to his friend.

Sascia, I promise I’ll see you in two hours. Vinny’s eyebrows rose at her response. Richard would love to know what she had replied. Telepathy would have come in handy. He asked Vinny where he had met a girl interested in solar cycles. They were the last left in the car park. Dark clouds drifted across, darkening the pavement.

I met Sascia at the opening of Carla’s first sculpture exhibition. Gorgeous girl, tall, slender with just the right proportions. Yep, she’s the one. Vinny glowed with anticipation of the coming evening. He was lucky, especially when he thought of Carla Visser, Vinny’s first wife, whom he had divorced by mutual agreement. Richard’s four-year marriage ended in arguments and strife. After their divorce, his only regret was that he hardly saw his little girl, Sammy.

What about the nurse you told me about? Vinny reminded him. Richard's eyes were roving over the parking lot, searching for Wim, whom he had spotted in the lecture hall.

Debbie, lovely girl, but not for me. She is too serious for my liking.

Are you waiting like I have been for the lightning to strike? I tell you, that’s a myth. Vinny’s tone made him recall his friend’s wedding story. Two years previously, Vinny had been caught by surprise when he spotted a stunning blonde while he was dancing with Carla, his new bride! When their eyes met, he experienced a depth of emotion he’d never known existed – as if lightning had struck, were his own words. Vinny had claimed that it had not been a superficial infatuation. He couldn’t make it to Vinny’s wedding because his brother had been diagnosed with terminal cancer.

That had plunged him into a deep depression. After Vinny’s divorce, his friend admitted for the first time that the dance floor incident at his wedding had occupied his mind far more than he thought...saying that that was why his marriage to Carla had disintegrated within six months. After his disastrous marriage, he had no illusions about love at first glance.

What makes you think Sascia is the one? Since Vinny had blamed his divorce on the fact that he had constantly been thinking about the mystery girl at his wedding party, he confided that after his mysterious encounter, something had happened that had created a sense of loss.

I know, don't remind me. I’ve never found out who the girl was on the dance floor at my wedding. She was gone before I could probe.

Over Vinny’s shoulder, he spotted Wim climbing into a green Opel. He would love to chat with him, although he was mysterious. Something about him triggered his energy levels. Very quiet, as if there was something else listening at the same time. Not like Wim’s girlfriend, Zola de Boer, a flirty, light-hearted female who could dress to kill.

Now that the practice is successful, I want to settle and start a family. Strangely enough, Sascia reminds me of her, not in looks, but in character. his friend was half muttering to himself as he climbed into his vintage sports car and waved goodbye.

Sudden hunger pangs reminded Richard that he had skipped breakfast and now lunch. Before driving home, he must get something from Utrecht’s Station Mall.

Driving Home to Apeldoorn

After he collected his lecture schedule at the faculty office, his mind drifted back to the talk. Gosh, if what Trevor Zwiegelaar had explained held truth, he’d better look at his research material.

Richard took the A1 to Apeldoorn while the thought-provoking topic of ‘Chambers and Passageways into the Future’ lingered. The same Trevor had spoken over the radio a few weeks previously. Occasionally, Theo, his brother, mentioned the name Trevor Zwiegelaar when they used to have beer on the balcony of his flat in Apeldoorn. The memory of Theo’s passing made him turn on the radio to distract his mood.

Heavy raindrops started to hit the car roof when the radio announcer interrupted the popular hit tunes from the nineties with a special bulletin...

Building developments at the Pleasure Parks construction site in France have stopped due to the kidnapping ...

He almost didn’t see the car in front making a last-minute decision to slow down to make a left-hand turn. He pushed his brake pedal flat on the floor to avoid a collision. The word ‘kidnapping’ still lingered when his adrenalin rush settled down. The windscreen wipers worked ferociously through the downpour when radio Utrecht filled his car interior again.

This violent incident has been the result of trouble that has been brewing for a while. These new events will probably expose many disturbing facts about the whole area of the estate, which is now under investigation by Interpol and the Green Peace movement. The rumours of high deposits of gold that had shown up in the readings of two geologists recently could have triggered the latest development.

Gosh! Ingrid Barendse worked for Pleasure Parks. He met her at the genetic decoding workshops he joined in April. He recalled the aerial photo on the CD she had given him to look at a few weeks back.

An announcement about Trevor Zwiegelaar arriving at the studio...but a call on his cell phone muted the radio, so he missed the introduction of Trevor Zwiegelaar. Damn!

Richard speaking.

He now needed all his wits about him driving through a torrential downpour. He got distracted by the electronic billboard, which kept flashing the revolving words.

Philanthropist shot; fighting for his life! -

Then Connie’s voice came over the car speakers. Richard, do not forget to pick up the shopping from Nel.

Connie de Wit, a vibrant nineteen-year-old, was his assistant in the coffee bar The Pannekoek, which he managed for his aunt Mien Jaarsma, who was on holiday in South Africa.

Thanks; I’ll try to collect Nel, our cook’s request, on the way home; see you tomorrow. When he ended the call, the radio rang alive again...

Currently, a full-scale search is underway for the kidnappers, causing the postponement of construction of a sizable dodecahedron-shaped dome...

Trevor’s masterful voice was under distress.

Mr Zwiegelaar, have the kidnappers made any demands yet that will explain why ...

He lost the rest of the conversation when a truck hooted a loud warning to a cyclist about to cross the intersection in the pouring rain.

"We wish to make our listeners aware of the impending changes in Earth’s electromagnetic energy flow. Much more is at stake at this particular site in France, and what has happened now with the...

" His radio again disconnected, regardless of an incoming call he had blocked...It was Connie again; he could see it by the number. Oh well, he’d phone her from the flat.

Our goal is to uncover various conspiracies cleverly concealed from the masses. These revelations will ultimately impact all of humanity. We aim to inform the conscious and aware public and question the strange practices people have been engaging in for centuries.

Richard knew what the man was referring to, but what did the Pleasure Parks complex have to do with the whole affair? He had spoken to Ingrid over the phone about this new building site. His radio was affected by the thunderstorm because it started to crackle.

So, a holographic island will be installed at the resort, generating quantum energy waves to promote a deeper sense of self-awareness for visitors. This hologram island aims to awaken visitors to new levels of awareness?

Oh no! His radio crackled again, now that the interviewer had asked something interesting...

To explain the origin of your current source of chi, which is electromagnetic energy in nature, we must delve a little into Earth’s history. Millions of years ago, earth’s energy supply was only magnetic ...

Frustrated, he turned his unstable car radio off as he knew it was affecting his driving. Ingrid Barendse had shown an image from her laptop at the coffee bar. It was a photo taken from a great height. It showed a crop-circle pattern on the ground that resembled the Eye of Horus, a well-known Egyptian symbol. It covered the whole estate where ‘The Pleasure-Parks holiday resort consortium was building the new leisure complex. The photo had aroused his curiosity.

The enormous geodesic dome, as they had in Cornwall, would cover the whole eye image. Ingrid spoke to him last week, and she mentioned that there were problems with the dome and that her boss's house, Mr. Brinks, had been robbed. He was curious about the connection between the kidnapping and the person they took.

He switched the radio back on when he arrived in the street where he lived to hear the radio announcer thanking Mr Trevor Zwiegelaar for his willingness to talk at such short notice.

Richard's flat in Apeldoorn

At his late brother Theo’s flat, he stumbled over a pile of clothes for the laundrette; all he could think of was the aerial photo with that symbol. Clothes, books and more paperwork muffled a penetrating ringing sound. Gosh, he did need to clean up! Which reminded him of Nel’s juice extractor and her shopping, which he’d forgotten to collect.

Richard speaking, he gasped after locating the portable phone under the pile of papers. All he heard was heavy breathing. Sensing someone swearing momentarily, but then he was cut off. That was all he needed: a wrong number!

His whole body was stiff from sitting at the computer for four hours. He almost knocked his coffee mug over his keyboard. He decided to check his e-mail and go to bed. An email had just come in, and he was startled to see the name T. Zwiegelaar.

——- Original Message ——-

From: T Zwiegelaar


Subject: Thank you

Dear Mr de Jong

Thank you for the invitation to your lecture on the seventh of this month. I’m sorry that I cannot attend as I will be in Zurich that day. First, I would like to express my sadness about the departure of your brother, Theo de Jong, whom I greatly admired. He was a diligent researcher and an expert in his field. A relative told me that you are following in his footsteps. I was disappointed to have missed your trip to Egypt in October last year. I heard it was well organized. I met your father long ago in Egypt and would like to get acquainted with you soon. I will contact you shortly to discuss your fascinating interpretations. Thank you for sharing your unusual insights.



Talk about coincidence; the man knew both Theo and his dad! He suddenly remembered that Annelies’ maiden name from his decoding workshop was also Zwiegelaar. It was a very uncommon name. They must be related.

After making himself a late snack, he returned to his brother’s PC to look up some files to support his coming lecture. The rain had stopped, and the sounds of frogs applauding Mother Nature triggered his spirit of adventure. He would have loved to reply to Trevor, but his intuition told him to go to bed, so he disconnected his phone.

Whenever the anticipation of a dream journey overcame him, he knew he would meet Theo during his astral travels. This year, he conducted most of his historical research in the early morning hours after jotting down his dreams upon waking up. These days, he moved out of his body quite naturally compared to the first time.

He vividly recalled the first time he had experienced consciously leaving his body. Just before he drifted off...the dot within the circle came into his mental view...Theo and his memory took over...

Something unusual was going on inside his body. It seemed as if he were loose. He felt almost as if he were getting smaller, and yet another part of him was getting larger. His body became a tingling sensation. The vibrational feelings that penetrated right through everything startled him at first...but... when he found himself suspended in space and saw his body still on the bed...feelings of sheer terror gripped him. As he suspected what happened, he felt his heart palpitate. He had read about astral travelling, but he was nevertheless stunned...

The room appeared very bright, as if the evening sun shone! This weird awareness grappled him as he grasped that he saw everything simultaneously! Then, a robust and merry laugh from somewhere told him he was not alone. A grey substance that took on a human shape became increasingly accurate. For a second, he wondered if he was dreaming because Theo looked the same as when they had last been camping together. He somehow sensed that Theo was enjoying his surprise.

What happened to me? I surely did not die? His thoughts shouted in silence. The figure of a man who looked like his brother came closer and placed his hands on his forehead. Theo’s hands...felt very real...and firm! His emotions somersaulted, questioning if this was for real!

Theo, is that you? Feelings of great joy overwhelmed him. He was shaking his brother’s shoulders to satisfy himself. Theo was alive!

How are you? What are you doing? Why am I here? Did you help me get out of my body? His mind raced, not comprehending what he was seeing.

Hi buddy, I had to give you plenty of shuffles! Don’t worry, I’m fine and having a great time, as you will see for yourself.

Had he honestly heard those words? He again looked back down at his own physical body lying on the bed. There he was, apparently asleep and seemingly unaware of what had happened! Then something changed in his eyes! His body on the bed looked darker and felt queer and faint, as if nothing was solid anymore. Was he moving into his own body? His mind had to get used to new surroundings, adjusting to the unfamiliar scenery. A faint luminous glow came from his physique, which spread through all the flesh and even the sheets and became transparent. It was a weird sensation. He was staring right through his body!

Yep, this is how you would look if you already had X-ray eyes. Clairvoyants have these perceptions developed, and there are many degrees and stages. Our fleshly form is condensed energy that moves in a grid of vertical and horizontal flowing pulsations. When Theo placed his hands over his forehead again, Richard saw that his body was getting fainter and more ethereal looking, and it extended further outside his skin, which he found rather beautiful. Something was in constant movement while he heard a penetrating beat of what, his heart?

Well, yes and no. You observe your life force as a moving, pulsating current. This essence of life flows through the living ether like your blood that runs through your veins! He bent closer. His body on the bed started to look ghostlike. The shimmering light-blue/green colour that was once his flesh became tiny interlaced threads that, like a spider’s web, took on the shape of a human form. Peering even nearer, he saw millions of conductor tubes through which a pale blue/green light raced backwards and forward. Was that him?

You bet everything that uses chi: humans, animals and plants all have these life force currents that activate matter. Everything is energy! it's your double or... let’s call it the etheric double, which acts as a conductor. With astonishment, he observed the incredible beauty of his body but from a very different viewpoint. He was pretty satisfied with his six-foot medium-frame physical form. He had an almost constant-suntanned look, and women loved his thick, wavy, dark-brown shoulder-length hair, but this!

Theo, is my mind seeing this? Where is my mind, in the past or...? Oh, all his book reading had not prepared him for this phenomenon. Richie, learn first to see your etheric form as an elemental being.

He was so confused; how real was all this? Richie, before I left, I was given a glimpse of how I would assist you from behind the veil.

Did he hear Theo speak? Amazingly, he saw clouds of grey mist shapes passing by in his bedroom!

Come, I will show you. Let’s take your new experience slowly. Theo took his hand and almost pushed him inside one of these formless shapes that seemed to move past them. He was startled at what he saw. A misty human shape was appearing inside these ghostly shapes. Like his own! What he saw must be the essence of a being!

You’ve got it. The etheric body contains the sensory or physical body, like a core. This essence is the densest in vibration. When he looked back at his body, suddenly, everything looked smoky. What was happening?

Hey, now we are looking like ghosts! Gosh, how weird!

Richie, I will try to answer all your questions and introduce you to POWAH, but you must first get familiar with your inner space travel arrangements. I’ll help you stimulate your holographic sight, an extension of your physical sight. Once your mind has adjusted, it will start interrelating what you experience from now on. He kept thinking about how he got to do it...having an out-of-body experience. Was he inside his dream?

Richie, you can come directly to this plane of consciousness where I will be waiting. Now, you must look back into the etheric plane, directly below it, for a better term. Watch!Wow, everything seemed to light up, like rays of coloured lights, interlacing, mixing, separating, and blending. It reminded him of kaleidoscope patterns. Even the grey, smoky substance when he peered at Theo’s astral body was complete in every detail. Even what looked like clothes were glowing like a light bulb.

"Are you going on a hike somewhere? I see you are wearing your hiking clothes?" Was Theo for real?

"Oh, am I? Gosh, I’ve given no thought to what I was wearing," Richard marvelled at how they conversed. It was as if he was talking to himself, but mentally.

Theo, did I unknowingly make that up? The way they communicated astonished him.

Yep, your mental body immediately manifests your thoughts on this plane. In your physical reality, it's called telepathy. On the fourth dimension, the mental field translates thoughts into colourful, moving symbols. So be aware! Any thought projection materialises in the astral matter, but it’s nothing like physical matter; it is much finer and much higher vibration. Here, every thought creates astral matter, whereas on the physical plane, what one sees with one inner sight – if empowered by strong emotion, turns into physical matter. Were those his brother’s thoughts he heard? He could feel that his life force was pulsating from pure awesomeness.

You are still ‘the doubting Thomas’, aren’t you? Where do you want to go?

"Go where?

I don’t know. I’ll leave it to you, Theo formulated words silently. Seeing him alive and standing in his bedroom filled him with a sense of certainty that anything was possible. However, he hesitated to move, unsure if it was real. When he saw Theo leaving through the window, he hoped his brother did not expect him to travel along!

Buddy, get used to the idea that the force of gravity is gone on this astral plane! He saw Theo’s swirling energy form, shooting out colours as he moved. Theo laughed. Richard got used to the idea that his brother could read his thoughts. He observed that some colours moved with him as well.

You are confused between our auras, but I am impressed with yours. I sense that you haven't found the right partner yet. Theo’s proper girlfriend remark made him mentally squint intently into the atmosphere.

Tell me, what do you see? while trying to distinguish between the eddying colours of his light bubble and the brilliance of his brother.

Richie, on the higher astral planes, your soul blends with the mental and emotional planes. Those colours you see mingling are your emotions. You will learn about that in the decoding workshop you will soon join. Come along, let’s go. He felt Theo’s hand in his. Suddenly, the sensation of travelling at high speed followed. As they moved away, many formless shapes passed by.

We call them earth souls; leave them for now. There is much to explore already. Then, a void of nothingness engulfed him; he clutched onto Theo for dear life.

Theo, I would like to get back again! Hoping his brother would understand.

You are attached to your physical, bud, aren’t you? Stop worrying, look! a thin glowing coil danced behind him like a kite tail in the wind. So, it was true! It was the silver cord he had read about! The sense of incredible speed, for there was no headwind or any resistance at all, abruptly stopped! He sensed a seriousness coming from Theo.

Before we go any further, I want you to think and observe, then ask yourself, ‘Who are you?’ For a second, he felt numb, and then he knew.

I’m all of this simultaneously! Theo’s eyes filled with love. He intuitively knew he’d passed a test.

Yes, you have; it’s of the utmost importance that you are awake to this state of being. If you were not, your Soul would not have been strong enough to travel in these inner spiritual realms while having a physical body. As he heard those thoughts, he felt himself glowing, as if he had become light.

Buddy, you have just created a light body to travel in, congratulations. Really? How did he formulate a light body?

It’s through a love force. You must first strengthen this experience to recall the adventures of your spiritual journeys. Let’s go! Again, a sensation of speed overtook him.

Astral matter must give your mental body the impression of terrific speed. Here, it makes no difference because we travel by thought!

Whose thoughts? he pondered when suddenly he observed tall houses over. Rotterdam! He recognised the harbour! But the period was wrong. The streets reminded him of old photos. And should it not be dark? After all, it was evening.

Now, now come, there is no night or day here. What you see is heavenly light. Those in physical embodiments, their astral part is asleep when they are awake in the sensory world. Soon, you will join Annelies's body codes of light workshop and learn more. For now, let’s go and do some inner space exploring,

This woman, Annelies, must have been an exceptional friend. He wondered if Theo could see into the future because, looking around him, it looked like a scene from the past.

Gosh, Richie, there is no concept of time; Time is an adaptation to speed! Past and future aren’t separate locations. Our Over-Soul stores our genetic records of a physical incarnation with the Akashic record keeper, which is your Higher Self. As those thoughts penetrated his mind, he wondered if his Soul was as aware of this realm as he was mindful of the physical. Theo mentally replied.

Annelies’ decoding workshop will help you observe your akashic libraries to reconnect with your genetic lineages consciously. Her workshop is all about a card game with a difference; it’s to awaken star seeds, light workers and walk-ins. I will gradually explain the difference between the three conscious embodiments and the many other dimensions. Don’t ask any questions just yet. Let’s first see how well you can move your butt in the astral.

Wow, he marvelled at how real it all appeared. The harbour city’s pavements were busy, but this did not make any difference to Theo as they joined other pedestrians. Whenever he wanted to jump out of the way, he kept losing his sense of balance. Theo just walked through people! He had to try it, but the idea was strange! Richard saw a woman walking towards him hurriedly; whoosh! he did it! ... It felt like he was passing through a small, formless cloud of mist. One minute, he was in it, then through it! He was slowly getting the hang of it!

When Richard peeked at Theo, he observed a different set of clothes! His brother grinned.

So, you noticed? I was wondering how long it would take. I changed because the moment one thinks of an outfit, it immediately manifests. Richard thought of his ex-wife, Ellie, who was obsessed with clothes. Gosh, she would have had fun here!

That is where she remembers it from,

What do you mean? Did others do this but never tell him?

Everyone visits different levels of the astral planes during sleep depending on the awareness level of the dreamer, but most don’t remember any of it because the Soul is confused by the first lower levels with distorted thoughts. That’s why nightmares or confusing dreams discourage the Soul from investigating. Richard knew that it could mean many things when he recalled dreams or just the symbols, but to experience it like this made it so much more real!

Richie, I’m preparing you for our coming assignment. Don’t ask too many questions; experience what you perceive for now. Later, it will make more sense. Remember, time is not an issue as everything happens now. Theo had placed his hands over his eyes again for him to focus on his mental eye, as he called it. Suddenly, he was drawn inside a tubular vortex, again moving at a terrific speed.

What I’m showing you is from the Akashic records of an individual Soul within our ancestral lineage. We are observing the records of one embodiment upon the Earth plane. Just observe. He saw a stocky man in old-fashioned mining gear bending over what looked like mummies.

That’s right! During World War II, thieves stole mummies from royal cemeteries on the west bank of the Nile across from Luxor. Where was this old, dark, and dusty workplace? It was not in the Valley of the Kings. He wondered what was so special about these rows of mummies. It was fantastic to be an observer. The older man was carefully removing the bandages!

Watch for the gold foil sheets that are underneath. This English archaeologist knew that the symbols on these ancient, fragile sheets, dated before the original Sumerian pictographs, contained important information about our genetic lineages. Very carefully, the man removed the foil. It was so brittle; He was puzzled about deciphering the embossed writing on the brittle surface. The man didn't have the equipment they had today. Did Theo mean that these mummies dated back to before the Archaic period?

Yes! Remember that I always searched for recorded scripts on what happened during the last cosmic closure.

"No, not really. Richard remembered an old historical record inscribed on palm leaves inherited from their dad. What he saw now was completely different.

All these embossed sheets have the Language of Light symbols engraved, which we now know are dated from an earlier Atlantean age. Did you know that the Old Babylonian dialect remained undocumented until much later? Theo’s excitement was contagious. With fascination, he studied the walls of the cave. Where were they? It felt as if he was somewhere where centuries of experimentation on human and animal bodies on the wall of the cave. Gold-painted glyphs that portrayed part human and animal figures were everywhere.

Looking back at the older man, the dust and grime of centuries were gently removed from a broken sheet under the bright floodlight of the miner’s lamp onto the man’s forehead.

Every Soul passionate to awaken through the physical form will have to activate their immortal, etheric double, the original blueprint. That sounded like a mammoth task. He wondered if the archaeologist knew they were watching him.

No, but nothing is a secret. Look closely. His mental eye could see the bending man had a yellowish moving mass that merged with other darker colours mixed with flecks of grey and black.

As you can see, his auric field corresponds to every thought and feeling as it gathers information. Richie, please remember what you saw when you wake up. Practice remembering! That’s the most difficult challenge to master. Only then will you strengthen your etheric body How would he know if it was not just a silly dream?

You will intuitively know. Learn to recall where you have been during dream time. When you travel back through the denser distorted maze of thought projections from other dreamers, the nearer you get back into your fleshy butt, the thicker the distortion. Theo’s explanation encouraged him to touch the fragile-looking gold foil sheets. A Deja-vu reflection flooded his mind for a split second when he saw one of the symbols.

You will find that the symbols were of a primal seed language. We never considered that they were songs. Had he seen those gold-embossed sheets before?

Yes, you have.

At once, Theo made him recall the photos! They had suddenly appeared, so Theo had said. How could he have forgotten how laboriously they swatted over them together? His emotions accelerated.

Richie, we were recalling our experiences from a long-gone world. It withstood the test of time. What stood the test of time? Had Theo found out what was on the gold sheets? It felt like he was being drawn back to his body when he recalled his childhood. From the day his father took him into the Great Pyramid at Giza and other temples when Richard was only four and Theo sixteen, Richard had been fascinated by ancient pictographic languages. Still, it felt like he knew the message! He heard Theo’s mental chuckle.

At some point, you will obtain the knowledge you are searching for, and I assure you that it will be at the appropriate time. Someone stored ancient knowledge, made of gold, in pure crystal skulls....Now it was getting more fantastic. Crystal Skulls! If Theo knew the message, why didn’t he?

These crystal skulls carry the codes of this creation. Their information will awaken you to realise who you are and who you are not. Richie, this assignment for both of us will start soon.

He was still mulling over Theo’s mental voice when he was back inside a spinning tube again, travelling at a terrific speed.

As he moved to a near-awakening awareness, he recalled that Ingrid had spoken about a guide named ‘POWAH’ who had contacted her through the computer, of all things! But she had been timid about revealing her experiences. After one of Annelies ' ascension workshop classes, they had all been having coffee at the Pannekoek.

He realised he was floating above his body and slipped back with a terrific jolt.

As he stretched while looking at the clock... 7:30 a.m., he was stunned about his dream! It all came back! The old-fashioned clothes of the man, the mummies! Had he experienced an almost identical dream but had not remembered it before? Gosh, a lot had happened since that first astral travel experience, especially when his brother introduced him to POWAH, an Alpha and Omega council spokesperson for the Ninth astral sector. That’s what Theo had said.

He remembered seeing and hearing Theo, but the rest was vague. He recalled Theo telling him his assignment on the second level of the body code of light's workshop had begun.

Traffic noises from early risers penetrated his mind while lying between his rumpled sheets. He still pondered in absolute disbelief. He did it! He knew that the vibrations that felt like gooseflesh worked! It had truly separated him from his body! He wondered how many other people used a similar technique.

He took a deep breath and tried the remote viewing skill. Theo taught him to remember what he would call a lucid dream.

The clear image of hieroglyphic symbols embossed on the golden sheets stirred his brain into action.

Three years ago, Theo told him that he had received six photos through the post. There was no sender address, but he recalled that they both had swatted for hours over each image of an enlarged palm leaf with symbols they thought were ancient Egyptian. Was the text unfamiliar because it was a seed language?

That thought got him. Theo had assigned a unique number to every photo he had stored. This detail was something that he remembered clearly. He got up, stumbled to the kitchen, switched on his juice maker and peeked through the vertical blinds. It was sunny.

Theo had assigned a unique number to every photo he had stored. This detail was something that he remembered clearly. A piece of paper with Theo's handwriting was attached, along with a title linked to a website with his name.

Tablet One

He recalled the symbols on the header to read: - The Prophet Game

Each paragraph starts with a symbol, translated by Theo de Jong—to be a letter of the English alphabet, especially the third paragraph. It almost reads like poetry. He wondered who created the link to an online page.

Wow! He was flabbergasted. It had taken them ages to translate each symbol into the text that followed, but they could never understand it. As he read it repeatedly, he was amazed by the genetic map referral he thought to be the palm prints in everyone’s hands! The symbols looked familiar.

They reminded him of last year when he had participated in a mind-drawing doodling course with Tieneke de Beer. She had often mentioned the Language of Light.

His analogue drawings started to look like the pictorial symbols from the Egyptian temples, but he could still not link this message.

Because they had fascinated him for as long as he could remember, he disregarded his mind-drawings. Theo must have got it, but he never shared it with him. He knew that Theo had explained it.

In his dream, was Theo implying that ‘they’ wrote the ancient symbolic text? He must have meant their swatting two years ago! No wonder Theo always appeared happy and content and readily accepted his diagnosis. He must have had a terrific revelation. When he intuitively heard,

Everything that has manifested has a purpose. Trevor Zwiegelaar's lecture kept reminding him that they were all participating in the prophet’s game of creation itself.

In his mind, he saw the magnificent and colourful Hieroglyphic drawings on the temple walls of Nubia when he heard the words, "Undisputed evidence from a wealth of meticulously recorded sources verifies that together, the human race originates on planet Earth during her five previous evolution stages, arriving at the fifth post-Atlantean age.

Chapter 2

The Dimensions of a Human Experience


The sun had disappeared, and threatening clouds guaranteed more rain as Richard drove to the Pannekoek coffee bar. The electronic billboard above Yolanda de Wit’s bookshop with the heading: ‘Pleasure-Parks new site in France has been sabotaged.’ got his attention.

The radio announcer who had interviewed Trevor the day before and the newsflash above the ‘Power of Words’ bookshop sign made him think of Ingrid again! He parked his Honda and sprinted past ‘Pleasure-Parks complex. The coffee bar’s phone shrilled for his attention as he disengaged the alarm censors. It was the wholesaler. He confirmed a large grocery order to be delivered the next day. The Pannekoek was getting busier towards the weekend due to many visitors to the palace Het Loo. It is one of the many popular tourist attractions near Apeldoorn. Connie had left everything from the day before in perfect order.

Richard, please open, I’m getting wet! Nel Hartman, his kitchen manager, called through the glass front door. She had joined his staff after his aunt had phoned from South Africa, asking if he could use her. His aunt still lived in South Africa while the farm murders were going on. He often wondered why she had not returned earlier to Holland during the bad times; He kept updated about what was happening there.

Nell was a close friend of his aunt, who had lost her job and was made redundant. Nell was in her early sixties, short and dumpy with a sense of humour, an absolute gift. She introduced many interesting new dishes. Because of her enthusiasm, employing her started to pay off. Aunty Mien would be pleased when she returned from South Africa in September. Now that the business was picking up, he needed to look for more help. Nell was commenting about the weather and asking about the juice extractor he was supposed to bring when she stacked her umbrella away. He made a weak excuse for his slip-up. Nell disappeared into the kitchen, shaking her head.

Connie was a bubbly, pretty girl but far too young for him. He would turn thirty-seven in August, which made him question his feelings towards Debbie Barendse, a stunning blonde with the most bottomless blue eyes he’d ever seen. He wasn’t madly in love with her, which, for a change, had prevented him from sleeping with her.

He later wondered if he knew what being in love was like. It had been a short, passionate affair with Ellie that ended in her getting pregnant. When he took Zola to the movies, she reminded him of Ellie, coquettish and needy, even if she was interested in the same immortality philosophies. With her, the topic of immortality was probably just a buzzword she hooked onto for kicks. Not him. Although believable enough, he had always suspected that ageing and dying somehow smacked of a lie. What was the point of creating a species meant to evolve but within a ridiculously short lifespan? Even the scriptures mention that the human race lived for hundreds of years at one time.

The women who were all participating in the same ascension workshops, as Annelies called it sometimes, were, like him, genuinely inspired by her theories. He had joined Annelies’ genetic decoding classes three months ago, and he especially enjoyed the women’s company just as much as the few men, except for Wim and Zola. Those two were somehow out of place.

Vinny’s new girlfriend’s voice had triggered his curiosity, but she was taboo, being his friend’s girlfriend. So...was he turning into a firm bachelor?

While he took the chairs from the tables, Nell asked, Richard, when is your friend Liesbeth going to update the menu?

Oh, I forgot. Are there any more dishes you want to add? Nell passed her the list they had discussed.

During the tour last October, he’d met Liesbeth Jaarsma, a very handsome, tall, dark-haired woman, in Egypt. She also lived in Apeldoorn. She was a freelance editor for a few magazines and had introduced Ingrid to him. Liesbeth, apart from Theo, made him curious about Annelies’ unusual ascension workshops. Theo had always talked about Annelies, which reminded him that he would soon take over from Ingrid, writing a journal on the second level of Annelies Zwiegelaars’ workshops. Gosh! Hadn’t Theo said that his assignment on the second level had begun?

A brassy-looking female with a young boy and an older woman entered the coffee bar. The young woman reminded him of Zola. At first, he had been flattered by Zola’s flirty behaviour, but her daring outfits and her neediness got to him. She was not his type. He turned on the music to liven up the place and went to the pantry while they decided what to order.

Nell poked her head around the kitchen door, reminding him to order olive oil because they were getting low.

When he returned from the pantry, he saw the flashy woman snooping behind the counter while the youngster kicked against the steel safe on the floor.

He was furious. The brassy girl looked familiar, but the heavy layers of face paint distracted his memory. He got rid of them quickly, catching the two in their snooping act. The older woman threw the menu at him and followed out the door.

He calmed down as he mulled over his dream. Last week, he confided to Liesbeth about his remote viewing abilities during Dreamtime. Many people would have been sceptical, but she accepted it as usual. He did not need to prove anything to others, only to himself, but she was the first woman friend he could be himself with.

As he switched on his aunt’s old Pentium, the USB stick beside the monitor reminded him that Ingrid had never returned to fetch it last week.

He’d better take it home. Something about the images made him uneasy, but the phone stopped his brooding.

The Pannekoek

Oh...Richard, have you heard? Debbie’s agitated voice cried out.

Heard what?

Mom was kidnapped yesterday!

Ingrid... kidnapped?

What do you mean? It was not like Debbie, her daughter, to be melodramatic, almost bordering on hysterical. Abductions belonged to the movies, after all!

It all happened yesterday afternoon an hour away from Paris. sobs punctuated her words, and she gasped when Debbie related her mother’s ordeal. The word ‘kidnapping’ and shooting on the radio and the bulletin newsflash jolted him back to Debbie’s story. The philanthropist! Could it have been Toon Haardens, Ingrid’s boyfriend, who got shot?

Debbie, where are you phoning from? The nerves in his gut tightened.

I’m at the hospital. I’m on duty in the children’s ward. I’m getting off at five, and then I’ll revisit Toon. He’s still in intensive care. Oh, Richard, I never knew about Mom and Toon. Toon is still very weak, and they all worry he might not make it. My sister dropped all her work and has gone up in a plane this morning with mom’s boss, Mr Brinks, to take aerial photos of the area where she got abducted. Debbie’s despair rubbed off. He liked Toon and Ingrid. He wondered what karma was playing out, thinking of Annelies’ theories.

"Debbie, I’ll contact Annelies.

Orphanage of Souls: Awakening to our Ascension series, #2 (2024)


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

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Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.